Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "as.character(list(NA))"
2018 Jan 22
On 01/20/2018 08:24 AM, William Dunlap via R-devel wrote:
> I believe that for a list as.character() applies deparse() to each element
> of the list. deparse() does not preserve NA-ness, as it is intended to
> make text that the parser can read.
>> str(as.character(list(Na=NA, LglVec=c(TRUE,NA),
> Function=function(x){x+1})))
> chr [1:3] "NA" "c(TRUE,
2018 Jan 22
I tend to avoid using as.<type> functions on lists, since they act oddly in
several ways.
E.g, if the list "L" consists entirely of scalar elements then
as.numeric(L) acts like
as.numeric(unlist(L)) but if any element is not a scalar there is an
error. as.character()
does not seem to make a distinction between the all-scalar and
not-all-scalar cases
but does various things with
2018 Jan 22
Also perhaps a surprise that the behavior depends on the mode of the NA.
> is.na(as.character(list(NA_real_)))
> is.na(as.character(list(NA_character_)))
[1] TRUE
Does this mean deparse() preserves NA-ness for NA_character_ but not NA_real_?
-----Original Message-----
From: R-devel [mailto:r-devel-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of Herv? Pag?s
Sent: Monday, January 22,
2018 Jan 30
as.list method for by Objects
by() does not always return a list. In Gabe's example, it returns an
integer, thus it is coerced to a list. as.list() means that it should be a
VECSXP, not necessarily with "list" in the class attribute.
On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 2:41 PM, Herv? Pag?s <hpages at fredhutch.org> wrote:
> Hi Gabe,
> Interestingly the behavior of as.list() on by objects seem to
2020 May 15
paste(character(0), collapse="", recycle0=FALSE) should be ""
Totally agree with that.
On 5/15/20 10:34, William Dunlap via R-devel wrote:
> I agree: paste(collapse="something", ...) should always return a single
> character string, regardless of the value of recycle0. This would be
> similar to when there are no non-NULL arguments to paste; collapse="."
> gives a single empty string and collapse=NULL gives a zero long
2017 Mar 29
Transferring ownership of R-managed buffer
I have a use case where I would like to create an SEXP around an existing
buffer that is managed by R, thus avoiding a copy operation. If I have
something like:
void *p = (void*) RAW(PROTECT(Rf_allocVector(RAWSXP, n)));
... additional maniupulation ...
SEXP x = somefunc(SXPTYPE, n, p); // ????
Is there a "placement" constructor available? (I have arranged for the
2019 May 30
R pkg install should fail for unsuccessful DLL copy on windows?
thanks for the tip Jan.
However it would be nice if I didn't have to handle this myself for all of
my packages. (and teach my students how to do that)
BTW I tried to disable staged installation, and the issue still happens:
th798 at cmp2986 MINGW64 ~/projects/max-generalized-auc (master)
2020 May 15
paste(character(0), collapse="", recycle0=FALSE) should be ""
There is still the situation where **both** 'sep' and 'collapse' are
> paste(integer(0), "nth", sep="", collapse=",")
[1] "nth"
In that case 'recycle0' should **not** be ignored i.e.
paste(integer(0), "nth", sep="", collapse=",", recycle0=TRUE)
should return the empty string
2018 Jun 08
Subsetting the "ROW"s of an object
On 06/08/2018 10:15 AM, Michael Lawrence wrote:
> There probably should be an abstraction for this. In S4Vectors, we
> have extractROWS().
FWIW the code in S4Vectors that does what your subset_ROW() does is:
(This is the default "extractROWS" method.)
2020 Jan 01
New R function is.nana = is.na & !is.nan
Hello R-devel,
Best wishes in the new year. I am writing to kindly request new R
function so NA_real_ can be more easily detected.
Currently if one wants to test for NA_real_ (but not NaN) then extra
work has to be done: `is.na(x) & !is.nan(x)`
Required functionality is already at C level so to address my request
there is not that much to do.
