similar to: change language at console

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "change language at console"

2023 Jul 18
change language at console
On Wed, 1 Apr 2015, Prof Brian Ripley wrote: > I would start by trying LANGUAGE=en , e.g. More specifically, you can use en_US or en_GB. Rich [...] ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
2017 Jun 21
3D plot with coordinates
Thanks a lot for the reply.After ?looking at different parts of the code today I was able to start with simple 2D polar plots as the attached pdf file. ?In case the attachment is not visible I used the plot.polar function to create something like that. Now the idea now will be to put three of those (for X,Y,Z) in a 3d rotatable plane.
2017 Jun 21
3D plot with coordinates
Thanks Duncan for the replyI can not suppress anything these are radiation pattern measurements that are typically are taken at X,Y and Z planes. See an example here, where I want to plot the measurements for the red, green and blue planes (so the image below withouth the 3d green structure inside) at
2017 Jun 22
3D plot with coordinates
Thanks. So after searching 4 hours last night it looks like that there is no R package that can do this right now. Any other ideas or suggestions might be helpful.RegardsAlex On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 3:21 PM, Alaios via R-help <r-help at> wrote: Thanks Duncan for the replyI can not suppress anything these are radiation pattern measurements that are typically are
2017 Jun 21
3D plot with coordinates
On 21/06/2017 5:23 AM, Alaios via R-help wrote: > Thanks a lot for the reply.After looking at different parts of the code today I was able to start with simple 2D polar plots as the attached pdf file. In case the attachment is not visible I used the plot.polar function to create something like that. > Now the idea now will be
2020 Sep 22
Buenas tardes, Estoy precisando generar una nueva variable que contenga el mes en tres letras, por ejemplo: ENE , FEB, MAR , ABR y así sucesivamente a partir de los valores que ahora tengo en el Dataset, que son 1, 2, 3, 4 y así sucesivamente. Entiendo que sería con mutate, pero consulto acerca del comando completo.. Gracias, Jesús _________________ *Jesús MARTÍN FRADE * Skype:
2020 Sep 13
Pido ayuda para calcular el SALDO *DATAFRAME:* ASIENTO FECHA CUENTA CONCEPTO ARS_DEB ARS_HAB SALDO 1 1 2020-01-01 40100006 Asiento de Apertura 0 199517. -199517. 2 231 2020-01-13 40100006 15/01 CH53677071 GALICIA 14054. 0 14054. 3 231 2020-01-13 40100006 20/01 CH22406030 CREDICOO 9458. 0 23511. 4 231 2020-01-13
2019 Jul 16
Mate on Centos 7
> > Can I really be the only user of Mate on Centos 7?? > > No, definitely not. I use MATE on C7, because Gnome is, how do I > say this politely..., um, horrible. Not a KDE fan either. > > Gnome-2.x wasn't broken, didn't need to be thrown away and > replaced by something completely different. Not broken, but full of bugs that will never get fixed. I did a while
2020 Sep 23
Hola, Estoy haciendo un gráfico con: ############################################################################# ## GRAFICO BARRAS : VALORES AL DEBE MENSUALIZADO ggplot(Diario_S2, aes(x=mes_AAA, by = MES , y=ARS_DEB))+ # ASIGNAR VARIABLES geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7, # ANCHO BARRAS colour="grey", fill="darkgreen", #
2020 Sep 27
Buenas noches, Tengo que preparar un gráfico de barras comparativo para varios años, en el que tenga agrupadas, 3 barras para enero, 3 barras para febrero, 3 barras para marzo y así sucesivamente para todos los meses, estando en cada mes, los años 2020, 2019 y 2018 (juntas), un pequeño espacio y luego las de febrero y así sucesivamente... Con el siguiente código, hago un año:
2019 Aug 07
Mate on Centos 7
On 8/7/19 8:02 AM, isdtor wrote: > isdtor writes: > >>>> Can I really be the only user of Mate on Centos 7?? >>> No, definitely not. I use MATE on C7, because Gnome is, how do I >>> say this politely..., um, horrible. Not a KDE fan either. >>> >>> Gnome-2.x wasn't broken, didn't need to be thrown away and >>> replaced by
2008 May 07
Version 2.7 for Windows (PR#11399)
Full_Name: Charles Man Version: 2.7 OS: XP and Vista Submission from: (NULL) ( After installing the latest 2.7 on both Win XP SP2 and Win Vista Business SP1, the program cannot load. An error message shows: "Fatal Error: Unable to Restore a Saved File". I have to fall back to version 2.6
2010 Nov 07
Why are the hackers scanning for these?
Hey, I'm going thru logs, and I see some very common and interesting things that the hackers are looking for. In a whole bunch of scans, I've noticed that the first guess or two for sip accounts is usually a 10-digit number. I'm asking myself, why these numbers? Are they looking for a voip trunk? Or is it just like a serial number for the scan? What? Here's some examples:
2013 Jun 06
Introducing MailJack: autogenerate querystring parameters that are appended to links in your emails
Hey All, I just wrote a nifty gem and wanted to share(its one of my first). Wondering if anyone would be so kind as to tell me what they think and/or code review it. MailJack - its like LoJack but for the links in your emails. The problem this solves is the ability to track click throughs in emails. Basically, you specify what mailers you want to track
2017 Oct 13
Hello, Can you help me about the R function to estimate Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model allowing fot the GARCH effet : VAR-DCC-GARCH model please. <> Garanti sans virus.
2006 Nov 29
reason for bad performance on i915 (AIGLX)
Greetings everybody! For about two weeks I'm now a happy owner of an intel-powered laptop (chipset, wifi, gfx) and wanted to give it a full test-drive of compiz and other GL-intensive programs. The laptop runs Xorg 7.1.1 and the i810 driver that comes with it (stock rpm from FC6). I'm forced to start compiz 0.3.4 with these options... --use-cow --strict-binding --indirect-rendering
2017 Nov 21
Do I need to transform backtest returns before using pbo (probability of backtest overfitting) package functions?
Wrong list. Post on r-sig-finance instead. Cheers, Bert On Nov 20, 2017 11:25 PM, "Joe O" <joerodonnell at> wrote: Hello, I'm trying to understand how to use the pbo package by looking at a vignette. I'm curious about a part of the vignette that creates simulated returns data. The package author transforms his simulated returns in a way that I'm
2007 Mar 17
a WARNING about cruise task or user-specified build task for Rails
If (like me) you use ccrb to test a Rails app and (like me) you define your own :cruise task, because, for example, you use rspec rather than Test::Unit and (like me) you have the RAILS_ENV ||= ''production'' line in environment.rb (because, like me, you use crummy shared hosting) Your build will run in production mode, possibly screwing up your production database,
2018 Feb 18
2 - Virtual Mailbox Issue bug maybe ?
So virtual/combined was meant to combine INBOX/Sent/Drafts and virtual/all display them in a threaded manner .. at least that was the intention ... rgds Matt > Aki Tuomi <mailto:aki.tuomi at> > 18 February 2018 at 11:10 pm > > Uhm. > > combined folder seems to use INBOX for saving mails and contains mails > from Sent and Drafts. > > Not sure what your
2013 Oct 25
add a color band
Hi all, I would like to ask your help to add a color band (Ι am not sure regarding the right term, this color band at the right of the plot "describing" values with their corresponding color. For now I have only this code test<-matrix(data=runif(10000),nrow=100) plot(test,axes="FALSE") axis(1,at=c(0,1),labels=c("a","b")) # but  I would like to add