similar to: quiet namespace load is noisy

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "quiet namespace load is noisy"

2019 Jul 23
[External] Re: quiet namespace load is noisy
Lionel, Thanks for your response. I understand that method overriding can be a serious issue, but as you say, this is not something that the user can act upon. Yet the message lands at the user?s feet. In my case, the messages are cluttering my package vignettes, and may or may not represent what users see if they themselves run the vignette code, depending on what version of ggplot2, etc. they
2019 Jul 23
[External] Re: quiet namespace load is noisy
Dear Russ, I had the same problem in my vignettes and setting both message and warning to FALSE seems to remove all unwanted output: ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library("afex") library("ggplot2") library("cowplot") theme_set(theme_grey()) ``` Result: Best, Henrik Am Di.,
2019 Jul 23
[External] Re: quiet namespace load is noisy
Does setting message=FALSE in the chunk options of the vignette help? Or less preferably, using supressMessages() ? On 2019-07-23 9:36 a.m., Lenth, Russell V wrote: > Lionel, > > Thanks for your response. I understand that method overriding can be a serious issue, but as you say, this is not something that the user can act upon. Yet the message lands at the user?s feet. > >
2019 Jul 23
quiet namespace load is noisy
Hello, I think `quietly` should only silence normal masking messages intended for users and providing information about normal behaviour, such as masking. This is not the case here as the message is about overriding of S3 methods, which has global effect and is rather problematic. It may change behaviour of package and script code in unpredictable ways. This is not something that the user can
2019 May 30
R pkg install should fail for unsuccessful DLL copy on windows?
thanks for the tip Jan. However it would be nice if I didn't have to handle this myself for all of my packages. (and teach my students how to do that) BTW I tried to disable staged installation, and the issue still happens: th798 at cmp2986 MINGW64 ~/projects/max-generalized-auc (master) $ R_INSTALL_STAGED=FALSE R --vanilla -e
2019 May 29
R pkg install should fail for unsuccessful DLL copy on windows?
Hi all, I am having an issue related to installing packages on windows with R-3.6.0. When installing a package that is in use, I expected R to stop with an error. However I am getting a warning that the DLL copy was not successful, but the overall package installation IS successful. This is quite dangerous because the old DLL and the new R code could be incompatible. I am definitely not the
2023 Mar 31
removeSource() vs. function literals
If you can afford a dependency on rlang, `rlang::zap_srcref()` deals with this. It's recursive over expression vectors, calls (including calls to `function` and their hidden srcref arg), and function objects. It's implemented in C for efficiency as we found it to be a bottleneck in some applications (IIRC caching). I'd be happy to upstream this in base if R core is interested. Best,
2019 May 30
R pkg install should fail for unsuccessful DLL copy on windows?
Also note that this can lead to people not being able to load the package if the set of .Call entry points has changed between the old and new versions of the package. We strongly suspect that this is what happened to this Bioconductor user: Note that she's installing the binary and in this case no warning is issued. All we see is: package
2019 May 31
R pkg install should fail for unsuccessful DLL copy on windows?
thanks for your input Herv?. Glad to hear I'm not the only one still having this issue. In my opinion install.packages should stop with an error (instead of a warning) if this happens. However even if you want to keep the warning, at least make it so that users can set options(warn=2) to get an error if they want one. I tried setting options(warn=2) but for some reason I still get a warning.
2019 Oct 07
[External] Re: should base R have a piping operator ?
> On 7 Oct 2019, at 17:04, Tierney, Luke <luke-tierney at> wrote: > > Think about what happens if an > argument in a pipe stage contains a pipe. (Not completely > unreasonable, e.g. for a left_join). It should work exactly as it does in a local environment. ``` `%foo%` <- function(x, y) { env <- parent.frame() # Use `:=` to avoid partial matching on
2014 Sep 28
Using requireNamespace() instead of require()
Suppose I have a function funcA() in package pkgA that requires function funcB() from another package pkgB under certain circumstances. Those circumstances are rare though, so I put package pkgB under 'Suggests', and use this in funcA() when those circumstances do arise: if (require("pkgB", quietly=TRUE)) { pkgB::funcB(...) } else { stop("Please install package
2019 May 30
R pkg install should fail for unsuccessful DLL copy on windows?
