similar to: modprobe: Can''t locate module ipt_unclean

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "modprobe: Can''t locate module ipt_unclean"

2003 Aug 23
Warning of upcoming removal of ''logunclean'' and ''dropunclean'' interface options.
Harald Welte just announced that the 2.6 Kernels will not support the ''unclean'' match extension except via Patch-O-Matic. Since I have a polciy of not supporting Netfilter features that are only available in P-O-M, I will be removing the ''logunclean'' and ''dropunclean'' interface options from Shorewall. In 1.4.7, a warning will be issued if
2003 Feb 25
Unclean packets
Hello, If I set my network interface to have "logunclean" along with "dhcp,norfc1918,routefilter,noping,tcpflags", then when I connect to and choose any of the product I get this. logpkt:LOG:IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:a0:cc:5b:09:5f:00:08:e2:32:34:70:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=80 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239 ID=14025
2002 Mar 01
iptables 1.2.5 and shorewall 1.2.8?
Hey all- Trying to run sh 1.2.8 and iptables 1.2.5 on my linux 2.4.17 box. I build the kernel from sources, and then patched it with iptables 1.2.5 by doing %make pending-patches KERNEL_DIR=/usr/src/linux I let it run and patched these: Welcome to Rusty''s Patch-o-matic! Each patch is a new feature: many have minimal impact, some do not. Almost every one has bugs, so I
2003 Oct 10
Problem with aliased interface
Hello! I have a problem using shorewall on an aliased interface. Let me give you a short description of the setup: eth0 uses DHCP and will be assigned a address by my ISP; I use a host-route to access their PPTP on with "pptp" ppp0 is the Internetconnection then (duh) At the same time I want to connect the box to my LAN using or any
2004 Oct 30
modules ipt_conntrack ipt_pkttype not found
Hello, I run Shorewall 2.0.3a backport on a debian woody box (with 2.4.18 homemade kernel). When I start shorewall I got the following errors. Oct 30 11:13:12 fwr modprobe: modprobe: Can''t locate module ipt_conntrack Oct 30 11:13:17 fwr modprobe: modprobe: Can''t locate module ipt_pkttype Oct 30 11:13:18 fwr modprobe: modprobe: Can''t locate module ipt_pkttype Oct 30
2012 Aug 29
What could cause an "unclean shutdown" of process?
Hello everyone, I've been experiencing many problems recently with windows software parsing large text files stored on a samba share (smb version 3.6.3 on ubuntu12.04). The software, which are running on windows XP stations, are crashing quite often. I notice this in the log.smbd at the time of the crash: [2012/08/28 17:25:21.980609, 3] smbd/server.c:629(smbd_parent_housekeeping) Printcap
2004 Sep 24
AW: How to improve the quality of curve/line plots?