Kevin Ushey made a nice summary of current R C api
2020 May 22
paste(character(0), collapse="", recycle0=FALSE) should be ""
Hi Martin et al,
On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 9:42 AM Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>
> >>>>> Herv? Pag?s
> >>>>> on Fri, 15 May 2020 13:44:28 -0700 writes:
> > There is still the situation where **both** 'sep' and 'collapse' are
> > specified:
> >> paste(integer(0),
2019 Oct 11
New matrix function
Hi All,
I was looking for a function to find a small matrix inside a larger matrix
in R similar to the one described in the following link:
I couldn't find anything.
The above function can be seen as a "generalisation" of the "which"
function as well as the function described
2020 May 22
paste(character(0), collapse="", recycle0=FALSE) should be ""
I agree with Herve, processing collapse happens last so collapse=non-NULL
always leads to a single character string being returned, the same as
paste(collapse=""). See the altPaste function I posted yesterday.
Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com
On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 9:12 AM Herv? Pag?s <hpages at fredhutch.org> wrote:
> I think that
2020 Oct 20
sum() (and similar methods) should work for zero row data.frames
>>>>> mb706
>>>>> on Sun, 18 Oct 2020 22:14:55 +0200 writes:
>> From my side: it would be great if you (or R core) could prepare a patch, it would probably take me quite a bit longer than you since I don't have experience creating patches for R.
> Best, Martin
Basically, just
1. svn co https://svn.r-project.org/R/trunk R-devel
2018 Jan 30
as.list method for by Objects
What version of R are you using. In my mildly old 3.4.0 installation and in
the version of Revel I have lying around (also mildly old...) I don't see
the behavior I think you are describing
> b = by(1:2, 1:2, identity)
> class(as.list(b))
[1] "list"
> sessionInfo()
R Under development (unstable) (2017-12-19 r73926)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
2019 Sep 16
head.matrix can return 1000s of columns -- limit to n or add new argument?
>>>>> Michael Chirico
>>>>> on Sun, 15 Sep 2019 20:52:34 +0800 writes:
> Finally read in detail your response Gabe. Looks great,
> and I agree it's quite intuitive, as well as agree against
> non-recycling.
> Once the length(n) == length(dim(x)) behavior is enabled,
> I don't think there's any need/desire to have
2019 Oct 11
New matrix function
The link you posted used the same inputs as in my example. If that is
not what you meant maybe
a different example is needed.
On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 2:39 PM Pages, Herve <hpages at fredhutch.org> wrote:
> Has someone looked into the image processing area for this? That sounds
> a little bit too high-level for base R to me (and I would be surprised
> if any mainstream
2017 Jul 23
matching element of a vector to i-2nd element
I have a df with a vector v. For each element of the vector, I want to
know whether the i-2nd element is the same as the ith element. For
v=c(A,C,D,C) the result should be:
I attempted something using indexing in a for loop such as (bad,
incorrect example):
for (i in v){
if [i]==[i-2] print T
else print F
However, this is obviously wrong.
Can someone
2020 Apr 27
Rtools and R 4.0.0?
Hevr? told me that people from Bioconductor and possibly others are
keeping an eye on this thread so it would be good to post a note here
As of version 4.0.0, the official R for Windows and binary packages
provided via CRAN are built with gcc-8.3.0 from rtools40, as shown in
the CRAN check table:
Instructions and installers for
2018 Jun 08
Subsetting the "ROW"s of an object
Hi all,
Is there a better to way to subset the ROWs (in the sense of NROW) of
an vector, matrix, data frame or array than this?
subset_ROW <- function(x, i) {
nd <- length(dim(x))
if (nd <= 1L) {
} else {
dims <- rep(list(quote(expr = )), nd - 1L)
do.call(`[`, c(list(quote(x), quote(i)), dims, list(drop = FALSE)))
subset_ROW(1:10, 4:6)
#> [1] 4 5 6