Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "formula(model.frame(..)) is misleading"
2018 Dec 20
formula(model.frame(..)) is misleading
When formula() is applied to the output of model.frame() it ignores the
formula in the model.frame's 'terms' attribute:
> d <- data.frame(A=log(1:6), B=LETTERS[rep(1:2,c(2,4))], C=1/(1:6),
D=rep(letters[25:26],c(4,2)), Y=1:6)
> m0 <- model.frame(data=d, Y ~ A:B)
> formula(m0)
Y ~ A + B
> `attributes<-`(terms(m0), value=NULL)
Y ~ A:B
This is in part
2018 Dec 21
formula(model.frame(..)) is misleading
I don't have a copy of SV4 (or SV3, where model.frame was introduced), but
S+ 8.3 (based on SV4) puts the class "model.frame" on model.frame()'s
return value but has no methods (in the default packages) for class
"model.frame". Perhaps that is why R omitted the class.
However, S+ 8.3's (and problably S's) formula.data.frame did look for a
2001 Sep 13
SV4 on R?
Dear R-Developers,
The traffic today on s-news where Terry Therneau, I, and others
are reporting some of the problems we have had using or
converting applications to SV4 reminded me of something
Duncan Temple Lang had mentioned to me a year ago that
I wanted to follow up on. I recall that Duncan said either that if SV4
were to be implemented in R that it would not be
the default behavior, or
1999 Jun 29
S v. 5
Does R, or will R, be integrating the changes to the Chambers/Lucent S
language under their version 5.0? If not already, then when?
John Thaden
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
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2011 Jan 07
formula(model.frame(y~.^2, data=d)) does not return formula from terms attribute of the model.frame
In R 2.12.0 I get
> d <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=log(1:10), f3=LETTERS[rep(1:3,c(3,3,4))])
> m <- model.frame(y~.^2, data=d)
> formula(m)
y ~ x + f3
In S+ formula(m) gives formula given to model.frame(),
but in R you have to do the following get that formula:
> formula(attr(m, "terms"))
y ~ (x + f3)^2
Would it break anything to add to the top of
2006 Jul 25
Multiple tests on repeated measurements
Dear R-helpers:
My question is how do I efficient and valid correct for multiple tests in a repeated measurement design:
Suppose we measure at two distinct visits with repeated subjects a treatment difference on the same variable.
The treatment differences are assessed with a mixed model and adjusted by two methods for multiple tests:
# 1. Method: Adjustment with library(multcomp)
2011 Apr 05
IFELSE function XXXX
Hello everyone,
This IFELSE function call is not working properly. I do not receive an error
message, but the actions are not executed conditional as I was hoping. Any
assistance is appreciated.
#inducing correlation between res1 & input1
2012 Jul 27
Version of substitute that evaluates it's first argument
Hi all,
Does there already exist a version of substitute that evaluates it's
first argument? (i.e. it accepts an already quoted expression). This
seems like something that's pretty handy, but I haven't found any
existing function to do it:
substitute_e <- function(expr, env) {
eval(substitute(substitute(expr, env), list(expr = expr)))
f <- quote(x + y + z)
2011 Jun 04
need recipe for samba to do user authentication against a centos 5.5 openldap server (NO IDMAPS! NO PDC!)
Hi all,
Please help Ive been wasting days at this...
I am not trying to create a PDC, I am not joining an active directory, I am
not needing samba schema in my openldap (or do I?), I am not trying to use
winbind and idmaps for translations from SID to UID/GID, I just want my
samba server which shares linux home directories to authenticate
user+password against my existing linux based openldap
2012 Jan 27
Why does the order of terms in a formula translate into different models/ model matrices?
Dear all,
I have encountered some strange things when creating lm objects in R: model
depends on the order of the terms specified in a formula.
