similar to: Exit status of Rscript

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Exit status of Rscript"

2019 Dec 15
system2 doesn't quote stdin on unix, unlike stdout, stderr & input and on Windows
Hi again! While investigating the bug report [*] I found out that on unix, system2 does not quote its `stdin` argument while preparing the command line to launch. It does shQuote the `stdout` and `stderr` arguments, and also the `f <- tmpfile()` variable (which is used if `input` argument is provided), which seems to set a precedent. On Windows, stdin, stdout, and stderr are handled
2015 May 18
How best to get around shadowing of executables by system()'s prepending of directories to Windows' PATH?
My question: On Windows, R's system() command prepends several directories to those in the Windows Path variable. >From ?system The search path for 'command' may be system-dependent: it will include the R 'bin' directory, the working directory and the Windows system directories before 'PATH'. This shadows any executables on the Path that share a
2019 Dec 13
tempdir() containing spaces breaks installing source packages
Hello everyone! Temp paths are used in system2() calls without shQuote() because they are assumed not to contain spaces. On Windows, GetShortPathName() is used to try to ensure that. Unfortunately, sometimes GetShortPathName() silently fails to return a 8.3 file path and gives a full path instead (8.3 file names might be disabled on newer Windows 10 installations, or there may be another
2019 Feb 26
Intermittent crashes with inset `[<-` command
The following code crashes after about 300 iterations on my?x86_64-w64-mingw32?machine on R 3.5.2 --vanilla.?? Others have duplicated this (see? necessary), but I don't know how machine/OS-dependent it may be.?? If it doesn't crash for you, please try increasing the length of the x vector. Substituting the commented-out line for the one
2010 Nov 02
system() and system2() functions
Hello, I help to maintain a moderate library of R code. In this code we have a number of calls to the system function along the lines of: exe_output = system("./executable.exe",intern=T) We tend to prefer system() over shell() because, provided the executable has been compiled and the working directory set, the command works under both linux and windows. We've never had a
2023 Oct 30
system()/system2() using short paths of commands on Windows?
On 10/30/23 17:18, Yihui Xie wrote: > Hi, > > It may have been so for 20+ years but I just discovered today that system() > would always try to use the short path of a command on Windows: > If > that's true, I wonder if it could provide an option to disable this > behavior, because we recently ran into a
2019 Feb 01
nlminb with constraints failing on some platforms
Hello, R 3.5.2 on ubuntu 18.04. sessionInfo() at the end. Works with me, same results, cannot reproduce the error. f <- function(x) sum( log(diff(x)^2+.01) + (x[1]-1)^2 ) opt <- nlminb(rep(0, 10), f, lower=-1, upper=3) str(opt) xhat <- rep(1, 10) all.equal(opt$par, xhat, tol=0) # good: 5.53 e-7 #[1] "Mean relative difference: 5.534757e-07" all.equal(opt$objective,
2019 Mar 14
r76237 broken?
It looks like the most recent SVN commit changed line 1068 of src/library/tools/R/admin.R to include a call to "shQuotee" (sic), which is now breaking Travis r-devel builds ... ('checking sizes of PDF files under ?inst/doc?: .Error in shQuotee(tf) : could not find function "shQuotee"') The new line reads: res <- system2(qpdf, c(qpdf_flags, shQuote(p),
2018 Jul 04
unexpected behavior of unzip with list=T and unzip=/usr/bin/unzip
Hello, I encountered some unexpected behavior of unzip when using info-zip's unzip instead of R's internal program. Specifically, unzip("", list=TRUE, unzip=/usr/bin/unzip) produces incorrect output if the zip archive has filenames with spaces, and results in an error if the zip archive includes an archive comment or file comments. Here is some code to reproduce along
2023 Oct 30
system()/system2() using short paths of commands on Windows?
Sure. I'm not sure if it's possible to make it easier to reproduce, but for now the example would require installing TinyTeX (via tinytex::install_tinytex(), which can be later uninstalled cleanly via tinytex::uninstall_tinytex() after you finish the investigation). Then run: system2('fmtutil-sys', '--all') # or tinytex:::fmtutil() if fmtutil-sys.exe is not on PATH
2023 Oct 30
system()/system2() using short paths of commands on Windows?
