similar to: Rename Computer on Domain

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Rename Computer on Domain"

2006 Sep 15
Samba 3 PDC - trouble renaming domain member computer
All, I've got a Samba 3 PDC serving numerous XP clients, and I'm getting an error I wouldn't have expected. When trying to rename an XP machine joined to the domain (via "netdom renamecomputer"), the command fails unless the specified domain user has UID 0. The command in question: netdom renamecomputer %COMPUTERNAME% /newname:%NEWNAME% /userD:DOMAIN\USER
2023 Jul 14
Rename Computer on Domain
Is there a way to rename a computer on the Samba Domain? On a Windows Server there is:- netdom.exe renamecomputer localhost /newname WKS033 /reboot or Rename-Computer WKS001 Restart-Computer Thanks, -- Paul
2023 Jul 26
Rename Computer on Domain
I can report that the computer renaming worked. As it turned out, only the cn was incorrect ... ldbsearch -H ldap://DC1 -UAdministrator 'CN=DT06' dn: CN=DT06,OU=Desktops,OU=Computers,DC=domain,DC=com objectClass: computer cn: DT06 operatingSystem: Windows 10 Pro displayName: WH23$ sAMAccountName: WH23$ ... so a simple LDAP rename worked ... ldbrename -H ldap://DC1 -UAdministrator
2005 Mar 26
Is there a diferent way to do this?
Hi, I started creating a small class but I'm courious about how it is working. To create a instance of my class "Partri" I write this at Rgui: x <- new("Partri", name="Gilvan") and to change the slot "name" of this instance, I write: setName(x, newname="Justino") It is not working, because when I type "x" at Rgui, it shows
2006 May 07
[LLVMdev] The Next Win32 File System Problem
Fixing one bug uncovers the next one... To reproduce: llvm-ar rc ./libgcc.a libgcc/./_muldi3.o <and-lots-more-.o-files...> The result: C:\msys\1.0\home\llvm_home\install\bin\llvm-ar.exe: Can't move './libgcc.a-000003' to './libgcc.a-000002': Cannot create a file when that file already exists. So apparently, we're trying to move one file on top of another. The
2005 Jan 14
RE: [R] as.character methods
Thank you for your replies. I greatly appreciate the wealth of documentation on this subject and the time spent by the John Chambers and the R Core Team making object-orient programming in R a reality. I hope to be able to give code (not just bug reports) back to the R community as my projects advance. I hoping to generalize my as.character question to a real-life as.character / print method
2006 May 07
[LLVMdev] The Next Win32 File System Problem
Yep, you found another bug. Unlike Unix, Windows does not allow a file to be implicitly replaced via renaming. I'll fix it. Greg Pettyjohn wrote: > Fixing one bug uncovers the next one... > > To reproduce: > llvm-ar rc ./libgcc.a libgcc/./_muldi3.o <and-lots-more-.o-files...> > > The result: > C:\msys\1.0\home\llvm_home\install\bin\llvm-ar.exe: Can't move
2017 Jun 11
translateChar in NewName in bind.c
I see another thing in function 'NewName' in bind.c. In else if (*CHAR(tag)) , 'ans' is basically copied from 'tag'. Could the whole thing there be just the following? ans = tag; It seems to me that it can also replace ans = R_BlankString; in 'else'; so, else if (*CHAR(tag)) and else can be merged to be just else . --------------------------------------------
2014 Jan 29
Rename computer, but still shows up as old name
Samba Version 4.1.4-SerNet-RedHat-7.el6 Using RSAT via Windows 8.1 -- For a computer that is on the domain, I rename it from the client, then reboot. This renames the computer as expected. The common name in AD, however, is not affected. Is there a way to do this? Am I missing a step? Details: Using RSAT, I see the old computer name, not the new computer name. If I double click on the entity,
2010 Oct 13
Change global env variables from within a function
Hi, I've looked all over for a solution to this, but haven't had much look in specifying what I want to do with appropriate search terms. Thus I'm turning to R-help. In the process of trying to write a simple function to rename individual column names in a data frame, I ran into the following problem: When I rename the columns within my function, I can't seem to get it to
2000 Sep 14
dynamically naming columns in a data frame
Hello All! I have been working with R for the last couple of weeks and I am very impressed with the capabilities. I am creating hundreds of tables and need to dynamically name the columns. Here is a small snippet of my code: # Turn my clustering data into a data.frame object. names( clusters ) <- Abbreviate( distMethods[ i ], hclustMethods[ j ] ) df <- data.frame( clusters,
2002 Dec 18
Samba pdc, Norton Ghost enterprise edition and joinin g the domain?
