similar to: shorewall doesn''t log dropped smb connection ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "shorewall doesn''t log dropped smb connection ?"

2004 Oct 12
Blacklisted packages still logged
Hello, Pardon me if this turns out to be stupid question. I have an IP address blacklisted in /etc/shorewall/blacklist. I have BLACKLIS_LOGLEVEL not set in /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf, but I can still see the packages coming from the blacklisted IP logged in /var/log/messages when I do ''tail -f /var/log/messages''. Is there someplace else I should check ? Thanks. RDB --
2004 Sep 20
Playlist containing both MP3 and OGG
Hello, I have both MP3 and OGG in my hard drive, since I used to use MP3 encoding and now I'm trying to move to OGG vorbis. I am wondering if there's a way to stream a playlist containing both MP3 and OGG files. As far as I understand from reading the doc, Ices-0.4 and Ices2 can only stream MP3 and OGG files respectively. So I just installed both. But is there a trick or something
2007 Oct 17
SMART Prefailure Attribute messages
Hello, My machine is running Software RAID 5 on /dev/hde1, /dev/hdg1,/dev/hdi1. I noticed on the log that suddenly we are getting messages such as : Oct 14 01:27:16 localhost smartd[4801]: Device: /dev/hde, SMART Prefailure Attribute: 8 Seek_Time_Performance changed from 247 to 246 Oct 14 01:57:15 localhost smartd[4801]: Device: /dev/hde, SMART Prefailure Attribute: 8 Seek_Time_Performance
2004 Sep 20
Playlist containing both MP3 and OGG
On Monday, 20 September 2004 at 18:02, EvilOverlord wrote: > Reuben D. Budiardja wrote: > >Hello, > >I have both MP3 and OGG in my hard drive, since I used to use MP3 encoding > >and now I'm trying to move to OGG vorbis. I am wondering if there's a way > >to stream a playlist containing both MP3 and OGG files. As far as I > >understand from reading the
2004 Aug 06
ices configure can't find lame library
Hi all I'd like to install ices with re-encoding support. So I installed the latest stable lame from source. However, when I configure ices using --with-lame option, it couldn't find the lame library. I specified --with-lame-libraries=/usr/local/lame/lib --with-lame-includes=/usr/local/lame/include/lame, and it still couldn't find it. I tried all kind of combination for specifying
2004 Aug 06
sluggish stream problem - help
Hi, I am a newbie here. I just tried to set up mp3 streamer server on Redhat Linux 7.2, using icecast and shout. I then tried to connect to the server, from another machine and different LAN, using xmms. And the stream is so sluggish, it gets cuts off for every 2 seconds or so. Both LANs (the server and where I am connected from) are T1. My mp3 was all encoded in 128 KBps. I then asked someone
2004 Aug 06
ices configure can't find lame library
On Sat, 2002-07-20 at 14:43, Mark W. Davis wrote: > Did you try --with-lame-libraries=/usr/local/lame or variations thereof? > Some configure scripts do not like the explicit path to the library. > Yes, I tried all kind of variations I can think of. I even just now installed lame RPM, but it still didn't work. I can't think of anything else to try right now. Rdb
2004 Aug 06
Re-encoding vorbis/ogg format on the fly
Hi, Just one quick question. Can ices re-encode vorbis/ogg format on the fly? I know it can do that with mp3 format, but what about vorbis/ogg format? Thanks. Reuben D. Budiardja --- >8 ---- List archives: icecast project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the
2005 Aug 08
OCI8 extension for PHP
Hello, I am wondering what do people use to connect to an oracle DB ? I've been looking for something like php-oci8 RPM package, but no luck so far. I hate to have to rebuilding PHP on my own just to be able to connect to an Oracle database. Thanks for any help RDB
2004 Aug 06
sluggish stream problem - help
Hi Reuben, I think I remember having the same issue when I first used icecast. I think from the best of my memory I swapped from using shout to IceS and this solved the issue. I could be wrong though my memory isn't too good and you may actually be experiencing something totally different than me, however I would say with your bandwidth a 128 stream shouldn't be a problem. Hope this is
2004 Aug 06
ices configure can't find lame library
