Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "trace in uniroot() ?"
2018 Aug 13
trace in uniroot() ?
Despite my years with R, I didn't know about trace(). Thanks.
However, my decades in the minimization and root finding game make me like having
a trace that gives some info on the operation, the argument and the current function value.
I've usually found glitches are a result of things like >= rather than > in tests etc., and
knowing what was done is the quickest way to get there.
2018 Aug 13
trace in uniroot() ?
I tend to avoid the the trace/verbose arguments for the various root
finders and optimizers and instead use the trace function or otherwise
modify the function handed to the operator. You can print or plot the
arguments or save them. E.g.,
> trace(ff, print=FALSE, quote(cat("x=", deparse(x), "\n", sep="")))
[1] "ff"
> ff0 <- uniroot(ff, c(0, 10))
2023 Feb 20
uniroot violates bounds?
Le 18/02/2023 ? 21:44, J C Nash a ?crit?:
> I wrote first cut at unirootR for Martin M and he revised and put in
> Rmpfr.
> The following extends Ben's example, but adds the unirootR with trace
> output.
> c1 <- 4469.822
> c2 <- 572.3413
> f <- function(x) { c1/x - c2/(1-x) }; uniroot(f, c(1e-6, 1))
> uniroot(f, c(1e-6, 1))
> library(Rmpfr)
2023 Feb 18
uniroot violates bounds?
I wrote first cut at unirootR for Martin M and he revised and put in
The following extends Ben's example, but adds the unirootR with trace
c1 <- 4469.822
c2 <- 572.3413
f <- function(x) { c1/x - c2/(1-x) }; uniroot(f, c(1e-6, 1))
uniroot(f, c(1e-6, 1))
unirootR(f, c(1e-6, 1), extendInt="no", trace=1)
This gives more detail on the iterations,
2012 Nov 08
vectorized uni-root?
dear R experts--- I have (many) unidimensional root problems. think
loc.of.root <- uniroot( f= function(x,a) log( exp(a) + a) + a,
c(.,9e10), a=rnorm(1) ) $root
(for some coefficients a, there won't be a solution; for others, it
may exceed the domain. implied volatilities in various Black-Scholes
formulas and variant formulas are like this, too.)
except I don't need 1 root, but a
1999 Apr 23
[S] uniroot -- doesn't work recursively
Dear Prof Azzalini,
You have an interesting example of recursive use of uniroot().
[re-cited at the end]
However, note that R currently has the same problem as S-plus:
Uniroot() doesn't work reliably, recursively.
When you found it to be better, you were just lucky.
The relevant file in R's source, src/main/optimize.c
/* WARNING : As things stand, these routines should
2011 Apr 02
uniroot speed and vectorization?
curiosity---given that vector operations are so much faster than
scalar operations, would it make sense to make uniroot vectorized? if
I read the uniroot docs correctly, uniroot() calls an external C
routine which seems to be a scalar function. that must be slow. I am
thinking a vectorized version would be useful for an example such as
of <- function(x,a) ( log(x)+x+a )
uniroot( of, c(
2003 Nov 20
reading data rows
I have problems reading a file with more than one row
to carry out mathematical calculations
I have a a file of the form
mu1 mu2 alpha beta Wsigma sigmaA b r
25 15 .05 .05 22 3 .3 .5
30 20 .1 .2 22 .3 .3 .5
I intend to read one row , carry out the calculations
and then the next row with which I intend to do the
same calculations.
I do the following.
2007 Jan 31
what is the purpose of an error message in uniroot?
Hi all,
This is probably a blindingly obvious question: Why does it matter in
the uniroot function whether the f() values at the end points that you
supply are of the same sign?
