similar to: before_filter work around

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "before_filter work around"

2008 Mar 16
bypassing verify_authenticity_token before_filter when in facebook
Hi list, Not sure if this is helpful for anyone but I am working on a Facebook project where I need bypass the new CSRF protection (built into Rails 2.0) under certain conditions. However, since my project works outside of Facebook I don?t want to disable the CSRF protection from requests made outside of Facebook. Here is a small extension i wrote for the ForgeryProtection module.
2008 Mar 27
handling post-remove URL / uninstall of application
Hi there, I''ve configured my post-remove URL (which has to be directly to my site, not an URL) and now I''m trying to figure out how to handle this. It''s poorly documented here: It seems as though support for this is currently not yet in Facebooker. In order to get it to work, it
2008 Jan 25
More on routing, relative_root and facebooker
Hey there! I would like the discussion to continue on how facebooker handles routes, as it appears that there is an unsolved issue. Mike, I read your recent reply involving setting facebook''s callback_path to the root of the rails app, and adding a route to catch all calls to the app root where canvas => true. I just want to point out this is counterintuitive to some folks and
2007 Dec 04
new facebooker
Hi guys, I am new to this list and thought i''d say hello. I am using facebooker on a new project and so far I am really pleased with it. I saw that some users are having woes with the url_rewriter breaking urls for paths outside of the facebook canvas (i.e. your site supports both facebook and non-facebook users). I don''t have a prefect answer for this but I wrote a
2008 Mar 11
Facebooker-talk Digest, Vol 5, Issue 12
Hi all, I wanted to test requests from internal facebook apps, so I''ve been mimicking FBML requests from facebook in my tests using the following: def test_can_facebook_internal_app_login fb_login_as :facebooker num_of_members = Member.count facebook_request :get, :home assert_response :success assert_equal num_of_members, Member.count
2008 Mar 11
Facebook_request in unit tests
Apologies for not chaning the subject line. :( Hi all, I wanted to test requests from internal facebook apps, so I''ve been mimicking FBML requests from facebook in my tests using the following: def test_can_facebook_internal_app_login fb_login_as :facebooker num_of_members = Member.count facebook_request :get, :home assert_response :success assert_equal
2008 Jan 10
A best practices question
Hey everyone. I''ve got a best practices question. How are you guys rendering newsfeeds? We have a couple of apps where we send newsfeed items from a backend process. As such, we aren''t in the context of a controller and can''t use the rails template rendering. We''ve tried about 3 different ways to make that bearable, but aren''t having much
2007 Dec 10
facebook_resources method not found
Is anyone else getting this error in their routes, when running Facebooker from a plugin. ./script/../config/../config/routes.rb:67: undefined method `facebook_resources'' for main:Object (NoMethodError) from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.13.3/lib/ action_controller/routing.rb:1139:in `draw'' from ./script/../config/../config/routes.rb:1
2008 Sep 08
InvalidAuthenticityToken when user adds application through facebook registration
If a user that has not yet signed up for Facebook attempts to visit an application page facebook presents them with a registration form. After this form is completed, the application is automatically added to the user''s account and Facebook displays the following message: Welcome George Tesster! Your account has been created. [application] has been added to your account. Facebook also
2008 May 15
Facebooker support for iframe apps
Hi facebooker-ers, It looks to me like facebooker does not currently support iframe facebook apps - or am I missing something? My first problem as I understand it is as follows - When you are logged into facebook, and access a facebook application, facebook tacks on a whole lot of extra fb_sig parameters to the request (including fb_sig_user) that the application can then validate to
2008 Mar 11
detecting if in the FB canvas
I have been checking the params for params[:fb_sig] to detect if the client is in the Facebook canvas, but those don''t work at the beginning of a controller when you''re calling before_filters. I have a require_login in the before_filter, but I want to skip it if the user is from Facebook. So are there any other ways to check that the client is coming from the canvas?
2008 Jan 29
Facebook Redirects to Callback Path after log in
Hey, I am wondering if anyone has run into this issue before. I can''t seem to figure out what Facebook is doing. I have an application that only requires Facebook Authentication, the user doesn''t need to "add" the app. So at the top of my main controller I have class GettingStartedController < ApplicationController ensure_authenticated_to_facebook ......
2007 Dec 20
facebooker rails 2.0
Hey guys, Anyone using facebooker on a rails 2.0 site? I noticed at least one deprecated call in facebooker, which i am working on a patch for but didn''t know if anyone else has tried it out on the new build of rails yet. Later, Mark
2007 Dec 22
upgraded to rails 2.0.1 and borked sessions
I just pushed my facebook app up to 2.0.1 and noticed that I am now getting these errors: ActionView::TemplateError (Session key invalid or no longer valid) on line #3 of users/index.fbml.erb: It appears that I get the facebook_session object back but when i introspect and try and get the user''s name or something i get the session error. Has anyone else had these problems?
2008 Jun 12
Session Best Practices
Hi All- I am still trying to figure out the best way to handle facebook session for my users. Here is my current flow: in my "external accounts controller" 1) before_filter :ensure_authenticated_to_facebook, :only =&gt; [:authenticate_facebook, :edit_facebook] 2) when the user links into facebook, facebooker authenticates and redirects back to my application 3) i detect the
2007 Dec 08
Uploading photos using facebook & attachment_fu
Hi All, I''m trying to use a form to upload a photo that I will save using attachment_fu. I''m very new to Facebookr so I apologize if this is covered somewhere, but I''m kind of stumped. Here''s what I''m doing now: <% facebook_form_for(:my_object, :url => { :action => ''upload_photo'', :id => params[:id] }, :html => {
2008 Jun 03
Order of authentication methods is causing unnecessary call to API?
Hey Guys, I am wondering if I am missing something here. I am noticing that after a user installs my app I get a request that not only contains an auth_key but also contains a valid session key. Occasionally I am seeing that Facebook server is occasionally sending a connection reset during the auth key authentication method, this caused me to notice that secure_with_token is given precedence in
2007 Dec 20
Relative URL fix
Hi Facebookers, I have been working on a change to facebooker to allow facebook and non-facebook apps to exist on the same code-base. I modified the url rewriting in facebooker a bit so that it would continue to use the facebook relative url when needed but not prepend the facebook app name to controller paths that didn''t have anything to do with your facebook app. Here is the
2007 Dec 05
Better RESTful routes with fb_sig_request_method
With the new fb_sig_request_method provided by Facebook, I''ve patched shanev''s pseudo-resource routes to generate restful routes, minus some exceptions. The announcement: Patch is submitted here: Blog entry about it:
2008 Aug 21
forgery Protection
Has anybody solved this issue. [ ] ? NameError (undefined local variable or method `controller'' for #<LeaveController:0xb7144abc>): /app/controllers/application.rb:24:in `verify_authenticity_token''