similar to: remote site 10.x http traffic rule help!

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "remote site 10.x http traffic rule help!"

2003 Aug 04
Redirect 80 to 3128
Hello Group I am trying to set up a demo of Squid at my location to to a person that has proxy ports blocked on his firewall at his location by having him set his IE Browser set to use proxy server port 80. My thinking was to set up a rule in shorewall which redirects port 80 to 3128 as in a local setting. My test server is running rh 7.3, Shorewall 1.3.14 with one interface
2003 Jan 09
transparent proxy
I''ve installed a bering box acting as a firewall for a lan; the lan is the bering box is I''ve installed a squid server It is possible to configure shorewall for a transparent proxy to the squid server? I''ve tryed with REDIRECT loc loc: tcp www - ! in the rules file I get this error: Error:
2006 Apr 13
maclist or rule question
Hi, I want to automate some of the maclist and rule functionality: User connects to the network and gets a DHCP address from the shorewall box. Using squid and redirection, all the user can do is go to a login page on the firewall User logs in correctly to the form on the webpage and a process captures MAC and IP address info from the dhcpd.leases file Once authenticated, a maclist entry and an
2012 Oct 11
Problems with getURL (RCurl) to obtain list files of an ftp directory
Dear all, I have a problem with the command 'getURL' from the RCurl package, which I have been using to obtain a ftp directory list from the MOD16 (ET, DSI) products, and then to download them. (part of the script by Tomislav Hengl, spatial-analyst). Instead of the list of files (from ftp), I am getting the complete html code. Anyone knows why this might happen? This are the steps i
2005 Feb 22
selective redirect
Hi, I am trying to redirect my subnet thru squid and it seems to be working. However I decided tu exclude two hosts from the redirect (ie acces the net directly) and can''t manage to achieve that. I am using the following rule: REDIRECT loc:!,! 3128 tcp 80 - With this rule everything gets redirected thru squid. I also tried:
2005 Jun 30
routing between 2 lines problem , after starting squid
i''m using one line on eth2 only for web traffic eth1 is my internal line and eth0 is my main line to internet . i''m marking packets like this i have default route on eth0 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j MARK --set-mark 66 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --sport 80 -j MARK --set-mark 66 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1
2007 Aug 10
Hi, I am running squid as a TRANSEPARENT PROXY WITH SQUID 2.5 on CENTOS 4.5. Pls see below for squid.con file. http_port 3128 cache_mem 64 MB cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 100 16 256 cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log # INSERT YOUR OWN RULE(S) HERE TO ALLOW ACCESS FROM YOUR CLIENTS # Example rule
2006 Feb 17
dansguardian+squid masquerading not working
Hello Everyone! I am using shorewall-3.0.5 on suse linux. Recently we have implemented dansguardian running on 8080 and squid on port 3128. Previously (before dans guardian) masquerading was working fine but after the implementation of dansguardian masquerading is not working. My rules file has entry Previous entry was ACCEPT loc: net REDIRECT loc 8080 tcp
2006 Mar 26
Shorewall and squid not wokring together
Hi everybody. We are running Shorewall and Squid on Suse on the same box. Each is working fine independently, but we can''t get them to cooperate. The access log in squid shows no requests when Shorewall is on. Here are all the changes we made in the configuration files. Everything else is the same. We have read through the mailing list and the guide, but still haven''t figured it
2007 Jul 19
yum through a squid proxy
Hello, I've got a centos5 box that is now behind a what was transparent squid proxy. The proxy now has it's own dedicated ip and uses proxy basic authentication. I've got a firewall that redirects all outgoing port 80 traffic to that ip so anyone wishing access goes proxied. The problem is yum on my centos5 can't retrieve the .xml files for the various yum repositories. In
2004 Dec 18
SuSe 9.1 startup issue
Tom, I am NOT subscribed (yet). I dropped SuSeFirewall2 in favor of shorewall to get past the configuration hurdles I as experiencing. At the moment, when my SuSe 9.1 starts up, I can see shorewall processing the rules, policies, etc. and I see no errors and then moves on with the rest of the SuSe boot process . However, no traffic passes through using the rules. I run an iptables -L and I
2020 May 09
Transparent Squid and FirewallD : fine-tuning question
Hi, I just setup a very basic HTTP proxy with Squid on a router running CentOS 7. Up until early 2020 I've been using a bone-headed shell script with iptables to configure my firewall. But I decided to follow advice from a few gurus on this list, and I've since moved my configurations to FirewallD, which works nicely. There's one configuration left to tackle, that's port
2004 Dec 18
Bridging and transparent proxy
Hi all, is it possible configure Shorewall in bridge mode and, in the same box, utilize Squid in transparent mode? I''m triing to do this, but the REDIRECT rule doesn''t work. I''ve already read to configure the bridge and work fine for me, but when I add the rule for transparent proxy
2012 Jan 21
squid transparent proxy problem
Greetings, I installed a squid 3.1.10.i686 squid to a centos 6.2i686. The proxy is working fine with the default config. After I decided to use it as a transparent proxy, I added two lines to config: http_proxy transparent, always_direct allow all http_port transparent # # Recommended minimum configuration: # acl manager proto cache_object #acl localhost src
2015 Mar 06
Squid on CentOS 7: few questions
Hi, I recently migrated my office's server from Slackware64 14.1 to CentOS 7. Right now I'm in the process of configuring the Squid web proxy. I edited the default /etc/squid/squid.conf, and here's what I have so far: --8<-------------------------------------------------- # /etc/squid/squid.conf # Nom d'h?te du serveur Squid visible_hostname amandine.microlinux.lan #
2009 Apr 29
Shorewall Settings to view internal websites
We are trying to configure shorewall as follows: 1. We have shorewall running at gateway ( with NAT. 2. We have a number of web servers (172.16.1.x/24). These web servers are accessed through port forwarding at the gateway ( and websites are visible through virtual hosting through a web re-director. 3. Presently the proxy server runs in a transparent mode, i.e., all web
2007 Jan 08
shorewall/dansguardian/squid problem
ive got a config thats client -> server ->Dansguardian->Squid -> onward adn I want to transparently redirect web traffic to DG/Squid Not sure where the problem lies - hoping you guys can help me and at least tell me that its NOT my shorewall config heres the configs When I point a browser straight at 3128 or 3129 I get web pages back and the appropriate stuff in the logs . I get a
2016 Feb 04
Squid as interception HTTPS proxy under CentOS 7
Hi all, I am trying to configure squid as a interception HTTPS proxy under CentOS 7. At every https request, I am receiving a certificate error. My current config for squid is: # My localnet acl localnet src acl localnet src acl SSL_ports port 443 acl Safe_ports port 80 # http acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp acl Safe_ports port 443 # https acl Safe_ports port 70
2005 Jan 27
problem with masquerading with shorewall
Hello, I''m not sure if this has been asked before but I would like to ask assistance for this problem I have. I installed gentoo for my firewall/gateway and installed dhcp and shorewall. Currently, I can ssh, ftp, remote desktop connect, ping, etc (anything I can think of) from an internal computer inside my network to an external IP, except I cannot surf the net. I can ssh/ftp to
2018 Mar 11
Squid vs. iptables redirection: exception for certain domains ?
Am 11.03.2018 um 11:53 schrieb Nicolas Kovacs <info at>: > > I've experimented some more, and I have a partial success. Here, I'm > redirecting all HTTPS traffic *except* the one that goes to my bank: > > iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i $IFACE_LAN -p tcp ! -d > --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3129 > > This works