Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "tools::package_dependencies problems"
2010 Jul 29
how to 'stack' data frames?
I have 2 data frames (A & B) with some common column names.
A has 10 rows.
B has 20 rows.
How do I combine them so I end up with a data frame with 30 rows that only
contains the common columns.
I was trying 'merge' (Merge two data frames by common columns .....etc. )
but that is not giving me what I expect...
> a <- iris
> b <- iris
> c <-merge(a,b)
2022 Oct 29
tools:: extracting pkg dependencies from DCF
Thank you Gabriel,
Just for future readers. Below is a base R way to address this common
problem, as instructed by you (+stopifnot to suppress print).
Rscript -e 'stopifnot(file.copy("DESCRIPTION",
file.path(tdir<-tempdir(), "PACKAGES")));
db<-available.packages(paste0("file://", tdir));
2015 Jan 08
In the documentation the closed thing I see to an explanation of this is
that ?detach says "Unloading some namespaces has undesirable side effects"
Can anyone explain why unloading tseries will load zoo? I don't think
this behavior is specific to tseries, it's just an example. I realize
one would not usually unload something that is not loaded, but I would
expect it to do
2020 Mar 28
status of Java & rJava?
Hello, All:
????? Is Java being deprecated for R?
????? I ask, because I've been unable to get rJava 0.9-11 to work under
either macOS 10.15 or Windows 10, and I can't get rJava 0.9-12 to
install -- and my Ecfun package uses it:?? I can't get "R CMD build
Ecfun" to work on my Mac nor "R CMD check Ecfun_0.2-4" under Windows.?
Travis CI builds
2020 Jul 21
trivial typo in ?Matrix::sparse.model.matrix.Rd
>>>>> "AS" == Abby Spurdle
>>>>> on Wed, 22 Jul 2020 00:28:12 +1200 writes:
>> "No documentation for ?sparse.model.matrix? in
>> specified packages and libraries", but it's there after
>> "library(Ecfun)". I find that interesting, because "Matrix" does not
>> appear in the Ecfun
2020 Mar 29
status of Java & rJava?
On 29/03/2020 04:07, Simon Urbanek wrote:
> Spencer,
> you could argue that Java is dead since Oracle effectively killed it by removing all public downloads, but if you manage to get hold of a Java installation then it works just fine with R. To my best knowledge there has never been an issue if you installed rJava from source. macOS Catalina has made binary distributions impossible
2019 Jun 29
R-Forge > GitHub?
Hi, Henrik et al.:
????? What's your favorite documentation on how to make two GitHub
projects from one containing two packages?
????? Currently, "github.com/sbgraves237/Ecdat" consists primarily of a
directory "pkg" with subdirectories "Ecdat" and "Ecfun" containing the
two packages.? I need to know how to do the following:
??? ??????? 1.?
2020 Jan 19
rpois(9, 1e10)
????? This issue arose for me in simulations to estimate confidence,
prediction, and tolerance intervals from glm(., family=poisson) fits
embedded in a BMA::bic.glm fit using a simulate.bic.glm function I added
to the development version of Ecfun, available at
"https://github.com/sbgraves237/Ecfun".? This is part of a vignette I'm
developing, available at
2020 Jan 19
rpois(9, 1e10)
On 2020-01-19 13:01, Avraham Adler wrote:
> Crazy thought, but being that a sum of Poissons is Poisson in the sum,
> can you break your ?big? simulation into the sum of a few smaller
> ones? Or is the order of magnitude difference just too great?
????? I don't perceive that as feasible.? Once I found what was
generating NAs, it was easy to code a function to return pseudo-random
2020 Jul 21
trivial typo in ?Matrix::sparse.model.matrix.Rd
Hi, Martin, Ben, et al.:
On 2020-07-21 04:33, Martin Maechler wrote:
>>>>>> Ben Bolker
>>>>>> on Mon, 20 Jul 2020 20:11:04 -0400 writes:
>> ? "form" -> "from". Diff against latest SVN:
>> Index: sparse.model.matrix.Rd
>> ===================================================================
>> ---
2020 Jan 19
rpois(9, 1e10)
On my Mac:
$ integer.max????????? : int 2147483647
?$ sizeof.long????????? : int 8
?$ sizeof.longlong????? : int 8
?$ sizeof.longdouble??? : int 16
?$ sizeof.pointer?????? : int 8
????? On a Windows 10 machine I have, $ sizeof.long : int 4; otherwise
the same as on my Mac.
