similar to: Deploying merb as a windows service

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Deploying merb as a windows service"

2008 Mar 13
Merb in production with God/Monit
Hey All, I just wanted to get other peoples take on problems when running merb in production? Just as Rails used to do, the mongrels tend to get heavy/unresponsive over time so need a good kicking by a watcher daemon like god or monit. However, I have had serious problems getting God to restart the process, as the "merb -k <port>" command doesnt appear to work reliably
2008 Jun 04
Mongrel as Windows service with normal privileges
I am trying to run Mongrel 1.1.5 with mongrel_service 0.3.4 on Ruby 1.8.6 with a "normal" user account, i.e. a user which belongs only to the Windows group "Users". The rationale behind this is that running a web server with full administrative rights (e.g. Local System) is not something that I would like to do. Unfortunately, starting the service from the services control
2006 Nov 24
Mongrel Service 0.3.0, native services for you!
Hi folks, For the past weeks I have been working in solve the problems with mongrel_service and its *crazy* behavior related to standard mongrel_rails. Job made this more slow than usual, but here we are: a beta release. * What''s New? - This version of mongrel_service replaces mongrel_service ruby script with a binary, pre-built executable coded using ServiceFB framework [1] in
2007 Mar 26
mongrel_service fails to get "service.exe" from ppid?
Konnichiwa Mongrel users, mongrel_service cannot run as a windows service under my environment, with the windows message : "error 1053 : The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion." >From a part of "ServiceFB.log" at c:/ruby/bin, mongrel_service failed to get the process name of "service.exe".
2008 Jan 03
Whats the merb equivilant of this?
Hey All Quick question, what''s the merb equivalent of this:[template_root], assigns, self) in merb? Ive found Merb::Template::Erubis.transform(:file => ''/path/to/file'') But I''ve no idea if thats the correct thing to be calling? It doesn''t ''feel'' right, so im not sure it is? Thanks Tim
2007 Dec 30
Loading config YAML into merb process for the life of the process
Hey Chaps, Forgive me for not fully understanding the inner workings of merb, but I would like to read in a YAML configuration file once when the application is booted rather than reading it every time it is used (as presumably the overhead in doing that is significant?) - I had presumed this is how both Merb and rails do it for there database.yml config files (hence its a requirement
2007 Dec 19
Questions on writing plugin for merb
Hey all, I am looking to write a plugin for merb and have a few queries about how to best go about it. I have a few questions (sorry if some are very merb newbie ones): - It seems all the plugins are gems; I can just add dependencies (my plugin will require soap4r) as per any usual gem spec? - If I want my plugin to add some new generate functionality? Is this possible? If so, are there
2007 Jul 31
Deploying with Merb
After a half day''s work I''ve created a Merb app to handle file uploads for a Rails app. In my dev environment, I changed the views in the Rails app to point to Merb on port 4000. But now I''m stuck trying to figure out how to deploy my new Merb app on a production server. Looks like originally this was handled with a rewrite rule
2007 Mar 29
Mongrel Service won''t start on windows
64bit Intel 8 CPU server Windows 2003 Server Service set to run as LocalSystem, doesn''t work as user account either The error we see is: "Service failed to start in a timely..." Which I have seen in the past email trails as working The app works from mongrel_rails start and from mongrel_service console -N servicename -p 3000 -c c:\rails_apps\appname -e production We upgraded
2006 Dec 04
Merb on Win32 Platform
I''m trying to get Merb running on Windows XP SP2 and am experiencing some difficulties. I load http://localhost:4000/posts/new in my browser expecting to see the contents of new.herb rendered. However the following error is reported: Request: PATH_INFO: /posts/new Params: {"action"=>"new", "id"=>nil, "controller"=>"posts"}
2007 Nov 07
merb/sequel mutex on or off? proxy_balancer or no?
Just a quick question to those of you using merb and sequel or datamapper. How do you setup your merb app? For example: merb -X off -c 5, then run mod_proxy_balancer or nginx to load balance between the 5 (or whatever #) of merb nodes? merb -X off -d, then simply use something like proxypass merb -c 5, keep the mutex lock and cluster it haproxy, swiftiply, evented mongrel...... What
2007 Nov 07
merb 0.4.0 session issue
Not sure if anyone else has had this problem. I was running on merb edge fine a few days ago. Last night I went to merb 0.4.0 via gem install and now any call to session[:foo] causes an error >> undefined method ''[]'' for nil:NilClass I have uninstalled and reinstalled merb with no luck. dependencies.rb use_orm :activerecord merb.yml :session_store: active_record Gems
2008 Jan 03
deployment survey
Hello Mongrels, Building on the last messages about Fastthread, can we get a detailed survey of the different ways people are deploying their applications? It will help with near-future Mongrel development. Please include the following things: * Framework, if any (Camping, Merb, Rails, Nitro, Ramaze, IOWA, Rack...) * Mongrel version * Mongrel handlers used (rails, dirhandler, camping,
2007 Sep 04
Couple of questions for Merb 0.4
All, I have just updated to the latest release of merb 0.4 and I am wondering how I can get my controller changes to reload without bouncing the server ? I am running in dev mode but my changes to my merb controller don''t seem to get picked up on new requests. Also say I have a controller that needs to render an alternate xml format ie something like:
2007 Aug 04
How do you run an app on "edge merb"?
I didn''t quite see a direct answer to Matt''s question regarding running merb from SVN: In a merb application, is there something comparable to having rails in the vendor/ folder of a rails app? Thanks, Duane Johnson (canadaduane)
2007 Dec 19
Trapping custom exceptions in merb 0.5.0
Hi, I have the following setup: class Fred < Application class InvalidKey < Merb::ControllerExceptions::Unauthorized; end def blee raise InvalidKey unless key end end I have added a view exception template in views/exceptions/invalid_key.html.erb but I am not seeing the exception page being rendered ?? The request seems to correctly go to
2008 Mar 13
Merb Projects and Autotest
Hi! I''m rather new to Merb, but I thought I''d give it a shot. I found that autotest wasn''t running my specs when my models were changing. Maybe this is because of how I have set up Merb, but in the even that it''s not just me, I''ve adapted Autotest''s mappings for Rails and have attached my efforts to this email. Unfortunately, you need to
2007 Mar 13
running merb locally
Stupid question, but is there a way to run merb locally, without installing it as a gem? I don''t mean freezing it into a merb app, but checking out merb and being able to run it without installing the gem first. The reason I ask is that I''m working on some debugging stuff and it''d be helpful to be able to modify the source code, run it, modify, run, and so on. (And yes,
2006 Dec 23
Generating a merb app skeleton...
I have just started playing with merb. I think this framework has great potential so ATTA BOYS are in order !! Perhaps I missed something in the readme file, but how do I generate a default app in merb. I was looking for something like the cmd below to generate the app hierarchy ?? > merb myapp -Fernand -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Sep 21
merb 0.4.0 - redirect problems
I had redirects working just the other day... before I upgraded to the latest release. Can somebody please chime in as to why this simple redirect is throwing an error? Controller: ----------------------- def do redirect "" end Error Output: ------------------------- Internal server error 500 uninitialized constant Merb::ControllerMixin::MovedTemporarily in