Hi, It may have been so for 20+ years but I just discovered today that system() would always try to use the short path of a command on Windows: If that's true, I wonder if it could provide an option to disable this behavior, because we recently ran into a case in which short paths wouldn't work. I wonder what the original
2019 Jan 28
nlminb with constraints failing on some platforms
I've noticed unstable behavior of nlminb on some Linux systems. The problem can be reproduced by compiling R-3.5.2 using gcc-8.2 and running the following snippet: f <- function(x) sum( log(diff(x)^2+.01) + (x[1]-1)^2 ) opt <- nlminb(rep(0, 10), f, lower=-1, upper=3) xhat <- rep(1, 10) abs( opt$objective - f(xhat) ) < 1e-4 ## Must be TRUE The example works perfectly when
2011 Aug 23
R system command does not work with objects/variables
Hello! with the R system command I would like to call a perl script which needs an input directory and an output directory in form of a path. When I put in the path directly it works. The script line looks as follows: system("perl '../path1' '../path2' '../path3'") If I store the path in a variable/object and call the perl script again it does not run and I
2023 Oct 30
system()/system2() using short paths of commands on Windows?
On 30/10/2023 16:18, Yihui Xie wrote: > Hi, > > It may have been so for 20+ years but I just discovered today that system() > would always try to use the short path of a command on Windows: > If > that's true, I wonder if it could provide an option to disable this > behavior, because we recently ran into
2012 Feb 07
Using custom R_LIBS with R CMD install
Hi all, Am I using the correct syntax to set a custom R_LIBS when running R CMD INSTALL from the command line? I get: R_LIBS=/Users/hadley/R-dev R CMD INSTALL aL3xa-rapport-08e68ca/ # Desktop : R_LIBS=/Users/hadley/R-dev R CMD INSTALL aL3xa-rapport-08e68ca/ # * installing to library ?/Users/hadley/R? # ERROR: dependency ?ascii? is not available for package ?rapport? But: ls
2007 Jan 26
Rscript on Windows
On UNIX one can use #! notation. It would be nice to be able to do something similar on Windows. This could be done by giving Rscript the capability of skipping over the first few lines. For example, there might be a --skip=n argument or perhaps Rscript would skip over any consecutive leading lines that begin with @ in the R file since that cannot be syntactically correct R but does have
2008 Jul 23
shQuote and cat
Dear R-users, It is my understanding that cat(shQuote(a.string)) should print the origintal a.string. Is this right? I am not sure cat() correctly prints strings which are generated by triple-shQuote(): > shQuote(shQuote("a")) [1] "\"\\\"a\\\"\"" > cat(shQuote(shQuote(shQuote("a"))), '\n')
2008 Jul 23
shQuote and cat
Dear R-users, It is my understanding that cat(shQuote(a.string)) should print the origintal a.string. Is this right? I am not sure cat() correctly prints strings which are generated by triple-shQuote(): > shQuote(shQuote("a")) [1] "\"\\\"a\\\"\"" > cat(shQuote(shQuote(shQuote("a"))), '\n')
2019 Jun 21
Calculation of e^{z^2/2} for a normal deviate z
Hello, Well, try it: p <- .Machine$double.eps^seq(0.5, 1, by = 0.05) z <- qnorm(p/2) pnorm(z) # [1] 7.450581e-09 1.228888e-09 2.026908e-10 3.343152e-11 5.514145e-12 # [6] 9.094947e-13 1.500107e-13 2.474254e-14 4.080996e-15 6.731134e-16 #[11] 1.110223e-16 p/2 # [1] 7.450581e-09 1.228888e-09 2.026908e-10 3.343152e-11 5.514145e-12 # [6] 9.094947e-13 1.500107e-13 2.474254e-14 4.080996e-15
2019 Jun 21
Calculation of e^{z^2/2} for a normal deviate z
You may want to look into using the log option to qnorm e.g., in round figures: > log(1e-300) [1] -690.7755 > qnorm(-691, log=TRUE) [1] -37.05315 > exp(37^2/2) [1] 1.881797e+297 > exp(-37^2/2) [1] 5.314068e-298 Notice that floating point representation cuts out at 1e+/-308 or so. If you want to go outside that range, you may need explicit manipulation of the log values. qnorm()