similar to: ignores unnamed arguments when no named argument is provided

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: " ignores unnamed arguments when no named argument is provided"

2023 Mar 02
1 ignores unnamed arguments when no named argument is provided
Note that ? says arguments need to be named, so you are testing unspecified behaviour. I guess this falls in a similar category as the note If some of the values are not vectors of the appropriate length, you deserve whatever you get! Experiments for a related Problem Report (<>) showed that packages
2023 Mar 03
2 ignores unnamed arguments when no named argument is provided
>>>>> Gabriel Becker >>>>> on Thu, 2 Mar 2023 14:37:18 -0800 writes: > On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 2:02?PM Antoine Fabri > <antoine.fabri at> wrote: >> Thanks and good point about unspecified behavior. The way >> it behaves now (when it doesn't ignore) is more >> consistent with data.frame() though so I
2023 Mar 02
1 ignores unnamed arguments when no named argument is provided
On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 2:02?PM Antoine Fabri <antoine.fabri at> wrote: > Thanks and good point about unspecified behavior. The way it behaves now > (when it doesn't ignore) is more consistent with data.frame() though so I > prefer that to a "warn and ignore" behaviour: > > data.frame(a = 1, b = 2, 3) > > #> a b X3 > > #> 1 1 2 3
2023 Mar 04
1 ignores unnamed arguments when no named argument is provided
I am probably mistaken but it looks to me like the design of much of the data.frame infrastructure not only does not insist you give columns names, but even has all kinds of options such as check.names and fix.empty.names During the lifetime of a column, it can get removed, renamed, transfomed in many ways and so on. A
2023 Mar 03
1 ignores unnamed arguments when no named argument is provided
Let me expand a bit, I might have expressed myself poorly. If there is a good reason for a warning I want a warning, and because I take them seriously I don't want my console cluttered with those that can be avoided. I strongly believe we should strive to make our code silent, and I like my console to tell me only what I need to know. In my opinion many warnings would be better designed as
2023 Mar 02
1 ignores unnamed arguments when no named argument is provided
Thanks and good point about unspecified behavior. The way it behaves now (when it doesn't ignore) is more consistent with data.frame() though so I prefer that to a "warn and ignore" behaviour: data.frame(a = 1, b = 2, 3) #> a b X3 #> 1 1 2 3 data.frame(a = 1, 2, 3) #> a X2 X3 #> 1 1 2 3 (and in general warnings make for unpleasant debugging so I prefer
2010 Jul 07
What does `_data` mean in transform()?
Hi All, I meant to take the min row by row. But the result is apparently not what I want. Changing min to pmin solve the problem. > df=data.frame(X=1:10, Y=1:10) > transform(df, Z=min(X,10-Y)) X Y Z 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 0 4 4 4 0 5 5 5 0 6 6 6 0 7 7 7 0 8 8 8 0 9 9 9 0 10 10 10 0 I try to look at the source code to understand what transform() does. I know
2009 Jul 19
transform(_data,...) using strptime gives an error
I have timstamped data like this: > sd[1:10,] Tstamp Density Mesh50 Mesh70 Mesh100 Mesh150 Mesh200 2 2009/02/27 07:00 30.5 0.7 10.7 21.4 32.8 41.6 3 2009/02/27 08:00 32.2 1.6 12.4 23.3 34.5 43.0 4 2009/02/27 09:00 32.7 4.8 13.0 24.0 35.1 43.5 5 2009/02/27 10:00 26.7 0.3 6.5 17.6 28.1 36.9 6 2009/02/27 11:00
2012 Apr 06
Order sapply
Good Afternoon, I have the following code, but it seems that something must be doing wrong, because it is giving the results I want. The idea is to create segments while the value of Commutation is less than 1000. for example, from the small set of data below text=" val_user pos v v_star v_end commutation v_source v_destine 1 1 96-96 1173438391 1173438391 0
2018 May 19
Split a data.frame
Hello, Maybe something like the following. splitDF <- function(data, col, s){ n <- nrow(data) inx <- which(data[[col]] %in% s) lapply(seq_along(inx), function(i){ k <- if(inx[i] < n) (inx[i] + 1):(inx[i + 1]) data[k, ] }) } splitDF(DF, "name", split_str) Hope this helps, Rui Barradas On 5/19/2018 12:07 PM, Christofer Bogaso