Hi Toby, AFAIK it has not been addressed in R. You can handle the problem on your package side, see Regards, Jan On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 4:46 AM Toby Hocking <tdhock5 at> wrote: > > Hi all, > > I am having an issue related to installing packages on windows with > R-3.6.0. When installing a package that is in use, I
2020 Mar 17
new bquote feature splice does not address a common LISP @ use case?
Dear R-devel, There is a new feature in R-devel, which explicitly refers to LISP @ operator for splicing. > The backquote function bquote() has a new argument splice to enable splicing a computed list of values into an expression, like ,@ in LISP's backquote. Although the most upvoted SO question asking for exactly LISP's @ functionality in R doesn't seems to be addressed by this
2020 Oct 11
Installing bioconduction packages in connection with loading an R package
Dear all, My gRbase package imports functionality from the bioconductor packages graph, Rgraphviz and RBGL. To make installation of gRbase easy, I would like to have these bioconductor packages installed in connection with installation of gRbase, but to do so the user must use setRepositories() to make sure that R also installs packages from bioconductor. Having to call setRepositories causes
2017 Mar 17
Support for user defined unary functions
Your example x = 5 exp = parse(text="f(uq(x)) + y +z") # expression: f(uq(x)) +y + z do_unquote(expr) # -> the language object f(5) + y + z could be done with the following wrapper for bquote my_do_unquote <- function(language, envir = parent.frame()) { if (is.expression(language)) { # bquote does not go into expressions, only calls
2020 Jun 01
eval and Calling Frames
I ran into an interesting issue with `evalq` (and also `eval(quote(...))`): ???? f <- function() { ?????? list( ???????? sys.parent(1), ???????? evalq(sys.parent(1)), ???????? evalq((function() sys.parent(2))()),? # add an anon fun layer ???????? evalq((function() sys.parent(1))()) ?????? ) ???? } ???? res <- f() ???? str(res) ???? ## List of 4 ???? ##? $ : int 0???????? # sys.parent(1)
2024 Jan 17
Choices to remove `srcref` (and its buddies) when serializing objects
> I think one could implement hashing on the fly without any > serialization, similarly to how identical works, but I am not aware of > any existing implementation We have one in vctrs but it's not exported: The main use is vectorised hashing: ``` # Non-vectorised vctrs:::obj_hash(1:10) #> [1] 1e 77 ce 48 # Vectorised
2019 Oct 07
[External] Re: should base R have a piping operator ?
On 7 Oct 2019, at 18:17, Tierney, Luke <luke-tierney at> wrote: > Here is a stylized example: The previous value of the binding should only be restored if it existed: g <- function(x, y) { rlang::scoped_bindings(xx = x, .env = parent.frame()) y get("xx") + 10 } # Good g(1, 2) #> [1] 11 # Still good? g(1, g(1, 2)) #> [1] 11 > If you play these
2015 Feb 20
requireNamespace etiquette
I'm trying to resolve a problem of Namespaces and probably have misunderstood something basic. In my quantreg package the function crq() has as its first argument a formula that typically contains something like this: Surv(y, ...) ~ foo, where Surv is a function from the survival package which quantreg suggests. When this syntax is encountered in ordinary usage Surv is resolved, I believe,
2015 Feb 24
alternatives to when namespace is attached but not loaded?
Dear R-devel I have a function in a package that essentially provides a wrapper for a group of functions in another Suggested package (it sets appropriate defaults for the context, transforms output, etc). I've implemented this by verifying that the package was loaded with require(sna) and then, args = args) The rDevel check is requesting that I use