similar to: Version number in log file...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 60000 matches similar to: "Version number in log file..."

2006 Sep 08
Debugging not triggered...
I tried using the killall -USR1 mongrel_rails to check on a problem, and all I get is mongrel_rails: no process killed Nothing shows in the log. Any ideas? I''m using the latest pre-release, and a ''ps'' shows my cluster is running. Cheers, Brett
2006 Jul 31
Mongrel and Apache docs?
Any news on the Apache Best Practice Deployment instructions? I''m getting ready to set up a production server, and would prefer to use Apache and Mongrel/Cluster. Don''t think I''ll be able to get the latest Apache though. Do I have to proxy through Pound or something to handle multiple mongrel instances? Any pointers? Any help appreciated, Brett
2006 Sep 07
what should be correct .conf file for being served by apache for static content
Recently while i turned on USR1 debugging...mongrel running behind Apache2.2threw following debugging messages: Thu Sep 07 15:58:30 IST 2006: 0 threads sync_waiting for /charts/%5EBSESN, 1 still active in mongrel. Thu Sep 07 15:58:40 IST 2006: 0 threads sync_waiting for /images/tab_but_normal1.png, 3 still active in mongrel. Thu Sep 07 15:58:40 IST 2006: 0 threads sync_waiting for
2006 Aug 07
Autostarting and job keys...
I''ve now got 5 processes auto started. But I when I query the MiddleMan for their keys (in script/console), it doesn''t find them. Looking at the start script, it looks like it might be creating a new MiddleMan object for each autostart => entry[''class''], Even changing it to
2006 Aug 07
Process status...
I''ve used Railscron in a couple instances, and I liked that fact that it has a rake task for checking the status of the process. Many times I use it in the admin interface to allow me to double check that everything is up and running. I couldn''t find one for backgroundrb, so here is a simple one. Probably obvious to everyone, and no doubt there is a better way to do it:
2006 Aug 07
repeat_every doesn''t tie in with first_run...
Ezra, Sorry for inundating the list. In using the autostart, repeat_every, and first_run, I noticed a behaviour I didn''t expect. I would like the job to run starting at 2am, and then every 24 hours. So I set first_run to + 2.hours, and repeat_every to 24.hours. The problem is if backgroundrb starts up at 6am (due to a code change or server bump), then the
2007 Jul 16
mongrel_rails start working mongrel_rails
Thanks Bill for the answer ! In fact, my application is working well with webrick and also with a single mongrel instance lunched via the command : mongrel_rails start When I check what is the difference in the gem loaded in both cases (mongrel_rails start and mongrel_rails cluster::start) it seems that mongrel_rails cluster::start does not load all the gems that the first command is loading. So
2007 Dec 30
Moving towards a unified version number for mongrel and mongrel_cluster?
Are there any plans to do so? It seems that it would make things simpler if the mongrel version number matched the mongrel_cluster version number. (I realize this is completely arbitrary). Thoughts? -Brian -- - Brian Gupta
2010 Feb 28
strage mongrel cluster
Hi,will appreciate any advice from ruby guru : I found strange behavior on mongrel cluster. Below are my installation details : #ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i686-linux] #rails -v Rails 2.3.5 I use mongrel cluster 1.0.5 on Debian lenny (5.0). Also got the same problem in ubuntu 8 LTS, with similar config. when running just mongrel , it works properly. But when I tried to use
2007 Mar 05
mongrel goes out to lunch for about 5 - 10 minutes
Not sure if this is the list for posting questions like this but please let me know. We are using Mongrel 0.13.4, Mongrel Cluster 0.2.1 with Rails 1.2.2 with 3 different mongrel processes running in the cluster. All appears to be well for hours and then one of the mongrel processes appears to hang and all incoming requests to that process timeout. The requests are not logged in the rails log,
2008 Jan 30
Not all mongrel starting (Errno:EEXIST)
I''m playing with the mongrel clustering, and am having a problem getting 2 mongrels to start up reliably. This should be a pretty simple cluster, with just 2 instances running. My mongrel config (mongrel_cluster.yml) looks like: cwd: /deployment/installed/myapp/current log_file: log/mongrel.log port: "8000" environment: production address: pid_file:
2007 Jun 15
mongrel cluster issues, plain old mongrel OK
I just created a test rails app, and am having very wierd issues with mongrel cluster. Here''s what I''m doing: rails test sudo chown -R mongrel:mongrel test cd test sudo mongrel_rails \ cluster::configure -e production \ -p 8000 -N 3 -a --user mongrel \ --group mongrel It correctly writes the mongrel_cluster.yml file to the config directory. Now,
2006 Jul 27
Getting a MySQL deadlock when running RailsCron...
