Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Makevars CXX_STD variable ignored when no *.cpp files in src/"
2014 Mar 30
CXX_STD and configure.ac in packages
In C++ code for use in a R-3.1.0 package, my specific problem is that I would
like to use <unordered_map> if it is available, or <tr1/unordered_map> if not,
or <map> if all else fails.
I (think I) can accomplish this with configure.ac as
CXX=`"${R_HOME}/bin/R" CMD config CXX`
CXXFLAGS=`"${R_HOME}/bin/R" CMD config
2017 Mar 18
Experimental CXX_STD problem in R 3.4
R 3.4 has 'experimental' support for setting CXX_STD to CXX98 / CXX11
/ CXX14 / CXX17.
However on most platforms, the R configuration seems to leave the
CXX1Y and CXX1Z fields blank in "${R_HOME}/etc/Makeconf" (rather than
falling back on default CXX). Therefore specifying e.g CXX_STD= CXX14
will fail build with cryptic errors (due to compiling with CXX="")
2017 Mar 19
Experimental CXX_STD problem in R 3.4
C++ support across different platforms is now very heterogeneous. The standard is evolving rapidly but there are also platforms in current use that do not support the recent iterations of the standard. Our goal for R 3.4.0 is to give as much flexibility as possible. The default compiler is whatever you get "out of the box" without setting the "-std=" flag. This means different
2020 Oct 08
Installing package fails at "testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location"
Dirk, thank you a thousand times.
Indeed, src/Makevars was wrong. I modified Makevars so that now looks like
the below and the package now compiled and linked properly.
$(shell ${R_HOME}/bin/Rscript -e "RcppParallel::RcppParallelLibs()")
2017 Mar 18
Experimental CXX_STD problem in R 3.4
On 18 March 2017 at 14:21, Jeroen Ooms wrote:
| R 3.4 has 'experimental' support for setting CXX_STD to CXX98 / CXX11
| / CXX14 / CXX17.
R 3.1.0 introduced CXX11 support. R 3.4.0 will have CXX14 support. So I
would only refer to the CXX17 part as experimental.
| However on most platforms, the R configuration seems to leave the
| CXX1Y and CXX1Z fields blank in
2020 Sep 19
CentOS 8 Install as DOMU in PV Environment
In general, PV tends not to be supported in newer distribution releases.
This is mostly due to HVM performance and flexibility nowadays, which
just was not the case back in the days when PV ruled.
I am curious why you are trying PV.
On Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 6:41 PM 9f9dcad3f78905b03201--- via
CentOS-virt <centos-virt at centos.org> wrote:
> All,
> Just
2014 Sep 26
Why is my R package still compiling with the O2 flag?
When I install an R package with cpp codes such as rrcov via CRAN (under
R 3.1.1, using no Makevars file and under Ubuntu 14.04 using GCC 4.8),
the cpp code is compiled with the -o3 flag (in fact, looking at the
Makeconf file this seem to again be the default since R 3.1.1) But when
I install my own package via CRAN it is compiled with the -o2 flag.
My questions are what is causing my
2016 Sep 27
src/Makevars ignored ?
On 27 September 2016 at 09:37, Eric Deveaud wrote:
| Hello,
| I'm tring to install a Rpackage that holds some C//C++ code
| as far as I understood the R library generic compilation mechanism,
| compilation of C//C++ sources is controled
| 1) at system level by the ocntentos RHOME/etc/Makeconf
| 2) at user level by the content of ~/.R/Makevars
| 3) at package level by the content
2016 Sep 27
src/Makevars ignored ?
On 27 September 2016 at 15:23, Eric Deveaud wrote:
| so why ~/R/Makevars allows to change CC and not src/Makevars ?
| this is pretty confusing.
It seems weird at first, but makes some sense when you think about it like
-- src/Makevars is inside a package and cannot / should not alter "system"
parameters like compiler brand or version as there may only be one
2016 Sep 27
src/Makevars ignored ?
So now we have some important context for your original question.
I understand why you want "symmetry" but because of the reasons Dirk
outlines, I personally think it is a bad idea, ie. I disagree with your
statement "anyway I still convinced that if R provides a mechanisn
hierachical way of variable overwrite pkg / user/ system it _SHOULD_ be
consistent at all levels".