Thanks for the tip using a smoothing technique before plotiing in order to get a curve instead of a line connecting the observations. But that's not the solution for my main problem with the "unclean" line plot. In order to show my problem let's take this simple example: > xval <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) > yval <- c(10, 30, 40, 50, 70, 90, 100, 110) > plot
2002 Nov 13
IP Forwarding
Hi, I''m trying to get RAdmin [uses tcp 4889] access to my Windows machine which is behind my firewall. I have zones: gbl : the world loc : my lan fw : firewall I placed the following in my rules file DNAT gbl loc: tcp 4889 - When trying to RAdmin I get a cannot conect to server error. is my Windows Machines IP address. Can anyone help me? Shorewall 1.3.9b
2001 Aug 18
ext3->ext2->ext3 and unclean umount
Suppose I have the latest and greatest e2fsprogs. >From reading the docs I understand that 1) boot ext3, clean umount - you can remount ext3 or ext2 2) boot ext3, unclean umount - you can remount ext3 - you can e2fsck and remount ext2 Does this mean that normal linux init script e2fsck will do it, in case fstab says ext2? Or you should make sure to run e2fsck by hand with -f? 3) boot
2002 Jan 30
Should fs_passno in /etc/fstab be always set to 0
That seems to be the indication given by this webpage However, default install of Redhat 7.2 setsup fs_passno(6th field of /etc/fstab) as 2 which asks you if you want to run fsck after an unclean shutdown The question is, is fsck required after an unclean shutdown or should one just rely on journal replay. What does fsck do when it sees an
2003 Apr 15
repost (passive FTP server in DMZ and shorewall 1.4.2)
I apologize for the first message. :) --------------------------------------- I have an FTP server running in the DMZ section of my home network. It uses port 23000 for connection and ports 19990 to 19994 for data transfer. I have setup the following rule for outside people to connect to it: DNAT net dmz: tcp 23000 I''m at work right now and I can''t use
2004 Nov 27
New User on FC3
I am a new user of shorewall, and am having some difficulty getting it set up on a new Fedora Core 3 system. When I run the shorewall script in the /etc/init.d the following errror message is received. tarting shorewall: ./shorewall: line 26: 10555 Terminated $exec start >/dev/null 2>&1 [FAILED]
2004 Jan 31
Shorewall 2.0.0 Alpha 1 -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \
2012 Mar 23
Users can't login any more
Hi, I'm using samba for years now. Today I got complaints from some users they could not login any more. The PC's they used where old Win98 PC's. Unfortunately I still have to support these. It worked fine for years, though. AFAIK nothing changed the last months. And since I do such changes I would know. I have a virtual machine with XP. To do some tests, I made a snapshot just
2016 Dec 19
Samba 3.5.7-3.5.1-2573 not able to shutdown old processes which results in locked files
Dear Samba users, Samba tries to close old connections on a new session setup from the same machine, but fails. Those connections result in locked files which the users can't access - i.e. save or open. I have to kill them via "kill -9 pid". smb.conf: Using "reset on zero vc = yes" seems to reduce the
2003 Aug 27
DDoS attacks, what can be done?
Hi, I run two live c-class subnets on the internet. Last Sunday morning I was hit with a DDoS attack and it hasn''t stopped. I made modifications on my shorewall firewall during Sunday to lesson the impact, as they were hammering me with 180k/5sec traffic both ways (inbound and outbound). One of the primary things which helped reduce their DDoS was enabling "norfc1918" on the
2007 Jul 18
Mocking Rails association collections
Rails model association collections allow you to do nifty things like: article.comments.find(:all, :conditions => {:created_at >}) Has anyone found a good way to mock this up? I''m currently doing this: @comment1 = mock_model(Comment) comments = mock(Array) comments.stub!(:find).and_return([@comment1]) @article = mock_model(Article)
2013 Jun 26
Re: removing external journal
On 2013-06-26, at 9:38 AM, Eric Sandeen wrote: > On 6/25/13 3:13 AM, Folkert van Heusden wrote: >> >> I have a system with an ext4 filesystem with its journal on an other >> device (an SSD). >> Now this SSD dropped of the sata bus so the filesystem went r/o. >> I would like to remove the journal but it says it can't because >> needs_check is set. >
2012 Sep 19
Error message about lock database
Hi, I'm running samba on a fully updated CentOS-6.3 box as a fileserver exporting to Win7 clients. samba-3.5.10-125.el6.x86_64 Anybody got an idea what is causing the following error message. It's filling up my logs. [2012/09/19 11:40:20.710031, 1] smbd/server.c:267(remove_child_pid) Scheduled cleanup of brl and lock database after unclean shutdown [2012/09/19 11:40:40.729746,
2012 Jan 04
Fwd: Re: Samba Freezes accessing shares/ low performance
Thanks Volker, I've Changed the values as you suggested, i noticed that the default value for max xmit is much less 16384! Still I feel like the performance is very slow indeed. This because on server, a can make copys arround 8gb/s! and in samba is all so slow and it freezes as i sad many times... Can you have a second look to the log, to see if you see anything strange? I'm putting