similar to: rescue_from failing to rescue [from]

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "rescue_from failing to rescue [from]"

2009 Feb 10
rescue_from for NoMethodError
Hi everyone, I was just trying to catch some exceptions in my app, for "Record Not Found" I used this in my application.rb file rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, :with => :record_not_found rescue_from ActionController::NoMethodError, :with => :show_error private def record_not_found render :text => "404 Not Found", :status =>
2008 Apr 30
rescue_from issue with AWS - uninitialized constant
The new rescue_from in edge rails seems to conflict with ActionWebService, which I need for various other purposes. When I define, for example (with AWS gem installed): <b>rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, :with => :page_not_found</b> I get the exception: <b>uninitialized constant ActionWebService::Dispatcher::ActionController::Base</b> OK, so AWS
2007 Oct 19
Patch idea for rspec_on_rails
I recently wrote a matcher for testing AR associations which allows you to specify things like: Foo.should have_many(:bars).through(:bazes) I''m pretty darned proud of it and a couple of people have suggested that I should submit it to the rspec_on_rails project. Before I go to the trouble of writing out rdoc and fully spec''ing it, I just wanted to make sure this was
2008 Oct 24
rescue_from and assert_raise
Since commit 5e3517ea7b9fbd460f772bffc9212d882011f2bc, rescue_from is now being handled in tests. I''ve been using rescue_from to handle custom exceptions and testing that those exceptions are raised in functional tests with assert_raise. This no longer works now. What''s the proper way to test this now? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this
2007 Oct 21
exact exceptions in rescue_from
rescue_from stores exception class names in a hash table, and associates them with handlers. When an exception is raised there''s a name lookup, and if an entry is found its handler is invoked. In particular rescue_from does not emulate Ruby''s rescue semantics with regard to inheritance. Which is the rationale? Don''t you think taking is_a? and declaration order
2009 Dec 25
rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError II
OK ... so I''m not supposed to use it but ... Why doesn''t rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError work witht he code from class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base helper :all # include all helpers, all the time # See ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection for details
2007 Dec 22
Rails 2.0 rescue_from
I am trying to use the new Rails 2.0 macro : rescue_from class PostsController < ApplicationController rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, :with => :deny_access ... def show @post = Post.find_by_id(params[:id]) raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound if @post.nil? #illegal access ..... end def deny_access respond_to do |format| format.html end end but the
2009 Apr 03
Truncated development log when using rescue_from
I''m noticing that my development.log messages are not showing the usual complete logging per request/response when I am catching exceptions from my controllers using rescue_from. I was wondering if anyone has ever encountered this issue before. I''m using Rails 2.2.2. Processing DomainsController#show to xml (for at 2009-04-03 16:41:38) [GET] Parameters:
2008 Aug 01
rescue_from ActionController::MethodNotAllowed
Hello, I''m having some trouble handing ActionController::MethodNotAllowed errors. Basically, the following is defined in my controllers, but obviously I''m missing something. Thanks in advance for any light you can shed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class UsersController < ApplicationController rescue_from ActionController::MethodNotAllowed, :with =>
2008 Sep 02
Rescue rails errors
Hi all, Sometime, I get the following error in my application: ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken in ManageController#site_servers ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken I tried to put the code in manage controller between begin ... rescue ... end but it didn''t catch the error. So I tried in the application.rb controller, I put the forgery code between begin ... rescue ...
2008 Aug 31
assigning collection values and exceptions
hi everyone, I''ve this code in my Report model: has_many :report_reasons, :validate => true has_many :reasons, :through => :report_reasons #, :uniq => true # :accessible => true def reason_attributes=(reason_attributes) reasons.clear reason_attributes.uniq.each do |reason| reasons << Reason.find_or_create_by_content(reason) end end
2008 Mar 19
Hi, whats the correct way to spec a rescue? This will raise it but doesnt test my code''s response # controller def edit @foo = Foo.find(params[:id]) rescue flash[:notice] = "Unknown foo #{params[:id]}" redirect_to foos_path end # spec it "should flash error if not found" do Foo.should_receive(:find).and_raise get :edit, :id
2007 Feb 24
Spec failing [Possible Bug with kind_of? and instance_of?]
I have a spec which is failing, but I just can''t say why. Maybe I''m missing something painfully obvious? Here is the pastie of the results & the spec: The spec to look for is "should have an array of users" I''ve printed out ("puts''ed") to the terminal the fact that the values are *opposite* to what
2009 Jun 25
installation problems
I'm running Wine 1.0.1, trying to get it to run various old programs: fractint, civ II, and most important: Pagemaker 6.5 . Even when I specify a graphics screen for the fractint, all I get on it is a text cursor which won't curse. Civ II installs nicely in the Wine "C" drive, but won't play --------------------------------------------------------- and the Pagemaker
2013 Nov 12
Hook into Exception Chain
Hi there, I''m using Log4r in my rails projects. On log.error an email is sent using the EmailOutputter. I know changed the EmailOutputter to include a global var in the subject (MDC) since the subject is normally static. I want to set this var to the exception message, so it is sent as the subject. Can anyone tell me how to do this in rails? Basically: raise e or some other cause
2009 Mar 20
bypass_rescue and its inverse
Hey, I''ve just started using rspec-rails 1.2 and the bypass rescue declaration is wonderful - by default I tend to write controller which raise exceptions (in exceptional circumstances), along with before- filters as guard clauses, so being able to switch off rescue from (which I properly spec separately) is a real boon. Such a boon, in fact, that I immediately shoved it into a
2007 Oct 20
Problems with form_for and partials
i''m having problem with a form_for situation where i''m trying to DRY out the repeated parts of my forms and put them in common/form and render the form elements via another partial in controller_name/_form. Here''s the first form # app/views/common/form <% form_for ... do |f| -%> <%= render :partial => "params[:controller]/form", :object => f
2007 Mar 29
How to restart server programmatically?
I need to be able to restart my server based on a specific database change. I''ve been trying a call to system("script/process/reaper -a graceful -d dispatch.fcgi") but that raises a transaction error which rolls back the save. I wasn''t aware that after_save would rollback. That''s potentially useful but pretty much not right now. Here''s my code: def
2006 Oct 31
Moving page_cache_directory
Howdy. I''m working on a RoR CMS and need cached pages to all be in public/cache rather than public [in order to set svn:ignore on all the files properly]. I can get page_cache_directory set correctly and the pages are cached in the right place but Mongrel isn''t serving them because it''s only looking for them in public. During development I know I can set -r public/cache
2008 Nov 17
Can't seem to test http error codes
in application.rb rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound { |e| http_status_code (:missing, e) } def http_status_code(status, exception) @exception = exception respond_to do |format| format.html { render :template => "shared/status_# {status.to_s}", :status => status } format.any { head status } end end in a controller project =