????? Am I correct that $ sizeof.long = 4 means 4 bytes = 32 bits?
2019 Jun 30
R-Forge > GitHub?
On Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 9:46 PM Joshua Ulrich <josh.m.ulrich at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 6:06 PM Spencer Graves
> <spencer.graves at prodsyse.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi, Henrik et al.:
> >
> >
> > What's your favorite documentation on how to make two GitHub
> > projects from one containing two packages?
> >
2019 Jul 01
R-Forge > GitHub?
Apparently you created id_rsa key pair with a passphrase. Passphrase is
like an additional password protection layer on your ssh key. I don't know
how did you create it. But you can always create a new one (you should
delete the old one before you create a new one) using the shell command
'ssh-keygen'. It asks for a passphrase, just push enter for an empty
passphrase (twice). You
2019 Jun 29
R-Forge > GitHub?
Hi, Ott et al.:
????? What's the best way to get "Travis CI" to build and test the two
packages, Ecdat and Ecfun, that have long been combined in the Ecdat
????? Following Ott's advice and studying studying Wickham's "R
Packages" (http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/), I was able to configure RStudio so
it would sync using git with
2019 Dec 27
"simulate" does not include variability in parameter estimation
Hello, All:
????? The default "simulate" method for lm and glm seems to ignore the
sampling variance of the parameter estimates;? see the trivial lm and
glm examples below.? Both these examples estimate a mean with formula =
x~1.? In both cases, the variance of the estimated mean is 1.
??? ??????? * In the lm example with x0 = c(-1, 1), var(x0) = 2, and
2014 Dec 15
Making iconv portable?
Hello, All:
What would it take to make ?iconv? portable?
I ask, because I want to convert accented characters to vanilla ASCII, thereby converting, e.g., ?Ra?l? to ?Raul?, and Milan Bouchet-Valet suggested on R-help that I use 'iconv(x, ?", "ASCII//TRANSLIT?)?. This worked under Windows but failed on Linux and Mac. It?s part of the ?subNonStandardCharacters? function
2020 Apr 30
"not a valid win32 application" with rtools40-x86_65.exe on Windows 10
Hello, All:
????? "00install.out" from "R CMD check Ecfun_0.2-4.tar.gz" includes:
Error:? package or namespace load failed for 'Ecfun':
?.onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details
? call: inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...)
? error:? unable to load shared object 'c:/Program
2023 Nov 09
Dependency errors for package pracma
I tried to update my package {pracma} on CRAN from 2.4.2 (2022-09-21)
to version 2.4.4 (2023-11-08). This package reverse depends / imports
/ suggests on 350 packages on CRAN and 25 packages on Bioconductor.
The only changes are small corrections on some help files, a new
function for stereographic projection, and `gcd` and `Lcm` require
integer inputs now (these functions are not used in the
2020 Jan 20
[External] Re: rpois(9, 1e10)
Thanks to Luke and Avi for their comments.? I wrapped "round" around the
call to "rnorm" inside my "rpois.".? For "lambda" really big, that
"round" won't do anything.? However, it appears to give integers in
floating point representation that are larger than
.Machine$integer.max.? That sounds very much like what someone would
2020 Mar 29
[BULK] Re: status of Java & rJava?
Hi, Simon et al.:
????? My attempts to install rJava 0.9-12 from source failed under both
macOS 10.15.4 and Windows 10.
????? Below please find what I got just now trying "update.packages()"
and selecting "install from sources" on both computers followed by
"sessionInfo()" in each case.
????? Thanks for your help.
????? Spencer Graves