similar to: Can someone please have a look at this query on stackoverflow?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Can someone please have a look at this query on stackoverflow?"

2023 Nov 17
Can someone please have a look at this query on stackoverflow?
Dear Ashim, I don't think the aspectratio is appropriate in this context because it would imply that the beamer (LaTeX) class is used but you're actually using the article (LaTeX) class. You may use specifications of the geometry package rather than specifying options to the class: e.g. replace your current header: --- title: "Testing landscape and aspect ratio" output:
2023 Nov 18
Can someone please have a look at this query on stackoverflow?
Dear Olivier, Many thanks for your reply. Very cool. You know what I thought ? I thought you had modified the A4 sheet size to compute the paperheight and paperwidth ? I wonder if that's another way of proceeding. Best, Ashim On Sat, Nov 18, 2023 at 12:51?PM Olivier Crouzet <olivier.crouzet at> wrote: > > Dear Ashim, > > these are documented in the LaTeX
2023 Nov 18
Can someone please have a look at this query on stackoverflow?
Dear Olivier, Many thanks for your reply. This works well for me. How did you come up with the pagewidth / pageheight numbers? I do understand that their ratio = 16:9, but how did you choose these numbers? Best Regards, Ashim On Fri, Nov 17, 2023 at 9:25?PM Olivier Crouzet <olivier.crouzet at> wrote: > > Dear Ashim, > > I don't think the aspectratio is
2023 Nov 18
Can someone please have a look at this query on stackoverflow?
Dear Ashim, these are documented in the LaTeX 'geometry' package (see for example on CTAN: As I added in my response on Stackoverflow, several parts in the RMarkdown header actually concern information that are processed by LaTeX to actually generate the PDF, among which the 'geometry' line. For someone who is used to working with LaTeX, it is
2023 Nov 18
Can someone please have a look at this query on stackoverflow?
And indeed again (I did not understand your previous question exactly at first), the 'hard-coded' definition of a landscape a4 sheet would therefore be: paperwidth=29.7cm, paperheight=21cm Olivier. On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 13:20:49 +0530 Ashim Kapoor <ashimkapoor at> wrote: > Dear Olivier, > > Many thanks for your reply. > > Very cool. > > You know
2018 Jul 18
Compilar libro con paquete bookdown (PDF)
Gracias, Victor. Tampoco es eso. Si saco la linea site: bookdown::bookdown_site Me sigue compilando en HTML, pero sin hacerlo en todos los capítulos si no solamente el del index.Rmd que tengo abierto. No puedo explicar cuanto me sorprende! Supongo que tendré algún puntito de alguna i que falta y al ponerlo me parecerá tontería. Pero ahora todavía es MISTERIO. 2018-07-18 11:03 GMT+02:00 Víctor
2018 Jul 17
Compilar libro con paquete bookdown (PDF)
Gracias por haberte tomado la molestia de indagar. Entiendo que es eso lo que hago en el encabezado YAML, basandome en la explicación del comienzo del punto 3 de acá: Eso mismo, con el documento que propone el propio Yihui (punto 1.2 del mismo libro) no lo consigo compilar a PDF. Y se me hace extrañísimo, porque tampoco me da error ni nada
2018 Jul 17
Compilar libro con paquete bookdown (PDF)
Según lo entiendo yo, a mí no me funciona. Lo intenté hacer, también, en la consola directamente. Preferiría poder hacerlo en el documento Rmd, pero de momento ni uno ni otro consigo. Si compila lo hace al libro GitBook y listo. Parece imposible. 2018-07-17 20:02 GMT+02:00 Javier Marcuzzi <javier.ruben.marcuzzi en> : > Estimado Juan Abasolo > > Yo no lo utilize pero leí
2018 Jul 18
Compilar libro con paquete bookdown (PDF)
Gracias, Javier, por la paciencia. Soy malo explicándome. Ese ejemplo que me das, que es el que da Yihui Xie, es el que no consigo compilar si no es a GitBook (que es HTML). El mismo Yihui propone en el libro al que nos referimos los dos y el ejemplo en cuestión (referido en el apartado Get Started) modificar el código YAML para compilar en PDF. Efectifvamente, lo que quiero es conseguir que
2018 Jan 07
SpreadLevelPlot for more than one factor
Dear All, I want a transformation which will make the spread of the response at all combinations of 2 factors the same. See for example : boxplot(breaks ~ tension * wool, warpbreaks) The closest I can do is : spreadLevelPlot(breaks ~tension , warpbreaks) spreadLevelPlot(breaks ~ wool , warpbreaks) I want to do : spreadLevelPlot(breaks ~tension * wool, warpbreaks) But I get : >
2018 Jan 07
SpreadLevelPlot for more than one factor
Dear Ashim, Try spreadLevelPlot(breaks ~ interaction(tension, wool), data=warpbreaks) . I hope this helps, John ----------------------------- John Fox, Professor Emeritus McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Web: > -----Original Message----- > From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On Behalf Of Ashim > Kapoor > Sent:
2018 Apr 18
Understanding which
Dear All, Here is a reprex: > x<- 1:100 > x[-which(x>100)] integer(0) In words, I am finding out which indices correspond to values in x which are greater than 100 ( there are no such items ) . Then I remove those indices. I should get back the x that I started with since there are no items in x which are bigger than 100 . Instead, it is returning an empty vector. Why is this ?
