similar to: CPU

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "CPU"

2004 Aug 16
Not sure how to configure Shorewall 2.1.3
I have an access-IProm my isp that I configured my eth0 with. And I also have an IP-range assigned from my ISP that will be used on my servers connected to eth1. The IP-range is routed thru the access-IP. This is how my configfiles look like. Internal everything seems to work but not external. /etc/shorewall/proxyarp #ADDRESS INTERFACE EXTERNAL HAVEROUTE
2004 Oct 30
Change Source address for port 2022?
I want traffic from IP xxx.yyy.zzz.8 and .9 on port 2022 to use IP xxx.yyy.zzz.4 as Source, is that possible? This is because it''s possible to access that port on a system from .4 but not .8/.9 .4 is Shorewalls external IP (and used as default gateway for .8 and .9) on eth0 and the zone is net .8 and .9 is on zone dmz and connected to eth1 with ProxyARP Mvh Joakim Hellström President
2004 Aug 25
Tricky problem of public proxy server
Hello All, I have installed Shorewall 2.0.7 and configured , I am using masq to share internet for users. I have problem of perticular sites . I blocked site IP address. and succeeded but i have problem of Public proxy addresses , some user use anonymous proxy Ip and get thru it and use blocked sites. I blocked Public proxy adresses but it lot of them( I mean more than one public proxy
2003 Jan 28
Squid ports to open
Hello, Have a question I am new to squid, although I have about 100~150 hours of study in the last month to move up quickly. I have set up rh 7.1 on a 300 mgz intell celeron 128mb ram 8gb hd. shorewall 1.2.9 running webmin with openssl access and squidGuard filter. I set it up this weekend to work with a fairly small network that masquerades through shorewall. It serves 60 windows boxs most
2004 Dec 06
OT Linux/Gateway alternative for WAN compression/accelerator
I''m building a 10 branch/1 headquarter network with Shorewall/Linux as gateway on all locations. The TI guy asked me if there is a way to ''cache'' TCP/UDP traffic between them. I crawled on Internet and I only find very expensive solutions for this. Some of them appeared in this comparison article: Does anyone
2019 Oct 01
SquidGuard update in EPEL
Le 30/09/2019 ? 17:53, Gwaland a ?crit?: > looks like it was updated due to a segfault. > > Now I'm even more puzzled. Fedora and EPEL sport SquidGuard 1.4.36. Now when you search for "squidguard", this seems to be the project site: *
2010 Feb 06
why do I get ensure changed 'purged' to 'present' on a package when it is already installed
Hi all, I have created a squid class that also installs squidGuard. When I run puppetd I always get notice: //Node[]/squid/squid::install/ Package[squidGuard]/ensure: ensure changed ''purged'' to ''present'' even though the package is already installed - why is this change in package status happening as it then triggers my exec resource which is
2004 Oct 14
Transparent Redirect to external host
Hello all, After perusing the documentation, faqs, and mailing list archives, I have not been able to find a way to do the following. I''m hoping "you" can help. I want to transparently redirect all outbound SMTP connections to an SMTP server of *my* choice. This way, regardless of what a user on my network has set their SMTP server to be within their MUA, I will redirect
2007 Feb 09
Hi list, Has anyone here use SquidGuard for their Squid proxy running in CentOS4.4 to block list of bad sites? Is the RPM available using yum? Any feedback using this software appreciated. Thank you very much. junji linux registered user #253162 Send instant messages to your online friends
2016 Aug 18
Allow unencrypted TLS LDAP query
Dear It is possible to configure Samba 4.4.5 to accept queries that do not use TLS? I'm having trouble authenticating the Proxy / SquidGuard in AD Samba 4.4.5. I get this error: (squidGuard): ldap_simple_bind_s failed: Strong(er) authentication required I read the wiki Samba, the new versions are working with authentication TLS encrypted connections. It is possible to configure Samba
2006 Dec 29
CentOS 4.5 and CentOS 5.0 News
Hi, I use CentOS as a firewall/proxy/webserver/fileserver in my small network. As the small-spec machine with CentOS is heavily loaded/used I can't afford downtime. 20 GB, pentium II with only 128 MB RAM. However I want to know the news on 4.5 is it due soon? Can I gain more by running CentOS 3.x range on such an old machine like mine? Will CentOS 5.0 mean you need a minimum of 512 RAM?
2004 Oct 04
DNAT strange thing ???
Hi list, This is my first post there. CONTEXT : -------------- I have a little lan behind a shorewalled box (internet) -- NET_IP [gateway] LOC-IP -- (lan X.Y.0.0) internet -> net zone connected to the gateway via a ppp interface lan -> loc zone connected to the gateway via eth1 NET_IP and LOC_IP are defined in shorewall params file GOAL : --------- i want to forward http and
2004 Nov 19
FW outgoing connection with multiple public IPs
My need: Considering a Sendmail relay running on the firewall (IP:, I need all TCP/SMTP outgoing connections to the Internet appers to be from another ISP allocated external IP (, not the main FW''s IP. As stated in Docs (, I read Setup Guide to try to solve my problem but I cannot figure out how to change
2019 Oct 01
SquidGuard update in EPEL
On Mon, 30 Sep, 2019 at 23:47:02 -0700, John Pierce wrote: > On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 10:26 PM Nicolas Kovacs <info at> wrote: > > > Le 30/09/2019 ? 17:53, Gwaland a ?crit : > > > looks like it was updated due to a segfault. > > > > > >
2019 Sep 29
SquidGuard update in EPEL
Hi, The SquidGuard URL redirector has recently been updated in EPEL, and I'm a bit puzzled. I'm still using SquidGuard on a few local proxy servers running CentOS 7, because it's a nifty piece of software for filtering web traffic. The project's home page has remained unchanged for more than ten years: * It looks like the project has been dormant or
2006 May 23
Bug#368531: Debian Xen kernel-image?
> Could you please try with a Debian kernel image There is one? I do not find it in either etch or sid (or on Alioth). Do I have to recompile a kernel?
2004 Sep 23
Shorewall and OpenVPN woes
Ok. I''m knocking down one problem at a time. I''ve managed to figure out how to bridge my tap0 and my eth1 with br0. This is good stuff. But if I have shorewall running, I can''t ping the local network at all. If I have shorewall not running, I can ping the local network. Here is my setup. Firewall/NAT box: eth0 - DHCP from cable provider eth1 -
2005 Mar 29
A small question on Winbind
Hi it's possible with wbinfo that get a information: 1- Get all users of one Active Directory Group 2- Get all groups of one username ? (i want create a small perl script for add automatiquely user into Squidguard, other user say me that Squidguard can't directly get the Active DIrectory Group (only use username) Thanks for your help
2015 Oct 19
Samba 4 + Squidguardian
Hi, I´m have a Samba 4 Domain Member that I use like a Proxy Server. I use Squid with NTLM Athentication and work perfecly. My problem is Squidguard with NTLM Authentication. If I use Samba 4.2.X in my Samba 4 Domain Controler I watch in Squid LOG only the user name but If I use Samba 4.1.x or 4.3.0 in my Domain Controler I watch in Squid LOG domain\\user name and Squidguard Authentication not
2003 Aug 22
Running Shorewall with Squidguard on same machine
Hi, I''m trying to get Shorewall to work with Squidguard on a machine which is acting as the fileserver, firewall, proxy server and internet access point for a small network. The network at present consists of the fileserver/firewall machine running RH 8.0, two Linux boxes running various RH distributions and two windows virtual machines running on the other machines under Win4Lin.