similar to: RCov / RSpec segfaults on Ubuntu

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2009 Feb 02
[RSpec] rcov and/or rexml bug?
Hi, Running: Ruby 1.8.7 p72, RSpec 1.1.12 and rcov, I get the following error message with $ rake spec:rcov -- /usr/local/ruby1.8.7//lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb:131:in `[]'': no implicit conversion from nil to integer (TypeError) from /usr/local/ruby1.8.7//lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb:131:in `wrap'' from
2008 Sep 13
rake does recognize "rake examples_with_rcov"
Hi, Q1 - Know why rake doesn''t recognize "rake examples_with_rcov" per ? Q2 - Also when I run "rake spec:rcov" it seems to give me the same as if I just run "autotest" or "rake spec". I was expecting a heap of pointers to code I haven''t tested?
2006 Mar 16
Re: rcov 0.2.0 - code coverage tool for Ruby
On 3/14/06, David Holroyd <> wrote: > On Wed, Mar 15, 2006 at 02:23:04AM +0900, Mauricio Fernandez wrote: > > On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 09:27:14AM +0900, David Holroyd wrote: > > > On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 01:31:11AM +0900, Mauricio Fernandez wrote: > > > > Source code, additional information, screenshots... available at > >
2008 Sep 14
rake spec:rcov => [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24) [i386-mswin32]
i have a rails app that tests fine with "rake spec" but gets a segmentation fault when "rake spec:rcov" is run. i am on windows xp, ruby 1.8.6, rails 2.1.1, mysql 5 my app is at so maybe someone can try to replicate my error so i know if the problem is with my code or something installed on my pc. here is a copy of my shell
2008 Mar 17
RSpec and RCov with JRuby
Hi, I am using JRuby (trunk) and wrote a bunch of specifications for my code. Everything works fine so far. Now I am trying to integrate RCov in my test run. I have installed RCov without the C extensions. I tried it with a simple script and it worked (pretty slow, but it doesn?t matter). But when I add the rcov options to my Rake task, RCov is not invoke properly! Rakefile:
2008 Sep 09
cucumber - mark a step as pending
I love the way I can throw a call to pending() in the top of an unfinished RSpec example and stop it from failing the build. Is there a similar way to do such a thing with good ole'' cucumber? cheers, Matt ---- In case you wondered: The opinions expressed in this email are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of any former,
2008 Oct 11
Test Coverage Tool for TDD?
Hi, I''m learning TDD without using Shoulda or RSpec. When I played with RSpec, there was a tool to show test coverage visually. Is there any similar function built-in to Rails Test::Unit? Or do I need to add it on my own? What''s the recommended tool? I tried `rake -T test`, but didn''t find anything about coverage. -Jon
2008 Aug 15
Autotest and subclasses / namespaces
I am writing a controller admin/cities_controller.rb it inherits from AdminController, so it''s defined like class Admin::CitiesController > AdminController Whenever I save the controller file, autotest freaks out: uninitialized constant Admin::AdminController (NameError) I''m pretty used to just hitting CTRL-C to get autotest to re-load all the files, or flicking to
2008 Aug 27
I found myself having to write this today: class ArrayMatcher def initialize(array_to_match) @array_to_match = array_to_match end def ==(other) ok = true @array_to_match.each do |item| ok = ok and other.include?(item) end ok end end def array_including(array_to_match) end Is there already something in the
2008 Sep 26
BDD / cucumber thought - chaining ''Then'' steps with Which
Going back to the debate about keeping state between steps, I found myself with the mild urge to be able to write this today: Given there is a user And the user has 20 friends Then I should see a thumbnail of each of the users''s friends Which should be a link to the user profile page for that friend NB: An idiom in this which may be songkick-only but was inspired by what
2009 Feb 03
Rcov - Specifying rake tasks
I am trying to get a customized rcov rake task working. What I have so far looks like this: desc "Rcov code coverage reports" require ''rcov/rcovtask'' require ''spec/rake/spectask'' require ''cucumber/rake/task'' task :rcov => "rcov:all" namespace :rcov do do task :rcov =>
2007 Oct 27
rake spec:rcov failing
Running rails 1.2.3, rcov (, rspec trunk (2865) - When running rake spec:rcov, I''m getting the following: Finished in 245.717813 seconds 856 examples, 0 failures, 48 pending /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/text.rb:292:in `normalize'': private method `gsub'' called for 0:Fixnum (NoMethodError) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/element.rb:1084:in
2008 Sep 24
How to define request.domain in when testing
Hi, My application relies on request.domain for doing its job. The problem I am encountering, is that when running tests, request.domain returns "", how can I change that so that it returns ""? Thanks in advance. -- Posted via
2008 Jun 07
rcov causing a segmentation fault on rspec 1.1.4 and rails 2.1
Hello again :) I''m trying to run rcov on my specs here but i''m getting a lot of segmentation faults (and they usually happen at different places): /home/mauricio/NetBeansProjects/reeds/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/attribute_methods.rb:211: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24) [i486-linux]
2008 Dec 04
Cucumber and Rcov
I am now trying to get rcov to work for me, without much success. I stole the rake task code from the cucumber site: desc "Run all features" task :features => "features:all" task :features => ''db:test:prepare'' require ''cucumber/rake/task'' #I have to add this -mischa namespace :features do do |t|
2007 Apr 09
RCov results seem to include the spec files
I saw the RCov page at and decided to add it to my project. My rakefile looks like this: require "rake" require "spec/rake/spectask" desc "Run all specs with RCov""spec:rcov") do |t| t.spec_files = FileList["spec/**/*_spec.rb"] t.rcov = true end When I run rake spec:rcov,
2007 Sep 24
Is Rcov working with Jruby now?
Hello everyone: I am currently assigned to test a big project which uses JRuby to build a web application. The reason of using JRuby is the web application is communicating with Java Service. I am writing test cases using Rspec and looking for a code coverage tool. Rcov is no doubt a nice code coverage tool. However, it is said that Rcov is not compatible with JRuby so far. Sigh....I can not
2007 Apr 24
Installation problem in rcov
Hi, I am trying to install the code coverage for Ruby(rcov).. but it is giving the following error message in commmand prompt. Used Ruby Version Ruby - 1.8.5 Rails - 1.2.2 C:\ruby\rcov->ruby setup.rb ---> bin <--- bin ---> lib ---> lib/rcov <--- lib/rcov <--- lib ---> ext ---> ext/rcovrt c:/ruby/bin/ruby.exe C:/ruby/rcov- creating
2006 May 24
[tip] Test coverage
I was using rcov[1] on my tests and was pleasantly surprised to see that much of my code was being exercised, but somehow the number of lines of test code did not sync up with what I expected so I went looking for models and controllers that were missing unit and functional tests. Here is a rake task you can dump into your Rakefile or /lib/tasks. You can then run: rake missing_tests and it will
2007 May 25
Sorry to be a newb about this, but I''m trying to integrate rcov into my tests. I tried to follow the example located here: But to my dismay, I just don''t understand what to do. I tried to run that task in the rspec plugins directory, but it threw an error about pre_commit. Regardless though, I want to be able to rcov all of