2009 Dec 04
Renaming columns of a data.frame
A question that has come up a few times on r-help is how to rename columns of a data.frame. There are several ways to do this by hand (see the list archives). There is also a 'rename' function in the reshape package. I often use the 'transform' function shortly after reading in a data file and wanted to have a renaming function that has a syntax consistent with the
2012 Aug 01
Error message: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
HI, The code was working perfectly fine yesterday and today, until half an hour ago.? Couldn't find any problems in the code. Still, I am getting error message. myMatrix <- data.matrix(read.table(text=" Name??????????? Age ANTONY??????? 27 IMRAN????????? 30 RAJ????????????????? 22 NAHAS????????? 32 GEO??????????????? 42 ", header=TRUE)) MinMaxArray? <- data.frame(MIN =
2018 May 22
remove rows of a matrix by part of its row name
Hello, Use grep to get the row indices and then subset with a *negative* index to remove those rows. rn <- scan(what = character(), text = " 70/556 71.1/280 72.1/556 72.1/343 73.1/390 73.1/556 ") mat <- matrix(rnorm(6*6), nrow = 6) row.names(mat) <- rn inx <- grep("73\\.", row.names(mat)) new_mat <- mat[-inx, ] new_mat Hope this helps, Rui Barradas On
2018 May 22
remove rows of a matrix by part of its row name
Hello, Please always cc the list. As for the question, yes, it does. If you want to remove just the ones with exactly 73.1 use the pattern grep("^73\\.1$", etc) Explanation: Beginning of string: ^ End of string: $ Escape special characters: \\ (needed because the period is a special character.) Hope this helps, Rui Barradas On 5/22/2018 12:50 PM, Ahmed Serag wrote: > Thank
2020 Aug 26
trace creates object in base namespace if called on function argument
Please note that this is documented in ?trace. "fun" is matched to what, it is a _name_ of the function to be traced, which is traced in the top-level environment. I don't know why it was designed this way, but it is documented in detail, and hence the expected behavior. Debugging is often, and also in R, implemented in the core. Tracing is implemented on top without specific
2020 Aug 28
utils::isS3stdGeneric chokes on primitives and identity
Trace adds something to the body of the function, so it does make sense that it doesn't. Whether traced functions still technically meet the definition of standard s3 generic or not is, I suppose, up for debate, but I would say that they should, I think. As before, if desired I can work on a patch for this if desired, or someone on R-core can just take care of it if that is easier. Best, ~G
2020 Aug 25
trace creates object in base namespace if called on function argument
Dear R-devel, I don't think this is expected : foo <- function() "hello" trace2 <- function(fun) trace(fun, quote(print("!!!"))) base::fun # Object with tracing code, class "functionWithTrace" # Original definition: # function() "hello" # # ## (to see the tracing code, look at body(object)) `untrace()` has the same behavior. This is
2020 Aug 20
utils::isS3stdGeneric chokes on primitives and identity
>>>>> Gabriel Becker writes: > I added that so I can look at the proposed fix and put it or something > similar in bugzilla for review final review. > Apologies for the oversight. Fixed now with - while(as.character(bdexpr[[1L]]) == "{") + while( && (as.character(bdexpr[[1L]]) == "{")) (the suggested fix does not work on
2019 Jul 29
install packages with missing pkg argument
Dear all, The help for `?install.packages` decribes, in the `pkg` argument description : > If this is missing, a listbox of available packages is presented where possible in an interactive R session. In fact running it with a missing argument triggers an error : install.packages() > Error in install.packages : argument "pkgs" is missing, with no default What however
2020 Sep 02
3 's srcref doesn't match the language
Dear R-devel, I found this behavior disturbing, if `1 + f()` is called, `` called inside of `f` will return a quoted `f()` with a "srcref" that prints "1 + f()". I don't know which one is good but I don't think they can be correct at the same time. Here's a reproducible example: f <- function(){ sc <- print(sc) attr(sc,