similar to: why boot intsallation stops

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "why boot intsallation stops"

2017 Dec 10
Can USBstikA boot USBstkB ?!
Amazing how zillions of us victims tolerate web-based gmail ? On 12/10/17, eas lab <lab.eas at> wrote: > Gene Cumm wrote:- >>TC64 still has ISOLINUX. The basics are to use chain.c32 to boot >>USB-B:p3 but syntax depends. Ideally, it's a modern enough Syslinux >>version that you can use the "guid" or "label" options to auto-detect
2002 Jul 07
isolinux bug?
Please forgive me if this is a known issue or "feature". I didn't notice anything in the list archives or the docs, so I'm assuming this is a bug. I was attempting to create a bootable LFS cd using the instructions found at I wasn't following the steps exactly as I had some personal changes I wanted to make. One
2017 Dec 10
Can USBstikA boot USBstkB ?!
Gene Cumm wrote:- >TC64 still has ISOLINUX. The basics are to use chain.c32 to boot >USB-B:p3 but syntax depends. Ideally, it's a modern enough Syslinux >version that you can use the "guid" or "label" options to auto-detect >its location rather than "chain.c32 hdN M". Hopefully your FS >label/GUID is unique sdb3 Boot Primary
2011 Dec 07
arules package intsallation
I'm using R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13) on Mac OS X and I get the following error message with library(arules): Loading required package: Matrix Loading required package: lattice Attaching package: 'Matrix' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base': det Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to load shared object
2020 Apr 07
ISOLINUX stuck at boot menu. How do I debug ?
I have just created an ISO containing Fedora and ISOLinux as the bootloader. This is the ISO creation command: genisoimage -U -r -v -T -J -joliet-long -V "Fedora-WS-Live-31-1-9" -volset "Fedora-WS-Live-31-1-9" -A "Fedora-WS-Live-31-1-9" -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -eltorito-alt-boot -e
2017 Dec 02
Can USBstikA boot USBstkB ?!
AIM: from <isolinux> on USBstikA, boot Debian7 installation on USBstikB. EXISTING STATE: USBstikA is TinyCore64bit booter, with:- /boot/isolinux/* 61312 Oct 26 2016 menu.c32 24576 Oct 26 2016 isolinux.bin 2069 Nov 22 01:24 isolinux.cfg ... USBstikB-partition3: Currently boots a 32bit installation, via GRUB using the entry:----- menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux
2007 Apr 11
Changing the ISOLINUX boot directory
I'm new to the ISOLINUX development cycle, and I've tried a few times to come up with a solution. I'm trying to recompile isolinux.bin to look for the config files in a directory other than root, /boot/isolinux, or /isolinux. Ideally, this directory would be /lpc/isolinux. I've tried changing the plain text values in isolinux.asm to reflect these changes and recompiling using
2006 Jan 03
Isolinux.cfg issues on certain BIOSes
Howdy to all, We've been using isolinux quite successfully for quite some time now, and I have come across a couple of laptops where isolinux balks at my config file.. Upon booting on this systems, the image background appears corrupted, and at the boot prompt, the following happens automatically. Unknown keyword in config file. Could not find kernel image: 1 boot: Any label input here
2018 Apr 06
EFI Clients Unable to Load kernel/initrd Not Stored on PXE Server
Issue Statement: PXE booting from BIOS systems works fine on both 6.03 and 6.04-pre1. New clients only support (u)EFI which results in the inability to load remote kernel or initrd. Tested with both Syslinux 6.03 and 6.04-pre1. So far unable to boot any (u)EFI clients unless both initrd and kernel are on PXE server. Using packet captures I see that the URI request for the remote file on the repo
2007 Jul 26
ISOLINUX boot problem: request for help
Hi, I am trying to track down a ISOLINUX boot problem on my workhorse computer. Booting slax-6.0.0-rc5.iso from (a live distro) from CD gives the following messages: Loading /boot/vmlinuz ........... Loading /boot/initrd.gz ............ Ready. _ Silence. The next message should be, but does not appear: Uncompressing Linux ........... This message appears with the same CD on an old
2004 Oct 17
ISOLINUX: Mounting devfs on /mnt/dev failed