Let us consider the following simple example:
> dat <- expand.grid(A = factor(c("a1", "a2")),
+ B = factor(paste("b", 1:4, sep="")),
+ rep = factor(1:2))
2008 Sep 29
describe function in package Hmisc and function format.dates in chron (PR#13087)
Full_Name: Kem Phillips
Version: 2.7.1 (2008-06-23)
OS: Windows Xp professional
Submission from: (NULL) (
The Hmisc function describe fails, giving the error message:
Error in formatDateTime(dd, atx, !timeUsed) :
could not find function "format.dates"
Loading the chron package, where function dates apparently resides, does not
fix the problem. Note
2012 May 29
wbinfo -u - Error looking up domain users
Hi People ?,?
I have this configuration in my samba?s server and when I use this command : wbinfo -u
This message is showed : Error looking up domain users. I need find AD users to use samba.
Thanks in advance,?
wbinfo --sequence
SV0-SP : 1
REDE_SP : 4516361
smbclient -L localhost -U%
Domain=[REDE_SP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.10-1.4E.9]
? ? ?
1999 Mar 24
will book on S plus help understanding R ?
Hi all,
Was wondering if any body would know if the book "Programming with Data" a guide to S language could be used as a guide to working with the R language.
Comments, suggestions, a book review is welcomed.
Josef Bohart
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2019 Mar 26
Discrepancy between is.list() and is(x, "list")
I think this goes back to SV4 (c. late 1990's). The is.<type> functions
are much older (c. mid 1970's) , from before any class system was in S.
is() and inherits() were introduced with the S4 class system and were meant
to escape from the prison made by ancient design choices.
Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com
On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 2:11 PM Abs Spurdle <spurdle.a
2016 Nov 01
as.formula("x") error on C stack limit
Dear all,
I tried to run as.formula("x") and got an error message "Error: C stack
usage 7971120 is too close to the limit" whether x exists or not. This is
not the case in as.formula("y"), where "object 'y' not found" is the error
message if y not exists, or "invalid formula" error or a formula depending
on y. Can anyone confirm this is
2004 Mar 18
termplot has problems with a single term (fix included) (PR#6675)
The bug exists on R-1.9.0-alpha compiled the 10/3.
Termplot has a problem if either the model only contains a single term
or if asked to plot a single term. In addition there are problems with
the option se = TRUE.
Analysis: termplot starts with
terms <- if (is.null(terms))
predict(model, type = "terms", se = se)
else predict(model, type = "terms", se = se,
2002 Apr 18
Changing tick mark labels
Can anyone help me out with this problem?
After performing logistic regressions and testing the significance with
likelihood ratios, I have plotted the results using "termplot". I am
wondering, how to get the names of my variables to appear on the x-axis
rather than ascending numbers?
I have used:
termplot(fm, se=T, axes=FALSE, col.se="black")
axis(1, 1:4,
2009 Jul 30
update.formula and backticked colons
I just noticed the following in update.formula and I'm wondering if
this behavior is the intention of the developers. Here's an example:
update(`a: b` ~ x, ~ . + y)
Note now that the response has no backticks and is interpreted as a:b
(i.e. ":" is now an operator). This is because in update.formula the
call to terms.formula uses simplify = TRUE. I'm working with data that
2001 Jul 31
nlme: bug in getCovariateFormula (PR#1038)
I found that predict.gnls failed with a wierd error message about a
non-numeric argument to a binary vector in one of three nearly identical
Error in Inh/Ki : non-numeric argument to binary operator
(Inh and Ki are arguments to the function used in the formula for the
object whose predictions were requested).
It turns out that the problem is in getCovariateFormula().
The final line in
2019 Mar 26
Discrepancy between is.list() and is(x, "list")
If I can merge this thread with the one I started yesterday...
> "If the object does not have a class attribute, it has an implicit
> which I take to mean that if an object does have a class attribute it
does not also have an implicit class.
> I think this is reasonable behavior. Consider the "Date" class, which
stores values as "numeric":