Did you try --with-lame-libraries=/usr/local/lame or variations thereof? Some configure scripts do not like the explicit path to the library. <p>On Fri, 2002-07-19 at 08:13, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote: > Hi all > I'd like to install ices with re-encoding support. So I installed the > latest stable lame from source. However, when I configure ices using > --with-lame option, it
2005 Mar 03
Samba errors with smb QUERY_PATH_INFO, Error: STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUNDFrom: Timothy D Newcomb Subject: Samba errors with smb QUERY_PATH_INFO, Error: STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND > Did you get an answer for this ? I am seeing it on an XP box and I have > the same problem..slow load "my computer" Tim, No I didn't, thanks for the reply. I just figured that
2001 Mar 03
kernel & automount errors in messages log
Hello all, I have a few strange errors in my messages log I can't fix. My system works great, it just bugs me that I have error (or apparent errors) that I don't know about. I get automount errors regurlarly (daily) that are reflected in the last four lines of the log file excerpt below. My misc and net directories are there, but I can't write to them either. The properties say that
2006 Jan 26
Samba (+ NAV?) and bad printer names?
At 4:00 every morning the 2 WinXP machines on my network generate a slew of queries to bad printer names. These names are variations on the name of a valid printer exported by Samba. Samba v3.0.10 is running on a RHEL4 system. It exports several shared drives and a single printer. The printer is named "lj4500", is managed by CUPS v1.1.22, and works correctly via Samba from both
2010 Jan 11
matchname messages filling logs - howto stop?
Listmates, I have had a few boxes where the 'matchname' message is filling my syslog with one new message ever ~40 seconds or so. No performance problems, just the log annoyance. An example of the messages are: Jan 11 13:43:03 nemesis smbd[2246]: [2010/01/11 13:43:03, 0] lib/util_sock.c:1685(get_peer_name) Jan 11 13:43:03 nemesis smbd[2246]: Matchname failed on
2005 Apr 04
MAC Adress / Iptables/ Shorewall
Hello, I use Shorewall 2.0.16 on my server. I would like to auhtorized some external desktop to connect my network. The desktop''s IP change always, because they use dynamic addresses and they haven''t static IP. So I would like to filter those desktop...With shorewall, I can use an IP to drop, reject...But in my case, I can use it. So I think to use a filter on the MAC address.
2005 Feb 25
3.0.7 - NT Create AndX Response, Error:, QUERY_PATH_INFO, Error:
<earlier, David Rankin wrote to no avail:> Mates, I have been watching a developing problem over the past few weeks. Most likely a M$ patch to XP that has caused problems. What happens is that XP clients try to open the standard "File" -> "Open" dialog (like in word, or whatever) and the file open dialog hangs and stops responding for 15 seconds or so. I have
2004 Sep 24
Compile from source FAILED - Mandrake 7.2
Mates, The saga continues, but THANK GOD 'make revert' WORKS. Here is my problem. I am trying to compile 3.0.7 from source and install it on my Mandrake 7.2 box. The gcc compiler is 2.95.3. Here is what I have done: [stop samba] # ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-smbmount # make # make install # /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start Here is what I get: [root@Nemesis david]# tail
2004 Aug 06
sluggish stream problem - help
Hi, I am a newbie here. I just tried to set up mp3 streamer server on Redhat Linux 7.2, using icecast and shout. I then tried to connect to the server, from another machine and different LAN, using xmms. And the stream is so sluggish, it gets cuts off for every 2 seconds or so. Both LANs (the server and where I am connected from) are T1. My mp3 was all encoded in 128 KBps. I then asked someone
2004 Aug 06
icecast error bad password
Hi I often have troubles connecting to icecast from ices. Both are on the same machine. Sometime, especially when the machine has just been rebooted, when ices trying to stream to icecast, it is often denied for BAD PASSWORD. The curious thing is, both the ices and icecast config file were not even changed, and the password is match. I don't use any encryption I believe. Is this a known