similar to: Problem (with fix?) for passing :multi => [ ]

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Problem (with fix?) for passing :multi => [ ]"

2007 Jan 15
Wrong total_hits when using conditions in find_by_contents
I don''t know if this is a bug, or wanted behavior, but for me it was a pain in... So here''s the problem + a bugfix. Lets say you have a model "Article" with the following fields: title, visible - and these records [code]title, visible ferret talk, 1 ruby talk, 0 ruby on rails, 1 lets talk about ruby, 1[/code] If I let Article act as a ferret, and do: result =
2007 Jul 18
Strange search result with conditions in find_by_contents
Hi, guys: Strange search result with conditions in find_by_contents! first of all, i''ve installed the acts_as_ferret to my project vender folder by ''ruby script/plugin install svn://'' in my SearchController def searchforum if !params[:doSearch].nil? if params[:searchTerms].nil? || params[:searchTerms] ==
2007 May 02
Wrong total_hits when using conditions in find_by_contents
In my model Topic: acts_as_ferret({ :fields => {:username => {:store => :yes, :boost => 30}, :subject => {:store => :yes, :boost => 20}, :body => {:store => :yes, :boost => 10}}, :remote => true }, { :analyzer =>, false) }) def self.full_text_search(q, options = {}, find_options = {}) return nil if q.nil? or
2007 Jul 04
problems after gem update
Hi, I had ferret working wonderfully but i am regretting doing a gem update today. I had alot of trouble first installing it and was really happy to have it working. The upgrade was from 0.3.1 to 0.4.0. The problem is; in the rails console, >> @results = Book.find_by_contents("peter pan") => #<ActsAsFerret::SearchResults:0x487040c @total_hits=0, @results=[]> Its indexing
2007 Oct 03
Pagination problem with acts_as_ferret
Hi, am using this wonderful plugin acts_as_ferret and according to the tutorial at ? rial#basic I worked it out except the pagination feature. If I have 12 records and I give limit to 10, its correctly displaying 10 records in the first page and is giving the link to the second page too. But when I go to the next page I find the same 10 records instead of
2006 Dec 01
cannot use acts_as_ferret on legacy tables or tables with a
when i used "find_by_contents" on a legacy table with a different primary_key than "id" i always got results=nil even when total_hits was > 0 as a quick fix i changed line 261 in "class_methods.rb" from: conditions = [ "#{self.table_name}.id in (?)", id_array ] to: conditions = [ "#{self.table_name}.#{self.primary_key} in (?)", id_array ]
2007 Apr 30
Can''t search fields with space
Hi, I have a user model that has a city field which is searchable using acts_as_ferret. But I can''t get it to return any result whether I use :city => {:store => :no, :index => :untokenized}, or :city => {:store => :no} in my User model''s acts_as_ferret option >>> User.find_by_contents("city:(cal poly)") =>
2007 May 30
aaf and dynamic attrs: a bug?
Hi! I faced some issue while using it for dynamic attrs indexing/search. Maybe I made something wrong. Here is test method. Everything works just fine until last line . Tested on both stable and trunk of aaf and ferret 0.11.4. the short version of code below: Contact.acts_as_ferret :fields => [ :first_name ] assert
2006 Nov 06
NameError uninitialized constant Ferret::Index::FieldInfos
Hi Everyone, I''ve a RoR application. I am trying to build full text search capability into it. I installed Ferret. After that I installed the act_as_ferret plugin. I''ve also put the acts_as_ferret inside the <model>.rb file . I''m using the find_by_contents to get the search results. I''m getting the following error. I''ve no clue and I
2007 Mar 27
multi_search problems
Hello. I''ve been trying to get multi_search to work and I simply can''t. I have two models: Post acts_as_ferret :fields => [:title, :body], :store_class_name => true Page acts_as_ferret :fields => [:title, :body], :store_class_name => true If I do @results = Post.find_by_contents(params[:q]) or @results = Page.find_by_contents(params[:q]) it works fine, but if I
2007 May 05
Stop words, fields, StandardAnalyzer quagmire
Hello, I''m using: Ruby 1.8.6, Rails 1.2.3, ferret 0.11.4, acts_as_ferret from svn stable. I''ve had quite a day wrestling with trying to remove the use of stopwords. The problem was that when searching for words like "no" or "the", no results were found. I found a confusing thing behavior that has taken me some time to figure out, and I hope sharing it
2009 Oct 26
find_with_ferret issue
Hi All, I''m implementing the ferret search engine on my railspace project. In my User and Info model, I have line that reads: acts_as_ferret :fields => [''username'', ''email''] This initially generates a find_by_contents which is added to the community contoller: @users = User. find_by_contents(query, :limit => :all) THis returned a method
2007 May 29
is "IN" a special word?
Hi, I am trying to do a search for a field that contains the word "in" or "IN", but ferret doesn''t return me any result. class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :fields => { :user => {:store => :no }, :len => {:store => :yes} } end ruby script/console >> User.find_by_contents(''Cal'') =>
2007 Apr 01
strange behavior after switching to DRb server
After switching to the DRb server, I am experiencing strange behavior when sorting on score. My app was working as expected before the switch. Both before and after the switch, my app sorts properly on other fields, such as date. For sorting on score, I am using the following option find_by_contents option: :sort => Ferret::Search::SortField::SCORE Before switching to DRb, this worked
2007 Mar 21
store_class_name for Comatose:Page model
Hi, I have three models: Comatose::Page, Article and Product. In all of them, store_class_name is set to true. Now, when i do: results = Comatose::Page.multi_search("*", [Article,Product], options) I get: wrong constant name Comatose::Page #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/class_methods.rb:438:in `const_get''
2006 Oct 03
newbie question
Hi, I''m new to using ferret (and fairly new to ruby/rails) and I''m having a problem I can''t fathom. Sorry for the long post ... I have a test which passes require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret require ''test/unit'' class CompanyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_index puts ''running
2006 Oct 03
newbie question
Hi, I''m new to using ferret (and fairly new to ruby/rails) and I''m having a problem I can''t fathom. Sorry for the long post ... I have a test which passes require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret require ''test/unit'' class CompanyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_index puts ''running
2007 Aug 23
AAF: find_by_contents on AR Association Total Hits
I seem to be getting some behaviour thats unexpected (for me anyway) when using find_by_contents on an ActiveRecord has_many association. The results that are returned are only the records that belong to the model returned, but the total_hits that are being returned appear to be for the whole table. e.g. class Book < AR::Base has_many :pages end class Page < AR::Base belongs_to :book
2006 Oct 21
find_by_content result set
Hi Guys I''m experiencing with AAF and Ferret with the intention of deploying into the site that I am working on now. So I setup AAF to index 3 fields that I have in this model and i tried doing a find_by_contents and it returned the #<FerretMixin::Acts::ARFerret::SearchResults:0xb74b5bec @total_hits=1157, @results=[#<Payprofile:0xb74cc39c @attributes={"add...... but it
2007 Mar 28
Newbie problem on production server
Hi, I just installed ferret for the first time and integrated it with my app. On my dev machine it''s fine but on my production server I get this when I call find_by_contents(): Processing LinksController#results (for at 2007-03-28 05:28:36) [POST] Session ID: 3f2dc7c17147c0e52178ba697a119833 Parameters: {"commit"=>"Search",