Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Cannot install dplyr"
2019 Oct 19
Cannot install dplyr
This can indeed be very frustrating. But depending on the choices you make
it does not have to be that way. Most Linux distributions have 'something'
it may not be comprehensive or current. So most of the time you need to be
able to compile from source. Which is not that hard, and can be
learned. Maybe there is a user group near you.
Otherwise and not so well known is that
2019 Nov 09
improving the performance of install.packages
On 08/11/2019 6:17 p.m., Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
> I believe introducing a backward compatible force=TRUE is a good
> start, even if we're not ready for making force=FALSE the default at
> this point. It would help simplify quite-common instructions like
> if (requireNamespace("BiocManager"))
> install.packages("BiocManager")
2019 Jun 15
Bionic beaver repository issues
I appear to have a similar issue as?Willem Ligtenberg (Disco Dingo repository issues,?Thu May 2 19:01:04 CEST 2019), except on a completely fresh installation of Ubuntu?18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver). After updating and upgrading packages and adding the repo "deb https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu bionic-cran35/" and associated key, attempting to install r-base fails due to
2019 Nov 11
R en Jupyter Lab, error al cargar dplyr: "namespace 'rlang' 0.3.4 is being loaded, but >= 0.4.0 is required"
Quiero ejecutar R desde Jupyter Lab y me encuentro con un error al invocar
la librería dplyr. Este error no aparece cuando ejecuto RStudio.
La sesión de R en jupyter lab:
R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 14393)
Matrix products: default
[1] LC_COLLATE=Spanish_Chile.1252
2017 Oct 30
R: dplyr, doBy, and ggplot2 in CentOS7
I have a R script that I am running from python with rpy2. On a debian
system I run this:
apt-get install R-cran-ggplot2 R-cran-caret
And the script works. I want to move this to CentOS 7 system. There it
cannot find R-cran-ggplot2 or R-cran-caret. Does anyone know what
packages in CentOS 7 I need for dplyr, doBy, and ggplot2?
2014 Nov 21
dplyr/summarize does not create a true data frame
I got an error when trying to extract a 1-column subset of a data frame (called "my.output") created by dplyr/summarize. The ncol() function says that my.output has 4 columns, but "my.output[4]" fails. Note that converting my.output using as.data.frame() makes for a happy ending.
Is this the intended behavior of dplyr?
> library(dplyr)
> # set up data frame
2024 May 24
dplyr, group_by and selective action according to each group
Dear RHelp-list,
?? Using dplyr and the group_by approach on a dataframe, I want to be
able to apply a specific action according to the group name. The code
bellow works, but I am not able to write it in a more esthetic way using
dplyr. Can somebody help me to find a better solution ?
Thank you
Best regards
df_test <- data.frame( x1=1:9, x2=1:9,
2020 Oct 15
Dplyr question
Hi All,
Trying to get familiar with dplyr so I have a basic question:
How to summarise sum(Values) per species, maintaining Code column (each species has a Code):
Species Values Code
1 Acanthocybium solandri 33 LC
2 Makaira nigricans 20 VU
3 Makaira nigricans 20 VU
4. Makaira nigricans
2017 Oct 30
R: dplyr, doBy, and ggplot2 in CentOS7
On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 10:27 AM, Larry Martell <larry.martell at gmail.com>
> I have a R script that I am running from python with rpy2. On a debian
> system I run this:
> apt-get install R-cran-ggplot2 R-cran-caret
> And the script works. I want to move this to CentOS 7 system. There it
> cannot find R-cran-ggplot2 or R-cran-caret. Does anyone know what
2017 Oct 30
R: dplyr, doBy, and ggplot2 in CentOS7
You can install any R packages from CRAN using the ?"install.packages()"
command form within R itself. This will download, compile, and install the
packages into your personal user account. you might need to install some
supporting *-devel RPM packages via "yum", but otherwise, it should work.
2014 Nov 10
range () does not remove NA's with complete.cases() for dates (dplyr/mutate)
The range() with complete.cases() removes NA's for the date variables that are read from a data frame. However, the issue is that the same function does not remove NA's for the other date variable that is created using the dplyr/mutate(). The console and the reproducible example are given below. Any advice how to resolve this issue would be appreciated.
Pradip Muhuri
2014 Nov 09
Getting the most recent dates in a new column from dates in four columns using the dplyr package (mutate verb)
The example data frame in the reproducible code below has 5 columns (1 column for id and 4 columns for dates), and there are 7 observations. I would like to insert the most recent date from those 4 date columns into a new column (oiddate) using the mutate() function in the dplyr package. I am getting correct results (NA in the new column) if a given row has all NA's in the four
2019 Jun 04
table.express: use dplyr verbs to build data.table expressions
Hello everyone,
I like the expressiveness of dplyr's data manipulation verbs, but I also
appreciate the optimizations offered by data.table, so I figured: why not
The table.express package leverages the rlang package to bridge dplyr and
data.table by essentially parsing and chaining the operations specified by
the verbs,
building expressions that are ultimately evaluated by data.table,
2019 Jun 04
table.express: use dplyr verbs to build data.table expressions
Hello everyone,
I like the expressiveness of dplyr's data manipulation verbs, but I also
appreciate the optimizations offered by data.table, so I figured: why not
The table.express package leverages the rlang package to bridge dplyr and
data.table by essentially parsing and chaining the operations specified by
the verbs,
building expressions that are ultimately evaluated by data.table,
2017 Nov 25
dplyr - add/expand rows
I have a returned tibble of station operational record similar to the following:
> data.collection
# A tibble: 5 x 4
<chr> <int> <int> <chr>
1 07EA001 1960 1960 QMS
2 07EA001 1961 1970 QMC
3 07EA001 1971 1971 QMM
4 07EA001 1972 1976 QMC
2017 Nov 26
dplyr - add/expand rows
> On Nov 25, 2017, at 11:18 AM, Hutchinson, David (EC) <david.hutchinson at canada.ca> wrote:
> I have a returned tibble of station operational record similar to the following:
>> data.collection
> # A tibble: 5 x 4
> <chr> <int> <int> <chr>
> 1 07EA001 1960
2017 Jul 10
dplyr help
I am pretty sure that this is not a question about dplyr... it is a question about tidyr. Look at the help file ?tidyr::spread.
If I understand your question (I may not, because you gave no example of input/output data), the answer is no, the column names come from the column named by the key parameter and the values that fill those columns come from the column named by the value parameter.
2024 Nov 23
dplyr summarize by groups
# Get mean, min, max sigma and skew by group
options (digits = 3)
library (ISwR
data %>%
group_by(stature) %>%
Mean = mean(expend),
Min = min(expend),
Max = max(expend),
Sigma = sd(expend),
Skew = skew(expend))
# Output
stature Mean Min Max Sigma Skew
<fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
2017 Oct 30
R: dplyr, doBy, and ggplot2 in CentOS7
On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 10:56 AM Tony Schreiner <anthony.schreiner at bc.edu>
> On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 10:27 AM, Larry Martell <larry.martell at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I have a R script that I am running from python with rpy2. On a debian
> > system I run this:
> >
> > apt-get install R-cran-ggplot2 R-cran-caret
> >
> > And the
2018 Feb 02
Updating Rcpp package when it is claimed by dplyr
Your last statement is extremely unlikely to be true. The dplyr package should not be present in a vanilla environment, so there should be no such conflict.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On February 1, 2018 11:00:01 PM PST, Patrick Connolly <p_connolly at slingshot.co.nz> wrote:
>When i tried to install the hunspell package, I got this error