similar to: error starting shorewall

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "error starting shorewall"

2004 Dec 27
shorewall doesn''t restart at boot
hi, i installed the shorewall 2.0.9 in fc2,after configuring the shorewall i did shorewall start this is the last few lines of it is output: Processing /etc/shorewall/policy... Policy ACCEPT for fw to net using chain fw2net Policy DROP for net to fw using chain net2all Masqueraded Networks and Hosts: Processing /etc/shorewall/tos... Rule "all all tcp - ssh 16" added. Rule
2004 Dec 25
how to add ip addresses?
hi, i have shorewall-2.0.9 installed for my pc,i configured it for one-interface,the policy is: #SOURCE DEST POLICY LOG LEVEL LIMIT:BURST fw net ACCEPT net all DROP info # The FOLLOWING POLICY MUST BE LAST all all REJECT info now i want to let some ip addresses from the
2008 Nov 13
ERROR: Unknown Host (All hosts) : /usr/share/shorewall/macro.Any macro or rule
Hi. I set, for example, a rule with a host server: Macro.http accept fw I restart shorewall and it works, but when i stop the firewall for disabling Internet (for any reason), and i want start the firewall it says: Failed to start firewall : Compiling... Compiling /etc/shorewall/zones... Compiling /etc/shorewall/interfaces... WARNING: Support for the detectnets interface
2008 Nov 13
ERROR: Unknown Host (All hosts) : /usr/share/shorewall/macro.Any macro or rule
Hi. I set, for example, a rule with a host server: Macro.http accept fw I restart shorewall and it works, but when i stop the firewall for disabling Internet (for any reason), and i want start the firewall it says: Failed to start firewall : Compiling... Compiling /etc/shorewall/zones... Compiling /etc/shorewall/interfaces... WARNING: Support for the detectnets interface
2002 Nov 19
Shorewall operating status and how to stay "blocked"
Hi all, I have just started using shorewall. So far so good. I have two questions which I cant find an answer to either on the website or googling. They may be stupid so please forgive my ignorance. 1) What is shorewalls preferred operating status, running or stopped? What I mean is, some firewalls start-up and run, and they do their thing, then they stop. But the firewall is still really
2002 Jul 16
Shorewall 1.3.4
Shorewall 1.3.4 is available: 1. A new /etc/shorewall/routestopped file has been added. This file is intended to eventually replace the routestopped option in the /etc/shorewall/interface and /etc/ shorewall/hosts files. This new file makes remote firewall administration easier by allowing any IP or subnet to be enabled while Shorewall is stopped. 2. An /etc/shorewall/stopped
2003 Jul 25
"shorewall stop"
Although Shorewall provides safeguards against it, people seem to regularly shoot themselves in the foot when doing remote system administration. I''ve been thinking about this problem and wonder if a change to the way that "shorewall stop" behaves might help. Today, "shorewall stop" stops all traffic except to/from those destinations listed in
2005 Jan 11
Problem starting Shorewall using Bridge configuration
Hi I have recently reconfigured my system to a Bridge based architecture on the basis that I have an ADSL Modem/Router with a Public address on the Wan side and a Private address on the Lan side. I am running a Debian based system kernel 2.6.7 and the Bridging software is installed and working correctly, including startup etc. The problem that I have is in "shorewall start" The
2005 Mar 15
New feature for Shorewall 2.2.3
The following is taken from the Release notes for 2.2.3 (which will be released in a month or so). 2) There has been ongoing confusion about how the /etc/shorewall/routestopped file works. People understand how it works with the ''shorewall stop'' command but when they read that ''shorewall restart'' is logically equivalent to ''shorewall
2005 Jan 07
Questions: place for doco, and routestopped during ''shorewall restart''
Hi folks, A while back we had some discussions about integrating heartbeat and shorewall. Thanks to your help and the excellent state of Linux failover clustering, i''ve managed to install my high-availability firewall. I know there''s already a howto for it at, but i thought i would document my setup for others, since it''s
2005 Mar 15
shorewall restart with keepalived (redundant firewalls)
Hello, First , thanks to Tom for it''s great job ! Netfilter is really easy and powerfull with shorewall. So, I have configured two firewalls whith shorewall using keepalived for the redundant VRRP stuff. FW-a is MASTER and FW-b is BACKUP. Everything works correctly and FW-b upgrade to MASTER when FW-a is down or disconnected. FW-b downgrade to BACKUP when FW-a comes back. But when I
2003 Mar 05
Shorewall 1.4.0 RC1
The first release candidate is now available at: The only change between Beta 1 and RC1 is that the ''check'' command is back in RC1. Function from 1.3 that has been omitted from this version includes: 1) The MERGE_HOSTS variable in shorewall.conf is no longer supported. Shorewall 1.4
2003 Nov 09
New Shorewall Doc
I''ve created a new document that discusses creating multiple zones accessed through a single firewall interface. See: Comments and corrections are welcome. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \
2003 Oct 29
shorewall question
I am currently using shorewall on leaf-bering. I have set it up with keepalived to create a high availabilty firewall cluster. I have an odd question in regards to shorewall. Currently in production I have keepalived controlling shorewall starts and stops. If I remove this and leave shorewall running on the backup firewall, will I run into any problems with having the nat tables built out and
2002 Jun 15
Serious Bug found in Shorewall 1.3.x
Rafa³ Dutko has just discovered a potentially serious bug in version 1.3.0 and 1.3.1. In both versions, where an interface option appears on multiple interfaces, the option may only be applied to the first interface on which it appears. A corrected firewall script for 1.3.1 is available at: and
2005 Feb 23
Snort and Shorewall
Hello I am looking for a way to have snort to dynamically update my shorewall config. I have seen software out there but I would like to see if anyone had tried this first. Aslo I would like to know if there is a way clear the Netfilter tables when I do a shorewall restart. The reason being is that when I make a change to my firewall setting I want all connections to have to re-establish
2004 Sep 20
Possible bug in shorewall 2.0.8
Hello, I believe there may be a bug in shorewall version 2.0.8. I''ve been using shorewall for years without problems (last installed version was 1.4.6b-1). I''ve posted previously with the subject line "After upgrade people can no longer connect" dated on Sunday, September 19, 2004 which contains all the information for the upgrade. Today I uninstalled shorewall
2007 Jul 02
0.23.0 puppet dependancy issue
Hello, I use some define in classes like class foo { define bar() {} } before in .22.4 i had require => Bar[''mybar''] on object and it worked. Now i have : err: Could not apply complete configuration: Could not retrieve dependency ''Shorewall-realize[shorewall.conf]'' at /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/shorewall.pp: for exemple. Do anyone knwo why it
2004 Aug 02
Mandrake 9 and Shorewall 2.
Hiya. I am currently usiong Shorewall 1.4.8 on my Mandrake box. I want to look at upgrading it to the Latest build of shorewall. Is there anything I need to look out for before doing this ? Is there a FAQ as to the easiest way or doers it upgrade ok following the usual Upgrade via RPM instructions. cheers in advance. _________________________________________________________________
2008 May 29
shorewall & ipsec rules with "FORWARD:DROP" packets
I have been working really hard configuring and researching very extensively, trying to figure why we are getting "Shorewall:FORWARD:DROP" packets. IPSEC works just fine without the iptable rules created by our shorewall configs but when starting shorewall and creating the iptables I noticed the packets are dropped. I know it is a config situation but I am totally racking my brain as