Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: ""prob" package alternative"
2023 Apr 06
"prob" package alternative
>>>>> peter murage
>>>>> on Tue, 4 Apr 2023 06:24:56 +0000 writes:
> Which package in R replaced package prob?
Well, if you google that you should quickly be lead to
(something I even think makes sense to memorize as "rule"
package=<pkg> ) :
which now says that the package was archived as it
2016 Feb 12
RV: RV: Security tab missing, and another error
Hi again!
I have done this:
and now, when i do “pam-auth-update” i can see windbind as a second auth option
then i set in nsswitch.conf:
passwd: compat winbind
group: compat winbind
and now if i do:
chgrp "Domain Admins" /usuarios
not see error, also ls -lat / :
drwxr-xr-x 2 root domain admins 4096
2017 Feb 19
Reconocimiento de texto
Buenas Juan,
Ya había visto ese paquete pero creo que no soy capaz de explotarlo del todo. Yo lo que tengo son imágenes solo de números y sobre una superficie gris. Entonces me gustaría poder entrenar a mi “modelo” para que solo muestre como posible salida números y siempre en un fondo gris.
Aun asi, muchas gracias por la recomendación
Enviado desde
2016 Feb 12
getent group
Yes, this is ok.
Van: Oscar . [mailto:pelucheloko at hotmail.com]
Verzonden: vrijdag 12 februari 2016 13:39
Aan: L.P.H. van Belle
Onderwerp: RE: [Samba] getent group
Hi thanks for your response.
If you read my last email you can see that ( chgrp: group invalid: “Domain Admins” ) error is not given anymore from my last changes (Winbind +
2017 Feb 18
Reconocimiento de texto
Conoceis algo desarrollado con deeplearning para el reconocimeinto de texto en R?
Enviado desde Correo<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> para Windows 10
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2024 Jan 07
conectar R con base de datos Access
Hola me interesar?a realizar esa conexi?n, para poder manipular las tablas Access desde R. Alguien sabe el procedimiento y que paquetes debo bajar y si hay alguna otra especificaci?n t?cnica respecto a la configuraci?n del Windows en 64 bits? Saludos
Enviado desde Correo<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> para Windows
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2017 Sep 22
Data stale at random intervals on Raspberry Pi Model B
Hello all. I have installed Nut on a Raspberry PI and all looks to be configured correctly, but I get stale data and communications lost at random intervals. I tried running nut-driver in gcc to see if I could find any clues there, but it ran for about 24 hours with no sign of an issue. However, when I let Nut run normally, it seems to be anywhere from 2 to 8 hours and the data goes stale and
2017 Jan 27
cross-platform portable code in CRAN Repository Policy
On 27 January 2017 at 21:54, G?bor Cs?rdi wrote:
| On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 9:28 PM, Da Zheng <zhengda1936 at gmail.com> wrote:
| > What major R platforms does this policy refer to?
| >
| Linux, macOS, Windows.
| > Currently, my package runs in Ubuntu. If it works on both Ubuntu and
| > Redhat, does it count as two platforms?
| >
| I think that Linux is just one. Is
2024 Jan 11
nueva consulta R versión 32 bit ultima version
La ultima versi?n de R desde p?gina oficial, Download R-4.3.2 for Windows<https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/R-4.3.2-win.exe> (79 megabytes, 64 bit), no tiene la opci?n de 32 bit. Es as? o hay otro modo de obtener la descarga con ambas versiones de bit? Gracias
Enviado desde Correo<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> para Windows
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2024 Jan 08
conectar R con base de datos Access
Estimado Emiliano De Iorio
¿Que posibilidades hay de tomar access y pasarlo a otro base de datos, o sqlite para tener todo en un archivo?
Si puede migrar los datos ganaría en una cantidad de herramientas disponibles en R para trabajar con los datos.
Javier Rubén Marcuzzi
> El 7 ene 2024, a las 16:59, emiliano di iorio <emilianodiiorio en hotmail.com> escribió:
> Hola me
2018 Jan 29
Add ablines
Good morning,
I have some problem adding ablines in Rstudio.