Lars, You could try a batch file with NETDOM /Domain:MYDOMAIN /user:adminuser /password:apassword MEMBER MYCOMPUTER /JOINDOMAIN Then NETDOM /Domain:MYDOMAIN MEMBER MYCOMPUTER /JOINDOMAIN search for comand line join domain for more info. Bob -----Original Message----- From: Lars O. Grobe [] Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 7:53 AM To:
2015 Apr 15
Join 2012 Server R2 as member to NT domain
Is it still possible to join a Windows 2012 Server R2 system as a member to a 'pre-NT5' Samba (3.6.23) domain controller? The Windows 'Domain Change' GUI errors immediately after failing the SRV lookup for the AD server. Even with the SRV record in place, the GUI fails trying to connect to the non-existent LDAP port. Netdom on the command line tries to work if the DC name
2000 Jun 25
renaming columns
I frequently get data sets with cryptically-named variables. The datasets are more useful to me with informative variable names. I know that I can rename variables using the following command: dimname(dataset[[2]][]< If I want to do this inside a function (say something I call RenameCol) what is the best way to communicate the
2020 Aug 27
Win10 and NT mode: netlogon script seems does not run anymore.
On 27/08/2020 08:49, L.P.H. van Belle via samba wrote: > > @Rowland have a good look at this one. This one is hitting the list.. (i have seen this problem also). I think everyone knows my views on NT4-style domains, they were a good idea at the time, but that time is most
2007 Mar 30
Replacing slot of S4 class in method of S4 class?
Dear all, Assume that I have an S4 class "MyClass" with a slot "myname", which is initialized to: myname="" in method("initialize"): myclass <- new("MyClass", myname="") Assume that class "MyClass" has a method "mymethod": "mymethod.MyClass" <- function(object, myname=character(0), ...) {
2016 Aug 04
Samba 4.2.14 Group Policy (GPO) sync error
Forgot one extra. On the win 10, check this reg key. HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Hostname It states you hostname here, but if its not in caps change it to HOSTNAME In that register key. (HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters) You should see also you dnsdomain at Domain and NV Domain. NV Hostname should be in CAPS also. The domains not.
2017 Aug 15
Trust Relationship between this work station and primary domain failed
Hai, Was this pc a member of any NT4 Domain in the past? You can try the following. Login as a Local Administrator on the pc. ( you may need to create one first. ) Open PowerShell as administrator ( you need powershell 3.0 for this ) Run: Reset-ComputerMachinePassword -Server AD_DC.DOMAIN.TLD -Credential YOUR_AD_DOM\Adminstrator Restart-Computer No powershell V3. netdom.exe resetpwd
2007 Nov 20
How to rename image file before saving it using file_column?
Hello, I''m playing with the file_column plugin and I would like to rename the file when uploading it and before saving it to DB. I''ve tried it with before_create method in my model and also in the controller with the following code: @picture =[:picture]) @picture.filename = ''newname'' Which doesn''t worked. How it could be done (if
2011 Nov 10
Named components in a list
I'm studying lists and I came to an example where > L $name [1] "Fred" $wife [1] "Mary" $no.children [1] 4 $child.ages [1] 4 7 9 then following the instructions to extend the list with a new component, I executed: > L[5] <-list(NewName="something") and the new list I got was: > L $name [1] "Fred" $wife [1] "Mary"