Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Methods for objects inheriting from lme (nlme package)"
2003 Feb 10
Mangling problem
I have a strange problem with Samba on RedHat 7.2. In one directory there is
many files with similar long file name (10+ digit file name for many
pictures). When I dir this directory, I can see many files with different
long file name, but with exactly the same short file name. There is about
3-5 files with the same 8.3 DOS file name.
I really don't understand how can it happen and what
2020 Oct 28
nlme: New variance function structure varConstProp
Dear R developers,
recently I have written a wishlist bug report for nlme containing a patch that
adds the variance function structure
s2(v) = t1^2 + t2^2*v^2
where v denotes the variance covariate, s2(v) denotes the variance function
evaluated at v, and t, t1 and t2 are the variance function coefficients. The
covariate can also be the fitted response.
The idea that the residual variance
2012 Sep 27
Dynabyte bjuder in till SHRUG den 1 november!
Kom till oss på Kammakargatan 9A den 1 november. Vi startar klockan 18.00
med mat och sedan följer intressanta tal, mingel och kanske en öl eller
två. Vi har begränsat med platser så ta er tid att gå in på
http://simplesignup.se/event/14236<http://simplesignup.se/event/14236-shrug>och anmäl dig.
Varmt välkomna!
/Elin och Kim
- Mat/Intro
- Presentationer
- Rails
2019 Feb 17
Cross compile R for ARM target
Hi Johannes,
Thank you for your quick feddback.
As I am using linux os build with buildroot on my raspberry pi I can't use package manager such as apt-get to install R.
What I need to do is to get the precompiled R for arm arch and then when I build my linux image using buildroot I include the R precompiled package to my rootfs.
Could you please send me a link where I can download
2007 May 01
R 2.5.0 packages for Debian stable/etch
Dear list,
R 2.5.0 packages for Debian stable (i386 and amd64) are now available
from CRAN.
The new recommended codetools and rcompgen packages haven't completely
made it to Debian yet, but can of course be installed in the standard
non-Debian ways.
Please consult the README file in the Debian directory, and report
problems to me directly or to this list.
Best regards,
Johannes Ranke
2006 May 20
(PR#8877) predict.lm does not have a weights argument for newdata
Dear R developers,
I am a little disappointed that my bug report only made it to the
wishlist, with the argument:
Well, it does not say it has.
Only relevant to prediction intervals.
predict.lm does calculate prediction intervals for linear models from
weighted regression, so they should be correct, right?
As far as I can see they are bound to be wrong in almost all cases, if
no weights
2010 Apr 21
Re : Install latest R version from apt on Lenny
OK, thanks both. I'll try that. I suspect (very strongly) that it comes from the fact that I did not replace the cran mirror line by an actulal cran mirror URLs... I will give a look at all my backports this weekend and do a little cleaning too!
David Biau.
From: Johannes Ranke <jranke@uni-bremen.de>
To: r-sig-debian@r-project.org
2016 Mar 21
Outdated r-base-core when installing on Ubuntu 14.04
Ok, first I poked around the ubuntu tablet and related PPAs to see if I
could find one with an ARM port of R, but no luck. Next I tried a debian
install - jessie is supported on Crouton and it installs and runs basically
without a hitch. But I run into the same problem installing R - using only
a cran debian source and none of Rutter's PPAs. Now r-base-core is only
available up to 3.1.1-1.
2008 Oct 27
R 2.8.0 for Debian etch
Dear all,
It is my pleasure to announce the immediate availability of R 2.8.0
for the current Debian stable release on CRAN. Source packages and
binaries for i386 and amd64 are at your disposal.
I also updated the README to include a short howto for using R 2.8.0 from
unstable on testing (lenny), which is currently frozen. This currently pulls
the current pcre from unstable, next to the current
2018 May 14
R-SIG-Debian Digest, Vol 152, Issue 4
On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 9:27 AM, Johannes Ranke <jranke at uni-bremen.de>
> Hi,
> I wonder if you have read the notes on R 3.5.0 on stretch on
> https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian/
> I think this should answer your questions. If not, please let us know.