2018 Jan 07
SpreadLevelPlot for more than one factor
Dear All, we need to do : library(car) for the spreadLevelPlot function I forgot to say that. Apologies, Ashim On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 10:37 AM, Ashim Kapoor <ashimkapoor at> wrote: > Dear All, > > I want a transformation which will make the spread of the response at all > combinations > of 2 factors the same. > > See for example : > >
2018 Jan 14
SpreadLevelPlot for more than one factor
Dear Ashim, I?ll address your questions briefly but they?re really not appropriate for this list, which is for questions about using R, not general statistical questions. (1) The relevant distribution is within cells of the wool x tension cross-classification because it?s the deviations from the cell means that are supposed to be normally distributed with equal variance. In the warpbreaks data
2018 Jan 09
SpreadLevelPlot for more than one factor
Dear Sir, Many thanks for your reply. I have a query. I have a whole set of distributions which should be made normal / homoscedastic. Take for instance the warpbreaks data set. We have the following boxplots for the warpbreaks dataset: a. boxplot(breaks ~ wool) b. boxplot(breaks ~ tension) c. boxplot(breaks ~ interaction(wool,tension)) d. boxplot(breaks ~ wool @ each level of tension) e.
2006 Apr 16
Does anyone out there use dcolumn=TRUE in the latex() function in the Hmisc library? I would like to line up the data in a latex table I'm making using latex(), but I'm having some issues with this feature. Since there is no description of it in the help, I thought that it might be incomplete or something like that. On a related note, if anyone knows how to get the end result I want
2023 Jun 08
Cryptic error from stargazer
On Thu, 08 Jun 2023, Ashim Kapoor writes: > Dear All, > > I had done an automatic upgrade of my Debian 10 system which had also > upgraded R. > > I reinstalled the stargazer package and the error went away. > > Query : Do I need to reinstall all packages with each upgrade of R ? > > Best, > Ashim Your session info says "stargazer 5.2.2". What version
2020 May 14
rmd y pdf
Estimados quisiera tener el script para al hacer un pdf desde rmarkdown poder modificarle el tamano y tipo de fuente saludos José -- Dr. Jose A. Betancourt Bethencourt Universidad de Ciencias Medicas Carlos j. Finlay
2017 Oct 02
Default value of the option initial in the ses function in the forecast package.
Dear All, I am trying to use the function ses from the forecast package. >From its help I have : Usage: ses(y, h = 10, level = c(80, 95), fan = FALSE, initial = c("optimal", "simple"), alpha = NULL, lambda = NULL, biasadj = FALSE, x = y, ...) My query is that if I do not mention the initial value will its default value be "optimal". A MWE would be
2012 Dec 16
lyx knitr y toLatex
Hola. Estoy utilizando lyx con el módulo de knitr y tengo un problemilla con la función toLatex del paquete memisc. Pongo un ejemplo mejor. En Rstudio lo puedo hacer como sigue en un fichero Rnw. y la tabla en el pdf aparece alineada en el pdf. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{dcolumn} \begin{document} <<>>= library(memisc) X1 <- rnorm(1000) X2 <-