similar to: does not recognize default.stringsAsFactors()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: " does not recognize default.stringsAsFactors()"

2019 Mar 15
0 does not recognize default.stringsAsFactors()
My point was that, in a table, the row and columns usually have a well-defined order. If you convert the table to data frame form, typically in order to fit a Poisson GLM, you do want to preserve that order, and not have the levels converted to a locale-dependent alphabetical order in your analyses. Or at least, if you do want conversion to character, you should say so very explicitly. That is the
2019 Mar 12
3 does not recognize default.stringsAsFactors()
Reporting a possible inconsistency or bug in handling stringsAsFactors in Here is a simple test > options()$stringsAsFactors [1] TRUE > x<-c("a","b","c","a","b") > d< > d x Freq 1 a 2 2 b 2 3 c 1 > class(d$x) [1] "factor" >
2013 Feb 11
I think your idea to remove the warnings is excellent, and a good compromise. Characters already work fine in modeling functions except for the silly warning. It is interesting how often the defaults for a program reflect the data sets in use at the time the defaults were chosen. There are some such in my own survival package whose proper value is no longer as "obvious" as it was
2010 Jan 22
Inconsistency in for stringsAsFactors
I noticed that in, the stringsAsFactors argument defaults to TRUE, whereas in the other methods, it defaults to default.stringsAsFactors(). The documentation and implementation agree on this, so this is not a bug. However, I was wondering if this disparity was intended or if it might be some sort of unintentional oversight. If it is intentional, I wonder what
2019 Mar 14
0 does not recognize default.stringsAsFactors()
I have no recollection of the original rationale for, but I actually think it is fine as it is: The classifying _factors_ of a crosstable should be factors unless very specifically directed otherwise and that should not depend on the setting of an option that controls the conversion of character data. For, in contrast, it is the _content_ of the matrix
2020 Apr 12
The NEWS for R 4.0.0 says "R now uses a stringsAsFactors = FALSE default, and hence by default no longer converts strings to factors in calls to data.frame() and read.table()." This seems to have been implemented by setting options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) in the main R profile. However, setting options(stringsAsFactors = NULL) reverts to the same behavior as the old
2016 Feb 18
should `data` respect default.stringsAsFactors()?
Hiya, Probably been debated elsewhere.... I note that R's `data` function does not respect default.stringsAsFactors By my lights, it should, especially as it is documented to call read.table, which DOES respect. Oh, but: Compelling. I have to agree. So, I change my mind. By my lights, `data` should then be
2020 Apr 13
Further, in addition to the `val <- FALSE` patch a few hours ago by Martin, the line after should also be changed - if(!is.logical(val) || || length(val) != 1L) + if(!is.logical(val) || length(val) != 1L || ## Consider Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_" = "TRUE") options(stringsAsFactors = c(TRUE, FALSE)) default.stringsAsFactors() # correct
2020 Apr 13
Hello, I also want to report 2 missed cases of stringsAsFactors=TRUE in base: 1. grid.expand() still uses hard stringsAsFactors=TRUE in its arguments. 2. also keeps factors after conversion from table. >>>>>> Duncan Murdoch >>>>>> on Sun, 12 Apr 2020 08:57:14 -0400 writes: > > > The NEWS for R 4.0.0 says "R now uses
2009 Jun 25
stringsAsFactors has no impact in expand.grid()?
Hi I have the feeling, that the argument stringsAsFactors has no impact in the function expand.grid: a <- c("PR", "NC", "A2", "BS") b <- c(1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0.03125) class(expand.grid(css, fscs, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[[1]]) [1] "factor" class(expand.grid(css, fscs, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)[[1]]) [1] "factor" Also, when
2008 Nov 17
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
Hi all, I love the option to not automatically convert strings into factors, but there are three places that the current option doesn't work where I think it should: options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) str(expand.grid(letters)) str(type.convert(letters)) df <- read.fwf(textConnection(paste(letters,collapse="\n")), 1) str(df) I think type.convert and read.fwf can be fixed by
2009 May 18
stringsAsFactors param in expand.grid not working
Hi all, I've (tried) to look through the bug tracker, and gmane-search the R list to see if this has been mentioned before, and it looks like it hasn't. According to the R 2.9.0 release notes[1], the expand.grid function should now take a stringsAsFactor=LOGICAL argument which controls whether or not the function coerces strings as factors. While the parameter is indeed in the
2009 May 18
stringsAsFactors param in expand.grid not working
Hi all, I've (tried) to look through the bug tracker, and gmane-search the R list to see if this has been mentioned before, and it looks like it hasn't. According to the R 2.9.0 release notes[1], the expand.grid function should now take a stringsAsFactor=LOGICAL argument which controls whether or not the function coerces strings as factors. While the parameter is indeed in the
2016 Feb 19
should `data` respect default.stringsAsFactors()?
Hi Peter, Sorry if I was not clear. Perhaps an example will make my point: > data(iris) > class(iris$Species) [1] "factor" > write.table(iris,'data/') > data(myiris) > class(myiris$Species) [1] "factor" > rm(myiris) > options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) > data(myiris) > class(myiris$Species) [1] "factor" >
2016 Feb 19
should `data` respect default.stringsAsFactors()?
Aha... Hadn't noticed that stringsAsFactors only works via in read.table. Yes, the doc should probably be fixed. The code probably not -- packages loading different data sets depending on user options is an even worse idea than hav?ng the option in the first place... (I don't mean having the possibility, I mean the default.stringsAsFactor thing). In general, read.table() gets
2007 Apr 23
stringsAsFactor global option (was "character coerced to a factor")
--- Gabor Grothendieck <ggrothendieck at> wrote: > Just one caveat. I personally would try to avoid > using > global options since it can cause conflicts when > two different programs assume two different settings > of the same global option and need to interact. I see this argument often, and don't buy it. In any case, for this particular option, the
2006 Apr 25
by() and CrossTable()
I am attempting to produce crosstabulations between two variables for subgroups defined by a third factor variable. I'm using by() and CrossTable() in package gmodels. I get the printing of the tables first and then a printing of each level of the INDICES. For example: library(gmodels) by(warpbreaks, warpbreaks$tension, function(x){CrossTable(x$wool, x$breaks > 30,
2020 Apr 13
stringsAsFactors and type.convert()
If read.table() is defaulting to "character" instead of "factor" data type, shouldn't type.convert() also default to "character" in R 4.0.0? This would seem like a good time to change the default to type.convert(, to align it with the new default in read.table and data.frame. I think many R >=4.0.0 users would be happy with as the default
2020 Apr 20
stringsAsFactors and type.convert()
Dear Martin, Thank you for the well-reasoned response. I realized I was rather late to make this suggestion for 4.0.0, changing a somewhat low-level function that can indeed affect packages. I was just reviewing some R user scripts that were using type.convert(), mainly on data frames. In all cases, people were passing, so I was reminded that I would not be the only user who would
2004 Feb 29
Proportions again
Hello. I asked before and it was great, cause as a beginner I learned a lot. But, if I have this in R (1 and 2 are codes for sex): > sex<-c(1,2,2,1,1,2,2,2) > sex [1] 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 I´d like to obtain the proportion according to sex.So I type: > prop.table(sex) [1] 0.07692308 0.15384615 0.15384615 0.07692308 0.07692308 0.15384615 0.15384615 [8] 0.15384615 The result is OK, but I