similar to: search not working after upgrade

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "search not working after upgrade"

2007 Nov 20
Compound search / grouping
Hi, Following problem: We have a tree structure with children and a root element (recursivly) stored in one table (imagine a threaded forum). Each of the children has a title which should be indexed by ferret. Now we want to make a search that returns only the root and searches all items. So if one node has "expensive" and nother node has "car" I want to enter
2009 Jul 21
wine for mac osx help!!!
i installed wine for mac osx tiger with macports. wine installs fine but when ever i try to run a windows program it gives me this error Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded. Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly. Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded. Make sure that your X server is running and that
2007 Jul 11
Query scoring - WTF?
Hi! I thought I understood Ferret''s query scoring and how to tweak results using boost values. What I currently experience however, leaves me completely baffled. Perhaps someone can shed some light on the scoring algorithm, because asking Ferret to "explain" the score for a particular document isn''t as informative as I thought. Actually, it confuses me even
2009 May 20
DarWine & OpenGL
Hi, For the past 3 months I have been trying to get wine working well, but have hit several obstacles. I am on a Mac 10.5.7, using X11 from Xquartz, and using Kroneberg's Darwine builds. The issues: I can't seem to get OpenGL working or DirectX. I sometimes have problems where I launch an exe, and the program runs as if it cannot "see" any other files in the same folder.
2006 Oct 23
Trouble with custom Analyzer
Hi! I wanted to build my own custom Analyzer like so: class Analyzer < Ferret::Analysis::Analyzer include Ferret::Analysis def initialize(stop_words = ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) @stop_words = stop_words end def token_stream(field, string), true), @stop_words) end end As one can easily spot, I essentially want
2007 Nov 18
mongrel_cluster on OS X 10.5 Leopard
So, Leopard server has been great, most everything I need is here. Thanks to a nice example here: I was even able to sort out using Mongrel with Apache 2. All works out of the box, except mongrel_cluster. The gem just won''t install. I could really use some guidance here. I did try the darwinports mongrel_cluster install from here:
2006 Oct 24
Problem with stop words
I am seeing trouble with searches for ''you'' not returning anything. It appears that ''you'' is a stop word to the standard analyzer: require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' index = => false) index << ''you'' puts''you'') returns
2007 Apr 01
indexing mostly-binary documents (.ppt)
Here''s an interesting problem: In my app, we are indexing various types of documents, including microsoft powerpoint. Powerpoint documents are mostly binary, but have a bunch of text (all of the text in the document?) as well. My thinking is that the binary will never get searched for, and the proper text will be indexed and queried as expected, so the indexed binary will never
2007 Mar 31
not understanding search results
I''m getting some results that I don''t understand from a search. The code, based on the tutorial, and the results are below. Everything makes sense to me, except the results for the ''title:"Some"'' query. I would think that it should match the first two documents, but not the third. What am I missing here? Thanks for any help! --- code
2010 Mar 28
finding or creating ~/.wine folder (Snow Leopard problem)
So I installed the developer's Wine build on my Snow Leopard after searching the internet for close to two weeks i finally have a wine build (using the +universal build) on my hard drive. My only problem is I can't use wine because my Users/username/.wine folder does not exist, pumps out, wine: chdir to /Users/elixir/.wine : No such file or directory after typing in wine and dragging the
2010 Jul 12
16-Bit/DOS Suppor Missing?
Currently attempting to run an old PC game on my Mac (Leopard). I've installed Wine using MacPorts, which worked flawlessly. Now when I attempt to install my PC Game the terminal responds with "16-Bit/DOS Support missing." Is there a way to fix this?
2006 Nov 02
Indexing and searching across multiple locales
Hi - I''m currently investigating support for Ferret and content that spans multiple locales. I am particularly interested in using stemming and fuzzy searches (e.g. with slop factor) across multiple locales. So far I''ve followed the online docs for implementing a Stemming Analyzer, and it is working for English terms just fine. I''ve also written a method to import data
2009 Sep 14
RMagick Installation woes
Hi, I need to install Rmagick to get re-sizing working with Paperclip. My dev machine is on Mac OSX Leopard and the server is on Ubuntu Intrepid 8.1 I dint have Macports or wget at first. I was following this article - Ive done this before too. But some dependency always failed. I want to start with a
2009 Aug 05
Wine help OS X Tiger 10.4.11
I installed WINE today through Macports, I have X11. X11 SDK and Xcode installed. I am trying to get an old game called Axis and allies 1998 which I've got to work in Ubuntu before just fine working on this mac. I installed the game, and when I try to run the game .exe I get the following error in the terminal and the game never opens. Allies Joshua$ wine AxisAllies.exe Could not load
2010 Feb 26
"Serious Error" with Mac OS X Leopard
I've successfully downloaded and run a number of simple Windows programs using Wine. But I've had no success with any programs that require an installer. The installation process seems to work properly, but then when I try to run the app, I get Code: The program <programname.exe> has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
2009 Dec 23
Wine 1.1.35 DirectX error on OS X
Hi I have been using Wine to play Lotro on OS X 10.6.2 and everything has been fine until I upgraded to 1.1.35 yesterday. Now when I try to run the game I get a "Direct3D could not be initialised" error and in the terminal window I launched the game from the following errors appear:- err:wgl:has_opengl Failed to load libGL: dlopen(libGL.1.dylib, 266): image not found
2011 Jan 26
Stumped with winetricks and source code
I'm using Leopard and I'm new to wine, MacPorts, the use of the terminal, and coding in general. Because of this, some of the language in the FAQ seems foreign to me and hasn't been very helpful, or its geared toward Unix users and not Mac OS X users. ISSUE#1: I managed to install wine through MacPorts and use it to run a game. I've used Crossover to install and run the same game
2009 Dec 22
Will paginate is missing on rake db:migrate
I have a very annoying problem, when doing rake db:migrate, I get the error message: Missing these required gems: will_paginate ~> 2.3.11 But the gem is not missing, It runs very well in my app. To make the rake pass I have to comment out the gem in my environment.rb file. environment.rb: config.gem "will_paginate", :version => "~> 2.3.11", :source =>
2009 Sep 04
Wine on Snow Leopard: dumbed-down help needed
Hi, all. I just got a fresh new hard drive on my white MacBook and installed Snow Leopard (10.6). I was a happy Wine user when I had 10.5, but now I can't get Wine to install. First I tried to install wine-devel with Macports, which failed because it couldn't find the 32-bit Freetype libraries. I then downloaded the latest source and did the whole "./configure" and
2007 Dec 17
are index files cross-platform?
Hello! I am trying to read Ferret index files from Windows machine on my Mac G5 Leopard machine, but the following returns nil: index_paths ) Should this work? Are index files guaranteed to be platform independent or not? Is there any problem if files (top direectory) are renamed? izidor P.S. I can create the index myself and then everything works.