I''m using RailsCron, and it''s working out very well for me. However, I''m having one problem right now. I use the acts_as_background on one of my model objects. In order to get it to add the cron job to the table, I have to make sure the model is loaded in environment.rb. MyObject.load However, I''m running 2-3 fcgi process on my server. Most of the time when
2006 Dec 04
Log problem on stop/restart
I''m using the mongrel_cluster recipes for Capistrano as laid out by and the new ed. of the Agile Development book, but I''m having problems on restart and stop: I can start: [root current]# mongrel_rails cluster::start Starting 3 Mongrel servers... And I can see 3 processes running: [root current]# ps aux | grep mongrel mongrel 1947 0.0 8.2 24684 10776 ?
2007 Jul 16
mongrel_rails start working mongrel_rails cluster::start not working
Hi everybody, I have installed mongrel and mongrel cluster in a new linux box .... at the end of the day I was able to lunch mongrel (mongrel_rails start -e production) and all is working fine with. However, when I tried to set a mongrel cluster the command mongrel_rails cluster::start get the following output : starting port 8000 starting port 8001 starting port 8002 But when I lunched the
2006 Dec 27
no log/mongrel.log file on win32, looking for sugge stions...
Hi Luis, answers in CAPS. -----Original Message----- From: Luis Lavena [mailto:luislavena at] Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 5:39 PM To: mongrel-users at Subject: [Mongrel] no log/mongrel.log file on win32, looking for suggestions... Hello Mongrels around the world! Been thinking a way to unify the issue I described in the subject. For those who aren''t
2006 Oct 04
Sites that use Mongrel
It would be an interesting topic. I bet there are quite a few. I just released one that 1/2 runs on Mongrel. It was released before it was _quite_ ready, but the last of the content is getting inserted today. I am still waffling on how I will leave it running longterm. Right now it uses a slightly modified version of the Mongrel http parser with EventMachine to front
2006 Jun 13
log and pid file problems when using a config file w/ -C
Hi there, I''m using Mongrel (0.3.13 prerelease, installed today) to serve up some Rails apps in production. Everything works fine if I give all the appropriate options on the command line, such as: $ mongrel_rails start -c /home/mcornick/rails/ -P log/ -l log/mongrel.log -e production -d -a -p 6833 So, having accomplished that, I thought it
2007 Oct 01
Error with Mongrel_cluster
Hi Guys, I?m getting this error with mongrel_cluster. I am able to start mongrel through mongrel_rails start but the cluster is not working. Initially mongrel_rails wouldn?t work but after I added $ORACLE_HOME and $PD_LIBRARY_PATH variables it worked but mongrel_cluster isn?t working still. The mongrel log file looks like below. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. -----------begin
2018 Feb 08
[PATCH] syslinux/com32: Fix the printing of left zero padded hexadecimals with a leading '0x'.
From: Brett Walker <brett.walker at> When printing hexadecimal numbers to a fixed width, padded with leading zeros, and also having a leading '0x'; the resultant string can be shortened by up to two characters if any leading zero padding character required is. int hexnum = 0x00001234; printf("%08X", hexnum); // results in 00001234