similar to: Surpising behavior when using an active binding as loop index in R 4.0.0

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2020 May 24
Surpising behavior when using an active binding as loop index in R 4.0.0
A shorter reproducible example: example(makeActiveBinding) for (fred in 1:3) { 0 } ls() Both problems go away if you first do compiler::enableJIT(2) So looks like a bug in compiling the for loop. -Deepayan On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 5:45 PM Thomas Friedrichsmeier via R-devel <r-devel at> wrote: > > Possibly just a symptom of the earlier behavior, but I'll amend my
2020 May 23
Surpising behavior when using an active binding as loop index in R 4.0.0
Possibly just a symptom of the earlier behavior, but I'll amend my example, below, with an even more disturbing observation: Am Sat, 23 May 2020 13:19:24 +0200 schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier via R-devel <r-devel at>: [...] > Consider the code below: > > makeActiveBinding("i", > function(value) { > if (missing(value)) { > x > } else {
2018 May 14
Rd parser throws error for user macros invoked with empty argument
Bug or feature? I get the following error from parse_Rd() when a user Rd macro (including system ones) is invoked with empty argument {}, eg \mymacro{}: Error in tools::parse_Rd(fn) : Value of SET_STRING_ELT() must be a 'CHARSXP' not a 'NULL' A full example is further below with the system macro \CRANpkg{}. In this example it doesn't make sense to use empty argument but
2013 Jun 27
Read a text file into R with .Call()
Hi, I want to read a text file into R with .Call(). So I define some NEW_CHARACTER() to store the chracters read and use SET_STRING_ELT to fill the elements. e.g. PROTECT(qNames = NEW_CHARACTER(10000)); char *foo; // This foo holds the string I want. while(foo = readLine(FN)){ SET_STRING_ELT(qNames, i, mkChar(foo))); } In this way, I can get the desired character from qNames. The only problem
2018 May 25
Rd parser throws error for user macros invoked with empty argument
While on the topic of Rd macro arguments, it seems that if a multiline argument is supplied, the lines after the first are silently ignored: f <- tempfile() mac6 <- "\\newcommand{\\mac6}{mac6: #1}" cat(mac6, "\\mac6{2*3 2+2 sin(pi) }\n", file = f) rd <- tools::parse_Rd(f) > rd mac6: 2*3 --- Georgi Boshnakov -----Original Message----- From: Tomas Kalibera
2004 Mar 17
best methods for strings and structures?
I'm trying to generate an R interface for a library that's commonly used and I'm currently writing wrapper functions for file i/o and return an object (list?) that contains the elements of the C structure. For example, reading a file that contains: struct CONFIG_RECORD { char coeffs_filename[256]; char species_filename[256]; unsigned long
2009 Oct 01
Value of SET_STRING_ELT() must be a 'CHARSXP' not a 'character' & 'getEncChar' must be called on a CHARSXP
Hello, I have list of 600K lists, each sublist a list of two elements, the first a character, the second a list of six named elements, some characters some numrics. LISTA (600K) (:= h) |__ List of two elements |__ Character |__ Named List of 6 elements (characters and numerics) This works, sip <- lapply(h,function(r) r[[2]][['sip']]) but I wish to unlist this
2008 Apr 29
reproducible segmentation fault caused by textConnection()
Dear all, It seems that textConnection() can trigger a segmentation fault. The following script (using two large loops) makes this bug reproducible: for (i in 1:10000) { z=textConnection(NULL,open='w') for (j in 1:100) { write(runif(1)*1e6,file=z) write('\n',file=z) } close(z) } The bug could be reproduced on R-2.6.1, R-2.7.0 and on the latest R-devel
2009 Jun 26
bug in Rf_PrintValue ?