I think I have--I think that's how I got the last line in my
2007 Oct 03
R CMD javareconf in r-base-dev 2.6.0
Hi Dirk, hi list,
I just ran into a slight problem while building the recommended packages
for CRAN in a chroot environment against the fresh backport of your R
2.6.0 packages. It seems that R CMD javareconf wants to change files in
/etc/R during the build, and since I am not building the packages as
root in my etch chroot, this fails, even if I am using fakeroot. My
workaround was to simply
2015 Oct 15
Fwd: SemPlot install fails
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tobias Stahl <stahltobse at gmail.com>
Date: 2015-10-15 12:26 GMT+02:00
Subject: Re: [R-sig-Debian] SemPlot install fails
To: Johannes Ranke <jranke at uni-bremen.de>
Hey Johannes, Hey George,
thanks a lot for your replies! With help of a friend the problem could be
There were, as you suggested George, some old packages which
2015 Oct 14
SemPlot install fails
Hey there,
I'm new to Linux and to R and trying to install SemPlot. When i enter
install.packages (c("SemPlot"))
R starts installing but suddenly there are a lot of error warnings.
After the process ends, i get warning messages:
1: In install.packages(c("semPlot")) :
installation of package ?stringr? had non-zero exit status
2: In
2024 Feb 29
R 4.3.3 is released
The build system rolled up R-4.3.3.tar.gz and .xz (codename "Angel Food Cake") this morning.
This is a minor update, intended as the wrap-up release for the 4.3.x series.
This also marks the 6th anniversary of R-1.0.0. (2000-02-29)
The list below details the changes in this release.
You can get the source code from
2024 Feb 29
R 4.3.3 is released
The build system rolled up R-4.3.3.tar.gz and .xz (codename "Angel Food Cake") this morning.
This is a minor update, intended as the wrap-up release for the 4.3.x series.
This also marks the 6th anniversary of R-1.0.0. (2000-02-29)
The list below details the changes in this release.
You can get the source code from
2024 Feb 29
R 4.3.3 is released
The build system rolled up R-4.3.3.tar.gz and .xz (codename "Angel Food Cake") this morning.
This is a minor update, intended as the wrap-up release for the 4.3.x series.
This also marks the 6th anniversary of R-1.0.0. (2000-02-29)
The list below details the changes in this release.
You can get the source code from
2010 Jun 02
R-SIG-Debian Digest, Vol 58, Issue 3
food now? or after work in the library?
On Wed, 2010-06-02 at 12:00 +0200, r-sig-debian-request at r-project.org
> Send R-SIG-Debian mailing list submissions to
> r-sig-debian at r-project.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-debian
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body
2004 Mar 16
lme(nlme) error message
Dear Friends,
I am writing to seek any help on "lme" error message. I am using lme to do Mixed-model linear regression. I use my simulated data. However, sometimes, I get the following error message, which I do not understand.
"Error in solve.default(pdMatrix(a, fact=TRUE)): system is computationally sigular"
I would appreciate any help about it.
Thanks a lot
Jingyuan Fu
2008 Sep 24
(nlme) Repeated measures with continuous covariate in lme
Dear readers,
I have a basic question about how to use lme for my design. I haven't been able to find an example in r-help that made it clear to me how to tackle this problem and unfortunately I also cannot get hold of Pinheiro & Bates 2000. I hope someone can help.
Data for the response variable "foan" were collected in:
· 60 plots
· plots were re-sampled yearly
2010 Jan 23
(nlme, lme, glmmML, or glmmPQL)mixed effect models with large spatial data sets
I have a spatial data set with many observations (~50,000) and would like to
keep as much data as possible. There is spatial dependence, so I am
attempting a mixed model in R with a spherical variogram defining the
correlation as a function of distance between points. I have tried nlme,
lme, glmmML, and glmmPQL. In all case the matrix needed (seems to be
(N^2)/2 - N) is too large for my