similar to: IPVS connections not removed

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "IPVS connections not removed"

2007 Sep 16
Port forwarding from dom0 to bridged domU with IPVS
Hi list, We, an OSS advocacy group, setup a Xen 3.1 machine composed of : . a 64 bits dom0 running Debian stable amd64 . 2 hvm domUs running OpenBSD amd64 . 2 hvm domUs running NetBSD i386 This machine is to be hosted and reachable from the Internet, but it will only have one public IP. Naturally, our first tought was to port-forward using iptables / netfilter. We didn''t really
2008 Jan 05
centos 5.1 fresh install of ipvsadm: service won't start: config missing
Hello all, I have ipvsadm-1.24 installed, and there's an error when the service starts: Applying IPVS configuration: /etc/init.d/ipvsadm: line 62: /etc/sysconfig/ipvsadm: No such file or directory is the install broken? I did a "yum whatprovides ipvsadm" and it does say there's a config, but doesn't point to where it is. any suggestions? -- --------------- Morpheus:
2006 Jun 29
CentOS 4.3 (Final) need IPVS
Hello All Currently on a CentOS 4.3 system with the kernel. Is there a recommend way to properly recompile the kernel? I was thinking of dling the source from, but I was told that using SRPMs would be better? Any suggestions ? Thank You -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2011 Mar 08
hello, all! if i want to use lvs function of keepalived , i must install ipvsadm ? tks! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2007 Jan 15
piranha lvsd "cluster" status: how?
Hi, I've got a couple of machines acting as directors with service=lvs Is there something similar to 'clustat' for pulse+lvsd? I need this in order to make our monitorization scripts "cluster-aware", or else one node will have critical status when there are less nannies than it expected because the services ran over to the other node. Thanks in advance, Rui -- + No
2004 Nov 05
Using Shorewall + Linux Virtual Server LVS/DR
I''m havign a HUGE amount of difficulty getting shoreline to work with LVS. We use it here constantly so we know it works. The problem is packets come in, get directed to a webserver, webserver returns the packet to firewall, and then it goes into a black hole. rp_filter is off globally on all interfaces. LVS seems to be working right.... I use shorewall tcrules to mark packets on
2006 Feb 12
CentOS 4.2 x86_64 - ipvsadm
Hi Anyone know of there is an rpm available for this? Trying to build a loadbalancer from the LVS project for a webserver farm and struggling with ipvsadm <> on 4.2 thanks
2008 Sep 25
Implementing LVS changes made in Piranha GUI
Every time I touch something, pieces fall off! It's a good thing this stuff isn't in production yet (for me I mean). So I had an LVS, configured with Piranha, directing http test transactions across two servers. I used Piranha to add another realserver. It appeared in the file, but didn't appear in the ipvsadm output. So I stopped and restarted Pulse. And now *none* of the
2005 Dec 31
Missing GPG sigs on Centos 4.2 SRPMS
Howdy folks, $ cd /opt/mirrors/centos/4.2 $ find -type f | grep "\.rpm" | while read i; do rpm -K "$i"; done | egrep -v ": \(sha1\) dsa sha1 md5 gpg OK\$" centosplus/SRPMS/reiserfs-utils-3.6.19-2.1.src.rpm: sha1 md5 OK extras/SRPMS/drbd-0.7.14-1.centos4.src.rpm: sha1 md5 OK extras/SRPMS/ipvsadm-1.24-6.src.rpm: (SHA1) DSA sha1 md5 (GPG) NOT OK (MISSING KEYS:
2010 Feb 17
Load Balancer (heartbeat, ldirectord, ipvsadm) + Apache Problem
Hi, I'm having this problem with load balancer. I already setup the load balancer and two servers behind it with this kind of topology ----------------------------------------------------- request -> DIRECTOR -- Server 1 \ Server 2 ----------------------------------------------------- DIRECTOR's (RHEL 5) Virtual
2008 Apr 04
simple load balancing/failover for OWA
We are building an exchange cluster with two front end Outlook Web Access servers. We would like to at least have some sort of failover, and prefereably load balancing for them. The MS recommended way is to use NLB, but for various reasons that's not working with our set up. We are looking to set up a single linux server and use something like LVS to load balance/fail over the
2009 Apr 06
Dovecot, LVS and the issues I have with it.
We run around 5 dovecot (debian etch 1.0.rc15) POP/IMAP 'nodes' using the LVS load balancer and an NFS based SAN. it works pretty well. I love the robustness of load balancing POP/IMAP. We do a reasonable amount of throughput through these especially at peak times pushing our SAN to around 1.5k IOP/s We currently have two issues with this setup. One of which is NFS index corruption
2007 Dec 11
Clustering MySQL
I'm just beginning to consider using the Clustering available with CentOS. We are going to spec out some new hardware, and after reading most of the Clustering manuals, I have a small question about MySQL. I would like to run High Availability MySQL, in other words, similar to how you can run HA HTTPD and the like. The catch seems to be if I run MySQL on an individual server, with
2005 Feb 21
keepalived on centos 3.4
Is anyone successfully using dag's keepalived-1.1.10-1.1.el3.rf on centos 3.4? It's giving me some strange issues (LVS Topology never shows up, even though I can manually set it w/ ipvsadm) Attempting to rebuild it has been less than successful, as anyone who tries will see in their appropriate BUILD/keepalived-1.1.10/config.log and in the rpmbuild output. It complains about openssl
2011 Jan 26
Redundant puppet Masters setup help
Hello All, I require some help for creating multiple puppetmaster with separate Puppet CA server. I followed the steps given in the link below for creating a separate CA server My requirement is to create 2 Puppetmasters running nginx and unicorn which will be loadbalanced via RR DNS with a separate single Puppet CA server only for issuing and signing
2005 Nov 30
CEEA:2005-1130-2 CentOS 4 x86_64 drbd / heartbeat - enhancement update (Extras Only)
CentOS Errata and Enhancement Advisory 2005:1130-2 CentOS 4 x86_86 drbd / heartbeat - Enhancement Update (Extras Only) We are pleased to add drbd (with integrated heartbeat) to the CentOS extras repository. DRBD is a block device which is designed to build high availability clusters. This is done by mirroring a whole block device via (a dedicated) network. You could see it as a network raid-1.
2005 Nov 30
CEEA:2005-1130-2 CentOS 4 i386 drbd / heartbeat - enhancement update (Extras Only)
CentOS Errata and Enhancement Advisory 2005:1130-2 CentOS 4 i386 drbd / heartbeat - Enhancement Update (Extras Only) We are pleased to add drbd (with integrated heartbeat) to the CentOS extras repository. DRBD is a block device which is designed to build high availability clusters. This is done by mirroring a whole block device via (a dedicated) network. You could see it as a network raid-1.
2013 Jul 07
Firewall will not disable - stumped!
very perplexed here - I need to turn off iptables. Ive tried service iptables save service iptables stop chkconfig iptables off service ip6tables save service ip6tables stop chkconfig ip6tables off edited OPGX280 ~ # cat /etc/sysconfig/system-config-firewall # Configuration file for system-config-firewall --disabled --service=ssh OPGX280 ~ :( # cat /etc/selinux/config SELINUX=disabled
2011 Jan 27
Best way to calculate concurrent users?
Well, i am having some problens to figure out how many concurrent users into the server! In my envoriment now, most people are using the webmail interface, and it just conect and disconct pretty quickly so i can not get it with "doveadm who" doveadm who only gets the ones that are connect with clients. O use ipvs to balance betwaeen 2 servers does anyone have an ideia ? With ipvs i
2005 Nov 30
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 9, Issue 16
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