Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Inconsistency, may be bug in read.delim ?"
2012 Feb 08
Problems reading tab-delim files using read.table and read.delim
I used read.xlsx to read in Excel files but for large files it turned out to
be not very efficient.
For that reason I use a programme which writes each sheet in an Excel file
into tab-delim txt files.
After that I tried using read.table and read.delim to read in those txt
files. Unfortunately, the results
are not as expected. To show you what I mean I created a tiny Excel sheet
with some
2005 Sep 08
Wishlist: write.delim()
It would be great if someone would add write.delim() as an
adjunct to write.table(), just as with write.csv().
I store a lot of data in tab-delimited files and can read
it in easily with: read.delim("text.txt", as.is=TRUE)
and would love to be able to write it out as easily when
I create these files.
The obvious setting needed for write.delim() is sep = "\t",
but in
2010 Jul 28
I am reading in a very large file with names in it and R is truncating the number of rows it reads in. The separator in this file is a pipe '|' and so I use
dat <- read.delim('pathToMyFile', header= TRUE, sep='|')
It turns out that it is reading up to row 61145 and stopping and I think I see why, but am not sure of the best solution to this problem. I see the name of
2012 May 04
read.table() vs read.delim() any difference??
I have a tab seperated file with 206 rows and 30 columns.
I read in the file into R using read.table() function. I checked the dim()
of the data frame created in R, it had only 103 rows (exactly half), 30
columns. Then I tried reading in the file using read.delim() function and
this time the dim() showed to be 206 rows, 30 columns as expected.
Reading the read.table() R-help documentation, I
2008 May 14
The try() function with read.delim().
I have written a function which reads data from files using read.delim
The names of these files are complicated and are built using arguments
to the wrapper function. Since the files in question may or may not
exist, I thought to enclose the read.delim() call in a try():
file <- <complicated expression>
temp <- try(read.delim(file))
if(inherits(temp,"try-error")) {
2014 Jul 01
combining data from multiple read.delim() invocations.
Is there a better way to do the following? I have data in a number of tab
delimited files. I am using read.delim() to read them, in a loop. I am
invoking my code on Linux Fedora 20, from the BASH command line, using
Rscript. The code I'm using looks like:
arguments <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE);
# initialize the capped_data data.frame
capped_data <- data.frame(lpar="NULL",
2010 Oct 06
Help troubleshooting silent failure reading huge file with read.delim
I am trying to read a tab-delimited 1.25 GB file of 4,115,119 records each
with 52 fields.
I am using R 2.11.0 on a 64-bit Windows 7 machine with 8 GB memory.
I have tried the two following statements with the same results:
d <- read.delim(filename, as.is=TRUE)
d <- read.delim(filename, as.is=TRUE, nrows=4200000)
I have tried starting R with this parameter but that changed
2012 May 18
UTF-16 input and read.delim/scan
Hi all,
I am running 64-bit R 2.15.0 on windows 7. I am trying to use read.delim
to read from a file that has 2-byte unicode (CJK) characters.
Here is an example of the data (it is tab-delimited if that gets messed up):
HITId HITTypeId Title
So read.delim (code below) doesn't read in correctly. It reads
2009 Sep 18
Reading clipboard with read.delim("clipboard") crash (PR#13957)
Full_Name: Liam Gretton
Version: 2.9.2
OS: openSUSE 11.1 (x86_64)
Submission from: (NULL) (
Reading a large number of rows of delimited data via the clipboard results in a
segfault or double free error. I've tested copying from various applications,
but gedit will do.
This problem exists in the openSUSE-supplied 2.8.1, I've just built 2.9.2 to see
if it's still there,
2009 Sep 23
read.delim very slow in reading files with lots of columns
I am trying to read a tab-delimited file into R (Ver. 2.8). The machine I am using is 64bit Linux with 16 GB.
The file is basically a matrix(~600x700000) and as large as 3GB.
The read.delim() ran extremely slow (hours) even with a subset of the file (31 MB with 6x700000)
I monitored the memory usage, and found it constantly only took less than 1% of 16GB memory.
Does read.delim()
2005 Apr 18
colClasses = "Date" in read.delim, how to pass date-format?
I have a huge data-set with one column being of type date.
Of course I can import the data using this column as "factor" and then
convert it later to dates, using:
sws.bezuege$FaktDat <- dates(as.character(sws.bezuege$FaktDat),
format = c(dates = "d.m.y"))
But the conversion requires a huge amount of memory (and time),
therefore I would
2011 May 19
Feature request: extend functionality of 'unlist()' by args 'delim=c("/", "_", etc.)' and 'keep.special=TRUE/FALSE'
Dear list,
I hope this is the right place to post a feature request. If there's
exists a more formal channel (e.g. as for bug reports), I'd appreciate a
I work a lot with named nested lists with arbitrary degrees of
"nestedness". In order to retrieve the names and/or values of "bottom
layer/bottom tier", I love the functionality of 'unlist()', or
2009 Jul 13
read.delim skips first column (why?)
Hi people,
I have a text file like this one posted:
snp_id gene chromosome distance_from_gene_center
position pop1 pop2 pop3 pop4 pop5 pop6 pop7
rs2129081 RAPT2 3 -129993 "upstream" 0.439009
1.169210 NA 0.233020 0.093042 NA
rs1202698 RAPT2 3 -128695 "upstream" NA
2004 Oct 06
read.delim problem with trailing spaces
I'm trying to read a comma delimited dataset that uses '.' for NA. I
found that if the last field on a line was a missing '.'
it was not read as NA, but just a '.', and the life variable was made a
factor. The data looks like this,
2004 Mar 04
1.9.0-devel: _ in read.delim and make.names
In R 1.9.0, make.names will accept "_" as a valid character
for a syntactically valid name.
I would appreciate to have an option in ``read.delim'' (etc.)
that would change "_" in headers of input files to "."
for compatibility with code and data written for R 1.8.1 and before.
Wolfram Fischer
2011 Jan 07
anova vs aov commands for anova with repeated measures
Dear all,
I need to understand a thing in the beheaviour of the two functions aov and
anova in the following case
involving an analysis of ANOVA with repeated measures:
If I use the folowing command I don´t get any problem:
>aov1 = aov(response ~ stimulus*condition + Error(subject/(stimulus*condition)),
> summary(aov1)
Instead if I try to fit the same model for the
2006 Apr 12
Pipe delimiter ( | ) in "read.delim"
Hi R folks,
Can anyone tell me how to read in a pipe ("|") delimited text file? I've
tried the following:
read.delim("c:/junk/junk.txt",sep="|", skip=7, check.names=FALSE,quote = "",
The file looks something like the following:
2010 Jun 29
read.table / type.convert with NA values
While assisting a fellow R-helper off list, I narrowed down an issue he
was having to the following behavior of type.convert, called through
read.table. This is using R 2.10.1, if newer versions don't exhibit
this behavior, apologies.
# generates numeric vector
> type.convert(c("123.42", "NA"))
[1] 123.42 NA
# generates a numeric vector, notice the
2007 Nov 15
Error with read.delim & read.csv
Hi -
I'm reading in a tab delimited file that is causing issues with
read.delim. Specifically, for a specific set of lines, the last entry
of the line is misread and considered to be the first entry of a new row
(which is then padded with 'NA's' ). Specifically:
tmp <- read.delim( "trouble.txt", header=F )
produces a data.frame, tmp where if I call tmp[,1],
2013 Apr 02
Im reading in a .txt file into R that consists of 5 columns, however, when
imported into R, it reads all the data into just one column. Is there a way
of telling R to create a dataframe with 5 columns rather than putting all
the data into one column?
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