similar to: ''$'' placeholder naming can confuse your runner

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "''$'' placeholder naming can confuse your runner"

2011 Apr 28
Undefined columns selected
This is part of my program. I am getting an error, that I cannot figure out, any help would very much appreciated, thanks. # subset variables arc <- arc[,c("SNAP", "code", "ncode", "var", "n_total")] Error in `[.data.frame`(arc, , c("SNAP", "code", "ncode", : undefined columns selected arc$N_eff <-
2007 Aug 15
Objects in Session State Revisited
Hi Folks, I''m still a bit confused about the issue of storing "complex" objects in session state rather than storing simple objects. It''s my understanding that everything is an object in Ruby. If my understanding is correct, then storing a string or an integer in session means storing an object. It would seem then that the problem of storing objects in session is a
2007 Sep 03
blog post on story runner
Here''s an excellent blog post on Story Runner, which will be part of the next release and is undergoing active development in trunk:
2007 Oct 13
Story Runner: Readability of output with multiple params
Fistly, many, many thanks for RSpec and Story Runner. Minor request to improve readability of output Given a scenario item with multiple params.. Eg. And "the user belongs to", "Joe", "Acme" do |user_name, company_name| The readability of the following output is less than ideal.. "And the user belongs to company,Joe Public, No Videos" It would be
2008 May 27
Permission error when installing rspec
hello from here! i''m new in rspec and i have a problem while installing rspec 1.1.4 gem: marcio at marcio-work:~$ gem install rspec Bulk updating Gem source index for: ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES) Permission denied - /var/lib/gems/1.8/cache/rspec-1.1.4.gem I did it with sudo and there was no problem, but when i attemp to use rspec (spec
2007 Sep 10
Removing an AR class definition, for testing plugins
I''m writing an acts_as_* plugin and am trying to BDD it. Ideally my specs would look like: describe ActsAsCloneable, " basic cloning" do load_example_classes School.class_eval do acts_as_cloneable end before(:each) do @old_school = School.create! :name => "Baylake Pines", :city => "Virginia Beach", :guid => "abc123"
2007 Apr 09
How do I use link_to with all the current options?
In one of my pages I want to create some URLs that go to the same page, but tack on an extra parameter (column sorting stuff). How do I do that? I''ve tried link_to "Title", :sort => "title" and that''s pretty keeps the controller name, but it doesn''t include one of the parameters. I''m using nested routes, so the URL should
2008 Jan 21
Story runner "macros"
I''ve gotten quite a bit out of Pat Maddox''s screencast One thing I''m not sure of is the feature where he writes things like: When "I POST to", "/articles", :post => {:title => "Title", :body => "Body") do | path, params| post_via_redirect
2007 Mar 28
Rails, REST and JSON
Hi everyone, I''m writing a lightweight AJAX application using Rails on the server side as a RESTful web service provider. I need the web service to support both JSON and XML I/O. Outputting data in XML and JSON is easy (using to_xml and to_json), and it''s also easy to do XML input as Rails does it for you automatically. Is it possible to somehow have the same automatic parsing
2009 Apr 07
Comparing Sample / Population Geographic Distributions
I am trying to confirm that the sample is not different from the population with respect to geographical respresentation for the following data: region population sample n_total s_total 1 north 1244 232 9077 1032 2 south 4333 100 9077 1032 3 east 1500 200 9077 1032 4
2008 Mar 04
What is your workflow? Or how to use the story runner the right way.
I really would like to know how people are using the Story and Example runner to write their software.It would be great to get some direction on it, because I think I''m missing some points. Taking the outside-in approach in thought: At first we write a high-level customer-facing story, this story fails. Then we start using mocks at object level to use them as a design tool, and so we
2007 Nov 05
Private API in REST
In a app RESTful, all api''s are public. How to leave a private API? -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To unsubscribe
2006 Apr 15
Migrations - adding a new table and automatically creating records
I want to create table called roles and then populate it with some new records...This doesn''t work. Is there something I''m missing? Craig class AddRightsAndRolesTables < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :roles do |t| t.column "name", :string end Role.reset_column_information :name => "Users Admin"
2006 Dec 20
Edge RSpec on Rails...what did I forget?
Started a new Rails project, and installed RSpec and the Rails plugin vendor/plugins/rspec (svn:// - 1332 vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails (svn:// - 1332 Generated the rspec file, created a model...the spec runs fine if I do ruby spec/models/foo_spec.rb. Running rake though gives
2016 Jun 13
LLVM IR intrinsics placeholder for strings [was Re: Back end with special loop instructions (using LLVM IR intrinsics)]
Hello. I come back to this thread. But I want to ask a slightly different question. Is there a way to have LLVM IR language intrinsics that are given at construction time a string that is written at assembly generation time as it is? (so, basically having placeholders of strings in LLVM that remain untouched until the end, including code generation time.) More exactly, I would
2006 Nov 03
[PLUGIN] rspec_resource_generator - RESTful scaffold generator with RSpec specifications
rspec_resource_generator ======================== By Pat Maddox Use this generator to generate RESTful scaffolding with RSpec specifications. Syntax is exactly the same as the scaffold_resource generator: ./script/generate rspec_resource ModelName [field:type field:type] When you run this generator, it will create a migration, model, and model spec file. In addition, it gives you a RESTful
2007 Dec 15
Reading Model data before update
Hi all, here is the challenge: I have this validation method, that basically prevents an object which billed = true to be updated: def before_update if read_attribute(:billed) errors.add_to_base(''This service has already been billed for'') end !read_attribute(:billed) end The above code does not work in case I do something like: object =
2007 Oct 21
plain text stories
Thanks to discussions on this list, suggestions from many of you and a patch from Pat Maddox, we now have Plain Text User Stories in Story Runner. Read more: Cheers, David
2007 Sep 26
How do I best setup data for Story Runner?
Just started looking at the Story Runner integration, and am converting a few Rails integration tests to get a feel for it. My integration tests relied on fixtures, and since my models have a significant amount of validation (and hence need valid data unless I save without validation), this has made setup easy. With stories however, I''m wondering what the recommended approach is.
2007 Mar 14
What''s the new syntax for predicates?
@settings.should allow_publish_ip("") fails with undefined method `allow_publish_ip'' for #<#<Class:0x2f8fd48>:0x2f5a968> @settings.should_allow_publish_ip("") works fine This is rspec 0.8.2. says that matching arbitrary predicates is deprecated and to see