similar to: I want RSpec for CSS layout.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "I want RSpec for CSS layout."

2007 May 09
UI testing framework? (w/o selenium)
Hey all, I am currently working on coming up w/ an easy to use, developer-centric web testing framework to test a J2EE app with. (I have 3 rails apps in production, love rspec, and am currently at a java shop). I''ve looked at selenium, and it just doesn''t seem like it is ready for prime time, and the target audience is developers. So, having said that, does the rspec
2006 Nov 07
RSpec/Selenium start_browser_once patch?
The 0.7.0 vendor/selenium/README.txt references a "start_browser_once.patch" file. This doesn''t seem to be included in either the rspec or selenium-rc distributions, and Google finds nothing... where might I find that patch? Jay Levitt
2006 Nov 07
Should Selenium support be doing rollbacks?
Now that 0.7.0 is forcing me to write properly compartmented specs, I thought I''d give the "dead easy Selenium support" a try. Is it supposed to all the things that rspec normally does for me, or is it just for using rspec-like grammar to surround Selenium tests? Specifically, should it roll back the database between specifications? I just did a quick test, and the result
2006 Oct 16
subject.should_be true
As things stand now, the following will all pass: true.should_be true "true".should_be true "false".should_be true 3.should_be true etc My feeling is that "should_be true" should only pass if it returns boolean true even though ruby says that non-nil/non-false is true. Anybody else? David
2006 Nov 19
artificial sugar causes cancer
All, If you look at you''ll see that Chad (the submitter) found the source of the bug. Unfortunately, the source of *this* bug is the *solution* to a *previous bug* in which Rails was replacing RSpec''s method missing with its own. When we settled on underscores, my one reservation was
2006 Nov 19
underscores, sugar, and more and more bugs
I sent this earlier under with the subject "artificial sugar causes cancer" and I think some spam filters ate it. Here it is again: ====================================== All, If you look at you''ll see that Chad (the submitter) found the source of the bug. Unfortunately, the source
2012 Mar 07
Can't find the PostgreSQL client library (libpq)
When i try it start my ruby server i get a error that looks like rails server Could not find pg-0.12.2 in any of the sources Run `bundle install` to install missing gems. I dont know what to do Thanks for all the help -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this
2006 Dec 13
Testing has_many :through
I''m working with a has_many :through association, where a Member has_many Projects through ProjectViewers. The problem I''m running into is that Rails doesn''t load the association so line (3) fails until I explicitly access a member of the collection (in this case, I iterated it). Is there a better way? Thanks, Steve 1. assigns[:member].should_not_be_nil 2.
2006 Sep 06
support for arbitrary comparisons
Mike Williams contributed a patch to support arbitrary comparisons. This is now in the trunk and will be part of the next release. So you will now be able to do this: result.should_be < 5 result.should_be >= 7 It also supports alternate syntax for should_be, should_match result.should == 3 result.should =~ /regex/ Personally, I prefer should_be and should_match in these cases, as I think
2009 Oct 19
Treetop or like grammar for Markdown (in Ruby)
Has anyone seen any attempts to give Markdown a PEG (parsing expressions grammar) recognizable by some ruby PEG parser generator grammar like Treetop?
2007 Apr 09
changes in 0.8 and greater - should_
Has the should_... syntax changed? I''m getting errors when running the following: should_render(:index) should_be_valid should_not_be_valid should_respond_to should_be should_render I thought the syntax changed to something like the following: obj.should render(:index) but this doesn''t seem to work. Scott
2006 Jul 22
Non English characters
Hi folks, Does anyone know how to tackle Swedish letters in Rails. Am I completely off track in thinking that it should be done using map or regex in some clever way? Bealach
2009 Mar 31
[Cucumber] Running single feature from command line
I am using Cucumber 0.2.3 and am having problems running a single feature. In particular, the cucumber Textmate bundle was not working so I traced it back and discovered that I could not run single files or features from the command line either. My setup has the following line in cucumber.yml default: -r features/support/env.rb -r features/support/plain.rb -r features/steps
2007 Mar 14
What''s the new syntax for predicates?
@settings.should allow_publish_ip("") fails with undefined method `allow_publish_ip'' for #<#<Class:0x2f8fd48>:0x2f5a968> @settings.should_allow_publish_ip("") works fine This is rspec 0.8.2. says that matching arbitrary predicates is deprecated and to see
2006 Sep 07
Dead easy Watir AND Selenium
Yesterday I added some Watir examples to RSpec''s svn. Today I added some Selenium (actually - Selenium Remote Control) examples. It''s dead easy to use both, and the Ruby code you end up writing is actually quite similar. Here''s a taste: == Watir == require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/rspec_watir'' context "Google''s search page" do
2007 Feb 28
Specifying that code is called in a block
Not sure if this is possible currently. I have a section of code like this: ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do!!! end (Names changed to protect the innocent.) I''d like to specify that the saves run in a transaction. I can do ActiveRecord::Base.should_receive(:transaction).and_yield But is there any way to specify that the code is
2009 Nov 18
undefined method `register' for Polyglot:Module
Getting this error. I have the treetop, polyglot, and rspec libraries in the load_path (not installed as a gem). Any ideas? What defines the register method? /home/jvandyk/dev/web/wpn_rails/../../rcommon/lib/test/treetop/lib/treetop.rb:16: undefined method `register'' for Polyglot:Module (NoMethodError) from
2017 May 12
pjsip: asterisk can't decide which codec to use
Hello! I'm facing completely choppy sound. The wireshark trace shows, that there are a lot of codec changes without any trigger (means no options or reinvite or any other package). Background: The call is initiated by asterisk and is received by the same asterisk conference room via Phone extension -> asterisk -> provider A -> provider B -> asterisk. Asterisk initially sends
2007 Aug 13
Backtrace tweaker - broken or me?
Using 1.0.8, I just realized that I''ve been scrolling through pages of backtraces when rspec is supposed to clean them up for me. This is a new development machine, so I''m not sure if older versions worked or not. I''m running Ruby 1.8.6, Rails edge, Mac OS X 10.4.10. I''ve verified that the QuietBacktraceTweaker is the one that''s running.
2007 Aug 27
Foreign key constraints, fixtures, and rake task
I''ve got a spec that loads a fixture in the "before" block. This works fine running scripts/spec, but when I run rake spec instead, I get: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in ''User in fixture :quentin with an IM service but no IM name should be invalid'' Mysql::Error: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails