similar to: Package 'tools' support for linux binary packages?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Package 'tools' support for linux binary packages?"

2015 Mar 12
Best way to handle dependency on non-CRAN package / large data package?
Hi Dirk, I'm interested in pursing this but I haven't been able to figure how to to make it work. Here's what I have so far: install.packages("drat") library(drat) addRepo("arilamstein") I (obviously) have a copy of the choroplethrZip github repo locally. I typed: git checkout gh-pages git push I gather that this is what I needed to to do make the repo
2017 Sep 28
R 3.4.2 is released
The build system rolled up R-3.4.2.tar.gz (codename "Short Summer") this morning. The list below details the changes in this release. You can get the source code from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course. For the R Core Team, Peter Dalgaard
2017 Sep 28
R 3.4.2 is released
The build system rolled up R-3.4.2.tar.gz (codename "Short Summer") this morning. The list below details the changes in this release. You can get the source code from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course. For the R Core Team, Peter Dalgaard
2015 Mar 12
Best way to handle dependency on non-CRAN package / large data package?
Thanks Dirk. I'm looking at it now. At first glance your documentation brings up a good limitation of simply telling users to type "devtools::install_github()". Namely, what happens when the census bureau updates their shapefiles, and I subsequently decide to update the package? Or if I discover an error in the package and decide to update it? The choroplethr package could have a
2015 Mar 12
Best way to handle dependency on non-CRAN package / large data package?
On 12 March 2015 at 09:40, arilamstein at wrote: | Thanks Dirk. I'm looking at it now.? | | At first glance your documentation brings up a good limitation of simply | telling users to type "devtools::install_github()". Namely, what happens when | the census bureau updates their shapefiles, and I subsequently decide to update | the package? Or if I discover an error in the
2015 Mar 12
Best way to handle dependency on non-CRAN package / large data package?
On 12 March 2015 at 08:41, arilamstein at wrote: | But I don't know if this is the best way to do this, or if there is | anything else to consider. I have never had to manage package dependencies | outside of CRAN, and have always thought of CRAN as being a "closed | ecosystem", where there were not any dependencies outside of CRAN. | | Can anyone provide guidance on this?
2016 Mar 02
install.packages() fails with drat repository on networkdrive
Hi Thierry, On 2 March 2016 at 10:16, Thierry Onkelinx wrote: | Dear all, | | install.packages("lme4") fails with error | Error in read.dcf(file = tmpf) : cannot open the connection | In addition: Warning message: | In read.dcf(file = tmpf) : | cannot open compressed file | '//servername/repository_path/bin/windows/contrib/3.2/PACKAGES', | probable reason 'No such file or
2012 May 08
what folder to run write_PACKAGES in?
I set up a local repo for testing packages. My packages are not showing up from the repository when viewed by Linux clients. I suspect this is a web administrator/firewall issue, but it could be I created the repo wrongly. I am supposed to run write_PACKAGES separately in each R-version folder. Right? Maybe other novices can use these scripts, if they are not wrong :) Here's the file
2013 Apr 17
remove higher order interaction terms
Dear all, Consider the model below: > x <- lm(mpg ~ cyl * disp * hp * drat, mtcars) > summary(x) Call: lm(formula = mpg ~ cyl * disp * hp * drat, data = mtcars) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -3.5725 -0.6603 0.0108 1.1017 2.6956 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1.070e+03 3.856e+02 2.776 0.01350 * cyl
2017 Jun 09
Creating a private CRAN with webpages
If I understand you correctly, you want to have a mirror of CRAN on a private server behind your firewall. Check out <> which gives instructions on how to do this. Cheers, Rainer > On 8 Jun 2017, at 23:29, Joshua Bradley <jgbradley1 at> wrote: > > Hello, > > I am trying to
2012 Nov 04
Apply same linear model to subset of dataframe
I have applied the same linear model to several different subsets of a dataset. I recently read that in R, code should never be repeated. I feel my code as it currently stands has a lot of repetition, which could be condensed into fewer lines. I will use the mtcars dataset to replicate what I have done. My question is: how can I use fewer lines of code (for example using a for loop, a function or
2009 Apr 27
VIF's in R using BIGLM
Dear R-help This is a follow-up to my previous post here: I am working on developing an open-source automated system for running batch-regressions on very large datasets. In my previous post, I posed the question of obtaining VIF's from the output of
2017 Jun 08
Creating a private CRAN with webpages
Hello, I am trying to setup a private CRAN for work (behind a firewall). The best options available include miniCRAN <>, drat <> and packrat <>. One problem is these packages do not automatically generate the web pages that are on the CRAN. Examples:
2022 Oct 13
tools:: extracting pkg dependencies from DCF
Dear R devs, I would like to raise a request for a simple helper function. Utility function to extract package dependencies from DESCRIPTION file. I do think that tools package is better place, for such a fundamental functionality, than community packages. tools pkg seems perfect fit (having already great function write_PACKAGES). Functionality I am asking for is already in R svn repository
2013 Feb 20
Bayesian mixing model
Fellow R users, I'm using the BCE {BCE} function to run a Bayesian sediment mixing model. The aim is to find the optimum % contribution from each of the 4 source areas that can yield the target geochemistry. I have geochemistry for 4 source areas called Rat: Rat<-read.table(text="CaO MgO Na2O Al2O3 Topsoils 2.511250 0.7445500 0.7085500 14.10375 ChannelBanks
2012 Nov 06
\value section for write_PACKAGES not updated
Hi, Found in \value section of man page for tools::write_PACKAGES: Invisibly returns the number of packages described in the resulting \file{PACKAGES} and \file{PACKAGES.gz} files. If \code{0}, no packages were found and no files were written. Those days (don't know when this has changed exactly), PACKAGES and PACKAGES.gz are written, even if no packages were found (which is a
2012 Nov 02
Can't install.packages() from local repo in 2.15.2
Hi guys I think there's a high chance this is a bug. But I can't rule out that I can be blamed for this. I've posted this to bugzilla (#15092). Then I read that I probably should have posted it to R-develop first. Sorry for doing this in the wrong order. I've set up a local repo on my local drive (happens to be mapped to L:/). It has the following structure (as per
2012 Dec 13
Installing Packages from a Local Repository
Hi everyone, I've followed the instructions from R-Admin Section 6.6 for creating a local repository. I've modified my file to add the local repository to my repos, but I haven't been able to successfully install my package from the repo. Here's the code that I've run. ################################## sessionInfo() getOption("repos")
2020 Oct 18
Resultado de la consola como un tibble
Hola, Bueno, puedes hacer el cálculo de una forma mucho más compacta y rápida. Esta forma es especialmente recomendable cuando tienes muchas columnas y muchas filas. > library(data.table) > myDT <- > myDTlong <- melt(myDT, measure.vars=1:ncol(myDT)) > myDTlong[ , list(p_value = shapiro.test(value)$p.value, v_stat = shapiro.test(value)$statistic) , by
2016 Apr 14
Bug in by() function which works for some FUN argument and does not work for others
I think you are not using the best function for what your intentions are. Try: > by(data=mtcars, INDICES=list(as.factor(mtcars$am)), FUN=colMeans) : 0 mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs 17.1473684 6.9473684 290.3789474 160.2631579 3.2863158 3.7688947 18.1831579 0.3684211 am gear carb 0.0000000