I'm very green with R, so maybe this is not a bug, but it looks like one to me. The following program segfaults at the second call to Rf_PrintValue(). To failure depends on the value of the y-string. E.g., if I change it from "coverage" to, say, "COVERAGE", the segfault does not occur. /* bug.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <Rinternals.h> #include
2008 Mar 14
crazy behavior after Error (PR#10956)
Full_Name: Jan Somorcik Version: 2.6.0 OS: Windows XP HOME Submission from: (NULL) ( I used to run a simulation with 5000 iterations. For a long time everything was OK, but since yesterday R stops after 500-1500 iterations [never at the same position] with an [random?] Error message [always something else, e.g.: Error in ans[[i]] <- tmp : incorrect number of arguments to
2007 Jan 05
Error in load
Dear All, can anyone explain this message Error in load("matched2.RData") : Value of SET_STRING_ELT() must be a 'CHARSXP' not a 'builtin'? Have I the possibility to retrieve the data? TIA Giovanni -- dr. Giovanni Parrinello Department of Biotecnologies Medical Statistics Unit University of Brescia Viale Europa, 11 25123 Brescia email: parrinel at Phone:
2006 Oct 31
Some R questions
Hi all, I am working with some large data sets (1-4 GB) and have some questions that I hope someone can help me with: 1. Is there a way to turn off garbage collector from within C interface ? what I am trying to do is suck data from mysql (using my own C functions) and I see that allocating each column (with about 1-4 million items) takes between 0.5 and 1 seconds. My
2005 Jul 15
Passing character strings from C code to R
Hi, I have a C code which produces array of integers and potentially a string, and I have problems passing the string out. Here is the relevant part of the code: 1 PROTECT(Ret = allocVector(INTSXP, n)); 2 ret = (int*) INTEGER(Ret); /* get pointer to R's Ret */ 3 for(i=0; i<n; i++) ret[i] = data[i]; 4 Free(data); 5 i=1; 6 if (comment) { // comment was found 7 n
2005 Jul 15
Passing character strings from C code to R
Hi, I have a C code which produces array of integers and potentially a string, and I have problems passing the string out. Here is the relevant part of the code: 1 PROTECT(Ret = allocVector(INTSXP, n)); 2 ret = (int*) INTEGER(Ret); /* get pointer to R's Ret */ 3 for(i=0; i<n; i++) ret[i] = data[i]; 4 Free(data); 5 i=1; 6 if (comment) { // comment was found 7 n
2010 Jan 06
MakeActiveBinding help needed
Hi, I wanted a Q&D way to open a new graphics window but keep the focus in the console window (under Windows and the Rgui), so I wrote a line into my file as follows: invisible(makeActiveBinding('newdev', function(...), .GlobalEnv)) (That is all on one line, incase the mailer re-parses it). This gives me a command "newdev" which
2010 Nov 15
SEXP and slots
Hello, Since people have whisperred about Rcpp, I'd like to play too. > On 11/15/2010 07:45 AM, Patrick Leyshock wrote: >> Very helpful, thank you. >> >> A couple other questions, please: >> >> 1. I've got a function written in C, named "my_c_function". In my R >> code I call this function, passing to it an INTSXP and a STRSXP, >>
2005 Apr 06
makeActiveBinding warning
A while ago Luke Tierney remarked that the warning associated with 'makeActiveBinding'-- "saved workspaces with active bindings may not work properly when loaded into older versions of R"-- should probably be removed in R-devel. It's still cropping up *sporadically* with R-alpha of 3/4/2004, but not every time I call 'makeActiveBinding'. So, two questions: (i) is it
2011 Jan 03
Saving objects inside a list
Hello there, any ideas on how to save all the objects on my workspace inside a list object? For example, say my workspace is as follows ls() [1] "x" "y" "z" and suppose I want to put these objects inside a list object, say object.list <- list() without having to explicitly write down their names as in object.list$x = x object.list$y = y object.list$z = z Is
2013 Nov 16
serialization for external pointers
Hello, Are there any recipe to handle serialization / deserialization of external pointers. I'm thinking about something similar in spirit to the way we handle finalization of external pointers. Currently, if we create an external pointer, save the session, quit R, then load the session, we get a null pointer. One way I'm thinking of is to have an environment in the
2006 Nov 07
Crash when embedding R X11 windows
Dear R developers, I've been experimenting with embedding R X11 windows into another application using KDE's QXEmbed on linux. Attempting to do so will crash R (with R 2.4.0, trunk, and I know the bug has been around in prior versions). I used to think this was related to bug #848, but I'm not sure, if / how the solution suggested there still applies to current versions of R.