2016 Sep 27
src/Makevars ignored ?
As a package author, it is in my opinion irresponsible to override these
system settings (which is why it is also impossible). You have no idea
what system it is being deployed on, I mean, you don't even know if the
compiler is gcc. If a user wants (say) heavy optimization they will compile
R with optimization. (For this reason I also don't think users should
modify their ~/.R/Makevars,
2016 Sep 27
src/Makevars ignored ?
I'm tring to install a Rpackage that holds some C//C++ code
as far as I understood the R library generic compilation mechanism,
compilation of C//C++ sources is controled
1) at system level by the ocntentos RHOME/etc/Makeconf
2) at user level by the content of ~/.R/Makevars
3) at package level by the content of src/Makevars
Problem I have is that src/Makevars is ignored
2016 Sep 27
src/Makevars ignored ?
Le 27/09/16 ? 16:17, Kasper Daniel Hansen a ?crit :
> As a package author, it is in my opinion irresponsible to override these
> system settings (which is why it is also impossible). You have no idea
> what system it is being deployed on,
as the it guy dedicated to install and maintain softs on our cluster I
have a reasonable knowledge of the systems I work on.
I don't want to
2016 Sep 27
src/Makevars ignored ?
Le 27/09/16 ? 13:31, Dirk Eddelbuettel a ?crit :
> On 27 September 2016 at 09:37, Eric Deveaud wrote:
> | Hello,
> |
> | I'm tring to install a Rpackage that holds some C//C++ code
> |
> | as far as I understood the R library generic compilation mechanism,
> | compilation of C//C++ sources is controled
> |
> | 1) at system level by the ocntentos
2005 May 20
using src/Makevars file
Hi all,
Thanks to all who offered advice on using F95 in R.
Now I'm trying to compile a test package using gfortran, Linux 2.4.21 and
R 2.1.0.
I was able to successfully compile and use a test F95 routine by setting my
environment variables as follows in bash:
export PATH=~/bin/:$PATH
export F77=gfortran
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/bin/irun/lib
Now I'm
2020 Sep 19
CentOS 8 Install as DOMU in PV Environment
We tried to get CentOS 8 domU working in PV mode as well but did not have any success and ended up deploying it in HVM mode.
The reason OP have was lack of hardware support for HVM. This wasn't our rationale for wanting to run in PV mode. Our rationale was that we prefer to deploy CentOS 7 VMs on LVs which are formatted and deployed from an image on dom0 and don't have any partition
2018 Aug 02
SAMBA 4 as Active Direcotry and Hyper-V
Ok, what you use is your choice. It's what you preffer.
Few other questions then.
If connect from you pc to the hyper-v console, it this logged in the windows event log?
Can you telnet to the hyper-v console port?
Somehere there is something logged. I need that.
Start with increase the samba logs and checking the windows event logs.
Van: Rados??aw
2020 Oct 08
Installing package fails at "testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location"
I can not install packages from source which links to RcppArmadillo on
Ubuntu 20.04 (after upgrading from 18.04). The following problem occurs:
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
Error: package or namespace load failed for 'myPackage' in
dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
unable to load shared object
2007 Jan 26
Makevars PKG_LIBS ignored by SHLIB (PR#9473)
Full_Name: Rick Sayre
Version: 2.4.0
OS: Windows
Submission from: (NULL) (
PKG_LIBS works fine on *nix
on windows, it seems to be ignored by the "SHLIB" script
so, R CMD SHLIB blah
properly uses PKG_CPPFLAGS and PKG_CFLAGS from Makevars, but PKG_LIBS is
2017 Sep 22
librmb: Mail storage on RADOS with Dovecot
Hi ceph-ers,
The email below was posted on the ceph mailinglist yesterday by Wido den
Hollander. I guess this could be interesting for user here as well.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [ceph-users] librmb: Mail storage on RADOS with Dovecot
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2017 10:40:03 +0200 (CEST)
From: Wido den Hollander <wido at 42on.com>
To: ceph-users at ceph.com
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