similar to: cannot establish connections from the machine to the internet

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "cannot establish connections from the machine to the internet"

2006 Jul 14
Emailing from Command Line
Thanks for reading, I need certain shell scripts to email me after they are done running. I've installed ssmtp to forward to my internal SMTP server. I have a working ssmtp config on a Gentoo system that works just fine, but on CentOS it's not working. Here's a bounce message: Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 13:33:22 -0700 From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <MAILER-DAEMON at
2008 Jun 16
Looking for a SSMTP alternative
Hello all, since the default repositories (base, updates, addons, extras) don't have a package for SSMTP I'm looking for another small and simple MTA. What do you suggest? Should I just stick with Exim? Thanks for reading, Luigi
2015 Oct 07
ssmtp config for gmail
I have tried to setup ssmtp to relay through gmail. root=my gmail address AuthUser=my gmail address AuthPass=my password FromLineOverride=YES UseSTARTTLS=YES TLS_CA_FILE=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt I get this error: Authorization failed (534 5.7.14 145sm16287775qhb.20 - gsmtp) I am not using two step verification at
2003 Nov 30
mail without mta
Dear list! I'd like to know if some- one has experience with system running no mta (aka sendmail). I have single comp, not server, not lan. Yes! Sendmail is nice, but it is too big for simple tasks I have for it. My intention is to use apps small as possible. This letter gone from mutt directly to ssmtp, that processed it to my isp. (Setting option for sendmail as
2013 Aug 14
Dovecot security
Hi, THIS IS URGENT I have Debian Linux machine which I installed as a mail server with postfix, and dovecot. my mail server is setup to use SMTP relay. I currently have ports 143, 995, 25 & SSMTP ports open. in the last few days I have been under attack where email is being sent to fake email address for example xxx at which does not exist in the mysql db. I need to figure
2017 Jul 29
under another kind of attack
Hi to all, @Olaf Hopp I've this filter enabled for fail2ban, my question is: could my filters overlap or interfere with those suggested by you? this is my filter: Contents of /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf: [postfix] # Ban for 10 minutes if it fails 6 times within 10 minutes enabled = true port = smtp,ssmtp filter = postfix logpath = /var/log/mail.log maxretry = 6 bantime = 600
2006 Feb 22
SV: Re: SV: Re: Fromstring when sending e-mail onrecievedvoicemail
It's fixed now. In "/etc/mail/ssmtp.conf", this ("FromLineOverride=YES") line was commented out. Removing that comment did the trick :) Now I only need to change the e-mail's title. Is that possible? -----Opprinnelig melding----- Fra: [] P? vegne av Barry Flanagan Sendt: 22.
2020 Aug 21
[EXT] Re: dovecot-SASL for Postfix: EXTERNAL does not work.
Aki Tuomi wrote in <1907575568.4364.1597984769802 at>: |> On 21/08/2020 02:17 Steffen Nurpmeso <steffen at> wrote: ... |> Wietse Venema wrote in |> <4BXSTk189nzJrP3 at>: |> ... |>|Steffen Nurpmeso: |> ... |>|> until SASL says it is done?!. How could EXTERNAL ever work
2010 Jun 15
Disable sendmail and configure mailx to use an external Postfix server?
Is there anyway I can disable sendmail on my various machines and configure mailx on them to utilize my Postfix SMTP server? Thanks, Dan
2006 Feb 22
SV: Re: SV: Re: SV: Re: Fromstring when sending e-mailonrecievedvoicemail
Thank you very much. For some reason "emailsubject" was not included in my example config. Well, it's working great now. Last question, I promise :P. Is it possible to change the date format? I want it in Norwegian. -----Opprinnelig melding----- Fra: [] P? vegne av Barry Flanagan Sendt: 22.
2008 Aug 18
Lightweight MTA for XEN CentOS guests
All, For a production environment, I'd like to setup CentOS XEN guests as lightweight as possible. I'd like the XEN guests to be able to send nightly email as all CentOS servers do, but there is no reason to run a mail server as the CentOS Dom0 already has an email server running that can act as an email smart host. The options that seem most appealing to me are either ssmtp or sendmail
2010 Oct 14
sendmail substitute?
Hi all, i'm following online guides to secure my centos 5.4 it's advised to turn off sendmail service among others. but how can i forward my /var/log/mail to my webmail ? any help would be greatly appreciated.. thank you -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
1998 Dec 05
portmap vulnerability?
Are there any known vulnerabilities in portmap (redhat''s portmap-4.0-7b)? I''ve been receiving a lot of attempts to access the portmap port on some linuxppc machines I administer by various machines which clearly have no business with mine, and I wonder if this is an attempt to break in to my machines. I''ve searched some archives, but I haven''t yet found any
2015 Oct 07
ssmtp config for gmail
> Date: Wednesday, October 07, 2015 10:39:00 -0400 > From: Jerry Geis <geisj at> > > I have tried to setup ssmtp to relay through gmail. > > root=my gmail address > AuthUser=my gmail address > AuthPass=my password > FromLineOverride=YES > > UseSTARTTLS=YES > TLS_CA_FILE=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt > >
2017 Jun 16
ssmtp not working properly.
Hi. I have a sever running centos 7, I had install ssmtp from epel repo, but every time I test in my console I got this ugly message. mail -s test myusername at mydomain dot com 7fc10a187000-7fc10a18a000 r-xp 00000000 09:7e 268635290 /usr/lib64/ 7fc10a18a000-7fc10a389000 ---p 00003000 09:7e 268635290 /usr/lib64/ 7fc10a389000-7fc10a38a000 r--p 00002000
2007 Jun 28
voicemail.conf serveremail
Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to change the "From" address (not just the Return-Path) for voicemail notification emails in Asterisk. It looks like the serveremail directive in voicemail.conf just changes the Return-Path. I'm looking for something analogous to the -r option in mailx, for example. I need this since the mail server I'm using requires the sender to be
2006 Aug 04
Can you explain me this behaviour please?
Hi, I found a behaviour of rsync I cannot explain. 1) rsync -vaS --delete-after --include-from=/etc/ --exclude-from=/etc/rsync.ex / server:/ 2) rsync -vaS --relative --delete-after --include-from=/etc/ --exclude-from=/etc/rsync.ex / server:/ I sync most of one server to another as a fallback server. I had the relative option first (dont know anymore why), then
2018 Oct 26
Setting up sendmail to mail system messages on CentOS 6 and 7
Hi all, I've previously configured sendmail to send system messages on selected servers running CentOS 6. Usually they just kinda' work out of the box. No problems to speak of. However most of my CentOS 7-servers are rather flakey when it comes to sendmail. Most of the time they just won't send mails for whatever reason. Further, most of the time I can get it working, it's
2016 Nov 21
Request to join Centos Virt SIG
On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 3:45 PM, Eyal Edri <eedri at> wrote: > Hi, > > My name is Eyal and I've been a member of the oVirt infrastructure team > [1] from its inception date a few years ago. > > In our team we're constantly using Centos repos to test oVirt on our CI > systems [2] and I would want to join the SIG group to be able to hear on >
2020 Jan 07
unexpected UPS status
This is part UPS and part nut question. I had a (intentional) power outage. The UPS/nut properly shut the system down when battery was down to 20%. It ran for only 18 minutes rather than the expected 40 (see later). After it charged to 37% I removed power from the UPS. After 4-5 minutes the system shut down. However, when I restored power to the UPS the machine powered up immediately (no delay).