Hi, I am trying to boot from an external USB hard drive (partition 1: Windows, partition 2: primary/bootable ext3). I took the kernel-image-2.6.8-1-368.deb and created a new initrd with all modules, root=/dev/sda2 and Busybox (mkinitrd failed with my own kernel ;-) isolinux.cfg contains: PROMPT 1 DEFAULT sda2 LABEL sda1 KERNEL vmlinuz APPEND initrd=initrd ramdisk=16432k root=/dev/sda1
2018 Apr 10
EFI Clients Unable to Load kernel/initrd Not Stored on PXE Server
On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 3:28 PM, Nathan.Wittie--- via Syslinux <syslinux at> wrote: > Issue Statement: > PXE booting from BIOS systems works fine on both 6.03 and 6.04-pre1. New clients only support (u)EFI which results in the inability to load remote kernel or initrd. Tested with both Syslinux 6.03 and 6.04-pre1. So far unable to boot any (u)EFI clients unless both initrd and
2008 Aug 25
syslinux and isolinux
Hi - I am trying to make a centos 5.2 x86_64 boot USB device for installation. I copied the centos 5.2 x86_64 DVD to a USB pen drive formatted for FAT32. I then ran syslinux -sf /dev/sdc1 to get it to boot. I mounted it, and did cp isolinux/vmlinuz . cp isolinux/isolinux.cfg syslinux.cfg then setup the MBR. THe device booted but I got an error message about unknown command in the syslinux.cfg
2017 Oct 17
Boot USB:SATA:Partition4 from USBstik?
I want to be able to make a USBbootStik for my laptop, as I repeatedly did for the now stolen PC. I've got a copy of the required 2009, Slackware13 partition, saved to a USBdisk. And I've located the 175-line: <make bootStik script> . Of course just "chroot"ing Slak13, won't allow <make bootStik>. But why can't someone here, provide the info to make an
2017 Nov 14
Booting USBdeviceB [as root} from USBdeviceA:booter ?
My previous question: "can syslinux on a USBstik also boot installations on other USB devices ?" got no proper reply, so I'm now including more background detail. The new problem is that my 32bit partition of ETHOberon, only gives a proper font-size under Debian7:DVDinstaller:rescueMode, since I'm forced to use a laptop, after my previous systems were stolen. Neither gnome nor
2002 Nov 27
multi OS bootable CD, ISOLinux, ERD Commander problem
Hello all, I plan to make an (emergency) multi OS bootable CD which contain: - Win98 boot floppy (create from Win 98 control panel, add remove program) - WinME boot floppy (create from Win 98 control panel, add remove program) - Linux boot disk - Win NT boot disk - Win 2000 recovery console - Win XP recovery console - Winternal Administrative Pak (ERD Commander etc) I am new to Linux and feel
2008 Aug 25
syslinux and isolinux
Hi I copied the centos 5.2 x86_64 DVD to a USB pen drive formatted for FAT32. I then ran syslinux -sf /dev/sdc1 to get it to boot. I mounted it, and did cp isolinux/vmlinuz . cp isolinux/isolinux.cfg syslinux.cfg the setup the MBR. THe device booted but I got an error message about unknown command in the syslinux.cfg file. Isnt syslinux and isolinux compatible - they are in the same package?
2002 Nov 22
ISOLINUX, problem with initrd
Hello, I try do build a bootable CD-ROM with ISOLINUX, but i fail with initrd Here is what i have done : The root is /home/CDInstall I have creat /home/CDInstall/isolinux In /home/CDInstall/isolinx i have put : boot.msg initrd.img isolinux.bin isolinux.cfg vmlinuz isolinux.cfg is there : default linux prompt 1 display boot.msg timeout 100 label linux kernel vmlinuz append initrd=initrd.img
2015 Jul 02
boot... round 2
On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 1:32 AM, poma <pomidorabelisima at> wrote: > On 02.07.2015 01:28, Gene Cumm wrote: >> On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 10:14 AM, poma <pomidorabelisima at> wrote: >>> On 01.07.2015 12:10, Gene Cumm wrote: >>>> On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 4:35 AM, poma <pomidorabelisima at> wrote: >>>>>
2009 Jun 30
syslinux 3.11 patch for handling both KVM and serial console input
We modified our copy of syslinux. We're now sharing those modifications. That's so that: 1. We fulfill our requirements under the GPL 2. Our modifications might be picked up and included in the base code. That way we wouldn't have to make the same modifications, again, later. Since we're using CentOS 5.3, and CentOS 5.3 derives from RHEL 5.3, and RHEL 5.3 uses