similar to: Masquerade only a few hosts

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Masquerade only a few hosts"

2006 Feb 23
ipp2p don''t block Ares
HI I have a bridge running ipp2p blocking Ares traffic and others protocols. This bridge works fine buts since two weeks can''t block Ares traffic. All protocols block fine but Ares not (upload and download). Somebody are using ipp2p blocking the latest Ares version ? My system settings are: kernel : 2.6.13 iptables: 1.3.3 ipp2p: 0.81 rc1 iptables -L -v output: Chain FORWARD
2006 Apr 22
bridge firewall with two nets
Hi I would like to use shorewall for my bridge firewall. I just read the howto But in this howto there are only one net behind the bridge and have two nets behind my bridge. Can I use shorewall with two nets behind the bridge. Thanks in advance. roberto -- Ing. Roberto Pereyra ContenidosOnline Servidores BSD, Solaris y Linux Soporte técnico ISPs
2006 Jan 24
iax provider
Hi I looking a good IAX service for a *emerging * voip provider. Better with a test account to try. Thanks in advance. roberto -- Ing. Roberto Pereyra ContenidosOnline Servidores BSD, Solaris y Linux Soporte t?cnico ISPs Jabber ID: For reliable and professional DNS, use DNS Made Easy! -------------- next part
2006 Apr 19
bridge filtering and Xen
Hi Now I have a bridge filtering for p2p traffic shaper and filtering some ports in my network with the standard tools (brconfig, iptables ...) -----/inet/----/bridge filtering/----/lan/------- The bridge have ip addresse (is not transparent) Can I replace the bridge with a Xen virtual machine ? Any help ? roberto -- Ing. Roberto Pereyra ContenidosOnline Servidores BSD, Solaris y Linux
2006 Jan 20
AIX calls with sipdiscount
Hi Someone have luck using Sipdiscount service with IAX ? I only can use sipdiscount IAX service using a free account (only 1 minute call) , I have a normal account and with it can login in the IAX server. I using like IAX server but can make free calls (less 1 minute). Thanks in advance. roberto -- Ing. Roberto Pereyra ContenidosOnline Servidores BSD, Solaris y Linux
2007 Jan 17
bridge and ipp2p question
Hi all !!! I have a firewall bridge (not router) with two nics that filter p2p with ipp2p. All works fine but now I need to add a third nic to route all p2p traffic through this nic. It is that possible with a bridge ? Later (with other server) connect to this nic I do loading balancing with two adsl lines to route all p2p traffic. Any hint ? Any howto ? Thanks in advance. roberto --
2007 May 26
Asterisk in Xen domu with tdm400 hardware
Hi all !!! I would like to install asterisk in Xen domU using TDM400 hardware. Somebody know a howto or tutorial about that ? Thanks in advance roberto -- Ing. Roberto Pereyra ContenidosOnline
2003 Mar 23
Shorewall 1.4.1a
Rather than have lots of folks downloading a version with a broken ''check'' command, I''ve released 1.4.1a that corrects the problem. Sorry for the back-to-back releases today... -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Shorewall - iptables made easy Shoreline, \ Washington USA \
2004 Aug 08
.lrp files of development release
Hello, I would like to use .lrp version of 2.1.3 Shorewall development release. But it is not accessible on FTP/WWW server and LrpN project on the CVS Repository includes some old version. So my question is - is there any script for creating .lrp file from .tgz or .rpm instead of hand work? ;-) Thank you, Milos
2004 Jun 23
Shorewall 2.0.3
Content is the same as RC2. The release will be coming to a mirror near you shortly. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \
2007 Mar 22
error with rsync and ssh
Hi I running a rsync server using version 2.6.3pre1 in a Solaris 10 server. When I try to use ssh to encrypt my data, the rsync client fails with this message: rsync -avz -e ssh winbox.exe Password: rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(434) My config
2004 Jul 21
Small Modification to the Shorewall Release Model
After gaining some experience with the new release model, it has become apparent to me that a small adjustment is warrented. I previously announced that updates to the stable release would only contain bug fixes. I''m modifying that slightly to allow for small low-risk enhancements; large and/or risky enhancements will still be restricted to the development release. We have seen this
2007 Apr 25
Raid 1 newbie question
Hi I have a Raid 1 centos 4.4 setup and now have this /proc/mdstat output: [root at server admin]# cat /proc/mdstat Personalities : [raid1] md2 : active raid1 hdc2[1] hda2[0] 1052160 blocks [2/2] [UU] md1 : active raid1 hda3[0] 77023552 blocks [2/1] [U_] md0 : active raid1 hdc1[1] hda1[0] 104320 blocks [2/2] [UU] What happens with md1 ? My dmesg output is: [root at
2007 Oct 11
xen in production servers
Hello A simple question Is virtualization (Xen) in CentOS stable for big developments ? Somebody is using it for important servers ? Would have to wait for an update? Thanks in advance roberto -- Ing. Roberto Pereyra ContenidosOnline Get secure managed email for your own domain with Hushmail Business -
2007 Jan 24
know if packets are marked
Hi !! I marking packets in a bridge: Mark outbound www packets from clients: /usr/local/sbin/iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -m physdev --physdev-in eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j MARK --set-mark 2 How I can know if this packets are marked ? roberto -- Ing. Roberto Pereyra ContenidosOnline Looking for Linux Virtual Private Servers ? Click here:
2008 Jul 09
Port package
Hi When I type: > ?nls I come across this section: algorithm: character string specifying the algorithm to use. The default algorithm is a Gauss-Newton algorithm. Other possible values are '"plinear"' for the Golub-Pereyra algorithm for partially linear least-squares models and '"port"' for the 'nl2sol'
2003 Jan 01
Season Greetings to all Tom, in your faq, u have this noted: While I am currently using the HTB version of The Wonder Shaper (I just copied wshaper.htb to /etc/shorewall/tcstart and modified it as shown in the Wondershaper README), I treid this with wondershaper, using Bearing Leaf 1.0 stable i even changed the tc command to run_tc, and tried it in both angles, and i receive the following..
2006 Aug 14
enable p2p to some host (ipp2p)
Hi I using ipp2p to block p2p traffic. How to enable to use p2p to me host in my net ? I using this setup: iptables -A FORWARD -m ipp2p --ipp2p --bit --apple --winmx --soul --ares -j DROP This setup: iptables -A FORWARD -m ipp2p --ipp2p --bit --apple --winmx --soul --ares -d ! mynet -j DROP iptables -A FORWARD -m ipp2p --ipp2p --bit --apple --winmx --soul --ares -s ! mynet -j DROP not
2007 Jan 21
mark and route traffic in a bridge
Hi all !! I would to like to mark and route some kind of traffic (ie: outbound www, now by simplicity) ---inet1--------eth0------------| | | linux | --eth1------- clientes ---inet2(| | I have eth0 and eth1 bridged (eth2 is not bridged). I would to route www outbound clients
2007 Jan 21
mark and route traffic in a bridge
Hi all !! I would to like to mark and route some kind of traffic (ie: outbound www, now by simplicity) ---inet1--------eth0------------| | | linux | --eth1------- clientes ---inet2(| | I have eth0 and eth1 bridged (eth2 is not bridged). I would to route www outbound clients