For example:
f <- function(x,y) {y-x^2+1}
#this gives a warning
Error in uniroot(f, interval=c(-5, 5), y = 0) : f() values at end
points not of opposite sign
#this doesn't give a
2007 Oct 27
Newton method iteration problem
Hi all,
I am coding for finding the root of f(x)= phi(x) -alpha where phi(x) is the
cumulative density function and alpha is constant . The problem right now is
I can't get the "initialX" representing the root out of the while loop when
ending , it seems to me it disappear when the loop ends accroding to the
error message. I need help . Please suggest the cause or solution to this
2017 Nov 07
Fitdistrplus and Custom Probability Density
Why not define your own functions based on d?
myCumDist <- function(x) { integrate(d, lower=-Inf, upper=x)$value }
myQuantile <- function(x) { uniroot(f=function(y) { h(y) - x },
interval=c(-5,5)) } # limits -5,5 should be replaced by your own which
might require some fiddling
d <- function(x) { exp(-x^2/2)/(sqrt(2*pi)) } # just an example for you to
test with; use your own
2017 Nov 07
Fitdistrplus and Custom Probability Density
Dear All,
Apologies for not providing a reproducible example, but if I could, then I
would be able to answer myself my question.
Essentially, I am trying to fit a very complicated custom probability
distribution to some data.
Fitdistrplus does in principle everything which I need, but if require me
to specify not only the density function d, but also the cumulative p and
and inverse cumulative
2007 Apr 20
Using power.t.test over a range of conditions
I would like to perform sample size calculations for an experiment. As
part of this process, I would like to know how various assumptions
affect the sample size calculation. For instance, one thing that I
would like to know is how the calculated sample size changes as I vary
the difference that I would like to detect. I tried the following
first, but got the associated error
2011 Apr 03
How do I modify uniroot function to return .0001 if error ?
I am calling the uniroot function from inside another function using these
lines (last two lines of the function) :
d <- uniroot(k, c(.001, 250), tol=.05)
The problem is that on occasion there's a problem with the values I'm
passing to uniroot. In those instances uniroot stops and sends a message
that it can't calculate the root because f.upper * f.lower is greater
2019 Mar 04
Package inclusion in R core implementation
As the original coder (in mid 1970s) of BFGS, CG and Nelder-Mead in optim(), I've
been pushing for some time for their deprecation. They aren't "bad", but we have
better tools, and they are in CRAN packages. Similarly, I believe other optimization
tools in the core (optim::L-BFGS-B, nlm, nlminb) can and should be moved to
packages (there are already 2 versions at least of LBFGS
2007 Dec 14
windows rtools missing gfortran.exe?
I replaced my Rtools today as posted at
Trying to build R-devel_2007-12-13.tar.gz without modifying MkRules
gives the gfortran command not found error below. I am wondering if
gfortran.exe is missing from (recent?) Rtools.exe or I am doing
something wrong.
Thanks to hints at Duncan's site, I worked around the error by adding
2023 Feb 18
uniroot violates bounds?
c1 <- 4469.822
c2 <- 572.3413
f <- function(x) { c1/x - c2/(1-x) }; uniroot(f, c(1e-6, 1))
uniroot(f, c(1e-6, 1))
provides a root at -6.00e-05, which is outside of the specified
bounds. The default value of the "extendInt" argument to uniroot() is
"no", as far as I can see ...
[1] -6.003516e-05
[1] -74453981
[1] 1
[1] NA
2019 Feb 06
nlminb with constraints failing on some platforms
> On 6 Feb 2019, at 10:58, Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch> wrote:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I summarize what has been reported till:
> Failure in these cases
> ========
> 1. Kasper K ("Scientific Linux", self compiled R, using Intel's MKL
2020 Oct 06
Solving a simple linear equation using uniroot give error object 'x' not found
I am trying to learn to use uniroot to solve a simple linear equation. I define the function, prove the function and a call to the function works. When I try to use uniroot to solve the equation I get an error message,
Error in yfu n(x,10,20) : object 'x' not found.
I hope someone can tell we how I can fix the problem
2007 Apr 25
How to solve difficult equations?
This below is not solvable with uniroot to find "a":
uniroot(fn,c(-500,500)) gives
"Error in uniroot(fn, c(-500, 500)) : f() values at end points not of
opposite sign"
I read R-help posts and someone wrote a function:
but it is not very precise. Is there any