The lines drew by the software doesen?t match with the added values, what can I do?
pfaOK<-qcc(D[!trial], sizes=size[!trial], type="p", nsigmas=2, data.name="Polli positivi al Campylobacter")
pfaOK1<-qcc(D[!trial], sizes=size[!trial], type="p", data.name="Polli positivi al Campylobacter")
2023 Mar 28
How to fire up Icecast?
Thank you, Johan.
I clicked on the bat file ? and up came a nice screen saying something like ?load http://localhost:8000 into your browser?. ? (Sorry for not being precise ? my email is on a different computer to the dedicated one for Roon, on a different floor of the house.)
So I did just that ? and got a nice screen which said ?Icecast2 Status?.
So what do I need to do next?
2020 Apr 10
Hi apols as not really speex dev but really struggling to find this info that sure you will know in an instant.
I am trying to compile alsa-plugins so I get the speexdsp as well as the rate conversion and just don’t know how.
pi at raspberrypi:~/alsa-plugins-1.2.2 $ arecord -D mic
ALSA lib dlmisc.c:287:(snd1_dlobj_cache_get) Cannot open shared library
2020 May 14
speexdsp doesn't compile on Ubuntu 20.04
Actually its the ccflags I am using with that particular distro.
-mcpu=cortex-a72 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -mneon-for-64bits
Which is optimised for pi4 isn’t liked.
Also without ccflag=””
configure: error: No 16 bit type found on this platform!
./configure --enable-neon --libdir=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
I dropped down to ubuntu 18.04 and the same errors occur.
I have a
2020 May 22
Speexdsp --enable-neon doesn't compile on 64bit
Complains about missing Int16 functionality.
So for 64bit on Arm you have to compile without –enable-neon and that has a huge effect on the AEC functionality.
The Pi3 with neon is just struggling with the AEC routines as its audibly better on a Pi4 but its not the garble that a Pi0 produces.
Without the neon on the Pi3 the 1.2 – 1.85 perf boost of neon with FFT is lost and it really effects AEC
2020 Aug 20
New needs for VoiceAI preprocessing by old tools
Xiph has done some really good work but since Speex things have seemed quite quiet.
Devs to hobbyists have a huge battle with VoiceAI audio processing and even when available extremely similar routines are separated across libs so that much process duplication occurs and increases load.
The Alsa-plugins of Speex echo just don’t seem to work whilst repos using the speex libs do.
2019 Apr 24
I am using Icecast under Windows. Check to see where the Icecast directory is located on your hard drive. If Icecast is installed under “Program Files” or “Program Files (x86)” then do an uninstall (through Window's normal method for uninstalls) and reboot the machine (I don’t remember if you need to reboot but you might do this to be safe). Then remove the leftover “Icecast”
2023 May 16
Error al actualizar R 4.3.0
Hola, lo pude corregir de la siguiente forma:
Edité el archivo Rprofile.site agregando las siguientes líneas:
options(download.file.method = "libcurl")
Sys.setenv("https_proxy"="http:// http://mi_proxy::mi_puerto")
2024 Apr 16
Need support on CPU consumption of Opus Decoder
Can you please share if there is any CPU benchmark information on x86/ARM processor for Opus Decoder. If not available, can you provide me guidance to calculate CPU consumption.
Also, planning to port Opus Decoder on RISC-V Architecture. If it is already available, Can you share corresponding links.
Thanks and Regards,
Jayakanth N
Sent from
2020 Jan 16
clang interpreter failed to materialize symbols
Hi Stefan,
I just tried the -jit-kind=orc-lazy with lli executable and it solves the problem on Ubuntu 18.04 (still does not work on Windows 10). But this solution is good enough for me now. Thanks again for your help!
Best Regards,
From: Igor Gomon <giv_ua at hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 7:38 PM
To: Stefan Gränitz