similar to: FW: Shorewall and selective access

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "FW: Shorewall and selective access"

2004 Dec 18
SuSe 9.1 startup issue
Tom, I am NOT subscribed (yet). I dropped SuSeFirewall2 in favor of shorewall to get past the configuration hurdles I as experiencing. At the moment, when my SuSe 9.1 starts up, I can see shorewall processing the rules, policies, etc. and I see no errors and then moves on with the rest of the SuSe boot process . However, no traffic passes through using the rules. I run an iptables -L and I
2004 Aug 02
Mandrake 9 and Shorewall 2.
Hiya. I am currently usiong Shorewall 1.4.8 on my Mandrake box. I want to look at upgrading it to the Latest build of shorewall. Is there anything I need to look out for before doing this ? Is there a FAQ as to the easiest way or doers it upgrade ok following the usual Upgrade via RPM instructions. cheers in advance. _________________________________________________________________
2009 Mar 09
Shorewall Rules and Configurations
Hi, I need a help... I''m a beginner with shorewall. I have two shorewall firewalls, each with a link. FW (a) - w/ openVPN eth0 = eth1 = eth2 = public IP eth3 = tun240 = /etc/shorewall/zones all zones declared as ipv4 /etc/shorewall/interfaces #ZONE INTERFACE BROADCAST OPTIONS tlm eth0
2002 Dec 27
Shorewall 1.3.12 Released
New features include: 1) "shorewall refresh" now reloads the traffic shaping rules (tcrules and tcstart). 2) "shorewall debug [re]start" now turns off debugging after an error occurs. This places the point of the failure near the end of the trace rather than up in the middle of it. 3) "shorewall [re]start" has been speeded up by more than 40% with my
2003 Aug 25
Shorewall 1.4.7 Beta 1 Problems Corrected since version 1.4.6: 1) Corrected problem in 1.4.6 where the MANGLE_ENABLED variable was being tested before it was set. 2) Corrected handling of MAC addresses in the SOURCE column of the tcrules file. Previously, these addresses resulted in an invalid iptables command. 3) The
2006 Apr 13
maclist or rule question
Hi, I want to automate some of the maclist and rule functionality: User connects to the network and gets a DHCP address from the shorewall box. Using squid and redirection, all the user can do is go to a login page on the firewall User logs in correctly to the form on the webpage and a process captures MAC and IP address info from the dhcpd.leases file Once authenticated, a maclist entry and an
2004 Sep 07
shorewall in chroot jail
Hello, I would like to run other services like messaging services on my firewall machine too. Does it make sense to run shorewall, openvpn and the pppoe package in a chroot jail? And is it possible to run these programs as an other user? Ciao Hugo
2008 Dec 19
Shorewall 4.0.15
Shorewall 4.0.15 is now available from, SourceForge and Debian Sid. Additionally, I have updated my Debian Etch repository with 4.0.15 packages. Problems Corrected in Shorewall 4.0.15. 1) Beginning with iptables version 1.4.1, the syntax for commands using the conntrack module has changed. Shorewall now detects if the installed version of iptables requires the new
2003 Jan 18
Don''t want to have to issue shorewall start
Hello, Could someone with the requisite shorewall expertise please help me? Here is a description of my problem. I dial in to my ISP using kppp. It seems to establish a connection just fine. However, only a handful of bytes are exchanged. I must then become ''root'' and issue ''shorewall start'' in order to get the Internet connection to work normally. Once
2003 Jul 11
why does shorewall hang my named server?
shorewall only hangs my named server everything eles works except named and thats why my email dont work when i have shorewall started it dont give me any messages when i try it is named tcp or udp? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2004 May 06
Shorewall 2.0.2 Beta2 This version contains two new builtin actions in the /etc/shorewall/rules file: ACCEPT+ - Like ACCEPT but it also exempts the connection from subsequent DNAT[-] and REDIRECT[-] rules. NONAT - Exempts the connection from subsequent DNAT[-] and REDIRECT[-] rules. These actions solve similar problems reported by
2005 Feb 22
selective redirect
Hi, I am trying to redirect my subnet thru squid and it seems to be working. However I decided tu exclude two hosts from the redirect (ie acces the net directly) and can''t manage to achieve that. I am using the following rule: REDIRECT loc:!,! 3128 tcp 80 - With this rule everything gets redirected thru squid. I also tried:
2009 Mar 13
Polices, Rules and Configurations - No Success (#/etc/shorewall/policy)
Hello, I forgot to put my #/etc/shorewall/policy file: # /etc/shorewall/policy ############################################################################### #SOURCE DEST POLICY LOG LIMIT: CONNLIMIT: # LEVEL BURST MASK # adm net DROP info tlm net DROP info # net adm DROP
2004 Aug 24
Shorewall response time slowing
Ok here are all the information the website said I should include first: [root@residents root]# shorewall version 1.4.8 [root@residents root]# ip addr show 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet brd scope host lo 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
2002 Dec 29
MRTG and Shorewall
Hello. Is there any command in the shorewall script that prints how many or the hits the last 5 min? /Rickard Eriksson
2005 May 28
ADSL Network
Hi Guys, Thi sis my first post, sorry for my english, I''m Italian. I desperate try configure home server/router connected over ADSL with dynamic IP. I''ve registered to no-ip and in order to connect externaly to my home server. My system is gentoo based. I''ve just installed different pubblic servers with static IP and shorewall and had no problems, but my own home
2003 Aug 10
More about Accounting
I should also mention that Accounting rules are not stateful -- each rule only handles traffic in one direction. So for example, if eth0 is your internet interface and you have a web server in your DMZ connected to eth1 then to measure HTTP traffic in both directions requires two rules: DONE eth0 eth1 tcp 80 DONE eth1 eth0 tcp - 80 Associating a counter with a chain allows for aggregation.
2005 Jan 19
Specify rule bypass by domain with wildcards?
I have a rule setup to transparently proxy all normal web traffic through Dan''s Guardian for filtering. However, there are a few sites that simply do not work right through a transparent proxy. The biggest of these is yahoo mail. Most sites are not a problem to add to the exemption list. Yahoo, however, apparently uses many servers for the webmail system. There is the main server
2005 Feb 28
Samba and different IPs
Hello, is it possible to configure Shorewall for different network environments? I am using it on a single Linux computer. When I am at home, I am using an internal IP address (192.168.0.X), and when I am using my cable modem, I get an internet IP assigned. I now want to be able to use Samba/Windows Filesharing when at home and to disable it when I am using my computer directly on the net.
2005 Mar 01
Can''t connect to Modem
Shorewall version 2.2.1 2 Interface setup. eth1: eth0: modem is I need to be able to connect to my adsl modem, but when shorewall is up I get connection rejected. I have added " RETURN" above the line " logdrop # RFC 1918" in "/etc/shorewall/rfc1918" but still getting connection rejected Is there