similar to: PXE boot problem.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "PXE boot problem."

2011 Aug 19
Writing non-graphic (text) output to PDF
Hi, friends. I keep coming to you because I'm so new to R and can't seem to figure out some simple things. Sorry. Consider the following code. I want to load a table and write out the structure to a PDF document. I just can't seem to manage writing non-graphic output to PDF. Any help? I've tried several functions, but nothing worked. All I get is the title. #
2003 Jul 22
Making a group membership matrix
Hi Helpers: I have a factor object that has 314k entries of 39 land cover types. (This object can be coerced to characters neatly should that be easier to work with.) > length(foo) [1] 314482 > foo[1:10] [1] Montane Chaparral Barren Red Fir Red Fir [5] Red Fir Red Fir Red Fir Red Fir [9] Red Fir Red Fir 39 Levels:
2011 Aug 12
Getting data from an *.RData file into a data.frame object.
Hi, all. I'm new to R. I've been a SAS programmer for 20 years. I seem to be having trouble with the most basic task - bringing a table in an *.RData file into a data.frame object. Here's how I created the *.RData file. library(RODBC) db <- odbcConnect("*******") df <- sqlQuery( db , "select * from schema.table where year(someDate)=2006" ) save(
2003 Dec 02
rsync 2.5.6 with ssh to a remote server
Hi, I would like to use the new interface style: rsync --rsh="ssh -l username -i key" <src> username@host::module, however I get "reset by peer" errors. Can someone give some suggestions, please? Do I need to provide a symlink to the /etc/rysncd.conf file from within the user's dir? Note, I have the groups set to same as user and the group exists. Where does
2011 Aug 08
Display a DataFrame in a data grid
Hi, all; I'm new to R. Have been a SAS developer for over 20 years. Whenever I create a new table - you call them dataFrame objects - or modify an existing one, I like to open the table in a grid with horizontal and vertical sliders so that I can scan across the table and (especially) look at all four corners. If I made a gross error, it often shows up when I look at the corners of
2010 Jan 09
selinux violation does not get logged
After upgrading to centos 5.4 I am getting a selinux violation, yet nothing is logged to /var/log/audit/audit.log. Other violations do get logged. The violation occurs when running the following command on the mail server: aspen> /usr/bin/Mail centos at Subject: test hi Cc: aspen> send-mail: warning: premature end-of-input on /usr/sbin/postdrop -r while reading input
2009 Nov 17
question on in ismev
Dear all, I'm trying to produce a log-likelihood profile for a GPD estimate with the ismev package. When following the examples, everything is working fine, i.e. I get a nice parabolic log-likelihood curve. When using my own data (intensity of hurricanes at landfall), the log-likelihood curve looks like a step function. Am I doing something wrong here? Is my data not suited for the GPD fit?
2012 Feb 14
iptables nat PREROUTING chain
Is there a way to add a rule to the nat table (CentOS 5.7) that would alter the port number of tcp packets destined for the server itself? I have ip_forwarding enabled, but the packets don't seem to hit the prerouting chain. I have the following redirect rule in the prerouting table. I also tried DNAT, but if the packets don't hit PREROUTING, it won't work either. iptables -t nat
2006 Jul 03
Time entries in rsync log
Hi, I get strange time entries in the rsync log, For example: 2006/07/02 14:56:12 [20054] rsync to upload/aspen/nhm from ( 2006/07/02 11:56:22 [20054] wrote 28 bytes read 3582404 bytes total size 32030720 The first entry in the correct time and second is strange. I checked and this is not the time on the destination. Any ideas what is the
2008 Mar 21
[LLVMdev] Just got bitten by accidentally using the wrong gcc
I recommend you don't parse version strings. In fact I switch the check to use AC_COMPILE precisely for the reason that gcc --version is totally unreliable and vendor specific. For example, what's the regular expression that tells you what the GCC version is: i686-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5470) (Aspen 5470.3) Per the rest of this thread, you can't
2008 Mar 21
[LLVMdev] Just got bitten by accidentally using the wrong gcc
Am Freitag, den 21.03.2008, 06:56 -0700 schrieb Shantonu Sen: > I recommend you don't parse version strings. In fact I switch the > check to use AC_COMPILE precisely for the reason that gcc --version is > totally unreliable and vendor specific. For example, what's the > regular expression that tells you what the GCC version is: > i686-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC)
2010 Mar 22
ctable error with Hmisc and Sweave (on a Mac)
Hi, pretty new with R and LaTeX here... I'm trying to use the latex() function from the Hmisc table with Sweave. When I try: pdflatex myfile.tex I get an error that reads: ! Undefined control sequence. l.22 \ctable It seems like this is an optional package for Tex that I haven't installed? My googling skills have neglected to locate instructions for how to install ctable on a Mac,
2009 Jan 30
Aspen Plus on Wine?
Does anyone have any experiences in installing (and using maybe) Aspen Plus on Linux? I've googled for these days, but it gives me none. So, I found this Wine, and again, anyone has ran it on Wine? Thanks before.
2002 Jan 02
Unable to use Samba in Win2K Domain
Hello. We recently migrated our site from an NT domain model to a 2000 domain model (active directory). In the process, I've found that I'm unable to use Samba with our new domain. These same machines were able to function properly as domain I've tried samba versions 2.2.2 and 3.0alpha12. The systems running Samba are all running Solaris 8. Prior to the migrated to Active
2008 Feb 08
Can I index a dataframe with a reference from/to a second dataframe?
Hello, I am unable to figure out how to code a new column in a data frame based on an existing column that matches a column in a reference data frame, in a relational-db fashion. I would like this to maintain a minimum set of reference tables that may be reused over several similar datasets. Specifically, I have two data frames as listed below, 'Bos' and 'tree.' For each case in
2003 Aug 15
Is it possible to separate two independent components from arandom variable?
Dear Fred, If x1 and x2 are *not* normally distributed, you can use independent component analysis (ICA) which is based on the idea that x will be "more normal" than either x1 and x2 following the central limit theorem. See package(fastICA) by JL Marchini, C Heaton, and BD Ripley for details. HTH Thomas > -----Original Message----- > From: Feng Zhang [mailto:f0z6305 at
2010 Feb 18
Error in coding for splinefun(method = "monoH.FC") (PR#14215)
Full_Name: Tim Heaton Version: 2.8.1 OS: linux-gnu Submission from: (NULL) ( Hi, In my version of R, the stats package splinefun code for fitting a Fritsch and Carlson monotonic spline does not guarantee a monotonic result. If two adjoining sections both have over/undershoot the way the resulting adjustment of alpha and beta is performed can give modified values which still do
2004 May 02
Channel Bank - Vina T-1 Integrator
Has anyone tried a Vina T-1 Integrator as a channel bank with Asterisk? They appear to be plentiful, but I want to make sure I'm not buying a brick. THX/BDH
2009 Jul 20
Glibcxx_3.4.9 not found
Hi, I am running CentOS 5.3. 64 bit version. I have tried updating the OS but every time I run an application I need it reports that Glibcxx_3.4.9 is missing. I tried to do a search for this but cannot find it for my system. When CentOS upgraded to 5.3 I had hoped that the new Glibcxx would have been included but it is not. Is there an easy way to update the OS to include this? You can
2011 Nov 13
How do you execute "rails runner" in Heroku?
I''m going through the 4th edition of the book _Agile Web Development in Rails_. One of the exercises involves automatically creating 100 orders. The command to run locally is "rails runner script/load_orders.rb". I have no problems here - it works. What''s the command for running this in the deployed Heroku application? -- You received this message because you