similar to: test fails when requesting LC_CTYPE

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2017 May 20
test fails when requesting LC_CTYPE
>>>>> Kasper Daniel Hansen <kasperdanielhansen at> >>>>> on Fri, 19 May 2017 20:09:24 -0400 writes: > I rebuilt R with > export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 > and the test still fail. Surprisingly, when I run R from the bin directory > and execute the test code, it runs without error: >> oloc <-
2017 May 20
test fails when requesting LC_CTYPE
I rebuilt R with export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 and the test still fail. Surprisingly, when I run R from the bin directory and execute the test code, it runs without error: > oloc <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") > <- { + if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") + "English_United States.28605" + else if(grepl("[.]UTF-8$", oloc,
2007 Mar 11
Dear R users, I'm trying to have a gWiddgetsRGtk2 script run under R-2.4.1. The script run OK under Linux but all accentuated characters appear as "?" when the script is run under Windows. As Gtk+ requires UTF-8, I thought it was the source of the problem and tried to change the default encoding (1252) in the following way:
2015 Aug 15
Why not pthreads on Windows in 'parallel' package?
Aaaah ... and argh - I should have better not to post R question at midnight, especially when I know it forks the process and it's not using threads. Brain meltdown. (So, we'll proceed trying to use pthreads in matrixStats also for Windows). Sorry for the noise and thanks Kasper. Henrik On Aug 15, 2015 02:52, "Kasper Daniel Hansen" <kasperdanielhansen at> wrote:
2014 May 14
Bug in read.dcf(all = TRUE)?
Hi, read.dcf() can modify the locale variable LC_CTYPE, and here is a minimal example: > Sys.getlocale('LC_CTYPE') [1] "en_US.UTF-8" > read.dcf(textConnection('a: b'), all = TRUE) a 1 b > Sys.getlocale('LC_CTYPE') [1] "C" After diagnosing the problem, it seems the on.exit() call in read.dcf() is the culprit:
2014 Feb 27
Diverted from ESS-help. It is really about R's LANGUAGE, locales and then a wish for sessionInfo() : >>>>> Sparapani, Rodney <rsparapa at> >>>>> on Thu, 20 Feb 2014 19:39:33 +0000 writes: >> Just guessing: perhaps this is something that is set when >> R is initialized and not queried every time something is >>
2020 Oct 02
timezone tests and R-devel
Yes, the potential issue I see is that make check fails when I explicitly set TZ. However, I set it to be the same as what the system reports when I login. Details: The system (RHEL) I am working on has $ strings /etc/localtime | tail -n 1 EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 $ date +%Z EDT $ echo $TZ US/Eastern On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 9:48 AM Sebastian Meyer <seb.meyer at> wrote: > Thank
2010 Apr 26
00LOCK and nfs
I am running into a problem with the 00LOCK file and .nfs files. It seemed to be caused by the following R is installed on NFS user A has loaded pkg_A containing a dynamically loaded library user B (the administrator) runs install.packages("pkg_A") as the final part of the installation process the 00LOCK directory is removed this creates a .nfs file because user A has the
2015 Aug 13
Bug in rank with utf8?
x <- "\u0663" y <- 3 x == y # FALSE rank(c(x, y)) # c(1.5, 1.5) --
2016 Mar 24
summary( prcomp(*, tol = .) ) -- and 'rank.'
I agree with Kasper, this is a 'big' issue. Does your method of taking only n PCs reduce the load on memory? The new addition to the summary looks like a good idea, but Proportion of Variance as you describe it may be confusing to new users. Am I correct in saying Proportion of variance describes the amount of variance with respect to the number of components the user chooses to show? So
2006 May 22
Sys.setlocale upsets windows graphics device (PR#8887)
Full_Name: Edward McNeil Version: 2.3.0 OS: Widows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( Type the following: > Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL","C") > hist(1:10) CRASH
2015 Mar 27
About removing zlib from R-devel
Related to this question: I have installed bzip2 1.0.6 by hand, but configure still fails. When I look at config.log I get the following configure:34150: /usr/bin/gcc -std=gnu99 -o conftest -g -O2 -march=amdfam10 -g -O2 -march=amdfam10 -L/usr/local/lib64 confte st.c -lbz2 -lz -lrt -ldl -lm >&5 conftest.c: In function 'main': conftest.c:250: warning: initialization discards
2010 Mar 18
Hi, there´s something that really bothers me about R and after hours and hours of internet research, I´m still stuck with the same problem: I installed R and it is in Spanish, as the system on my work. I would really like it in English and there seems to be no way to change that!?! I´m doing an abroad internship, so my Spanish is far from perfect and my tutorial is in English. Is there any
2010 Oct 08
Bug in as.POSIXct regarding AM/PM
Dear All, I encounted in a problem with as.POSIXct() function. > as.POSIXct("2009/03/26 01:00:00 AM" , format="%Y/%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p") [1] NA > as.POSIXct("2009/03/26 02:00:00 PM" , format="%Y/%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p") [1] NA I have tried this in the R version 2.11.1, R version 2.10.1 and R version 2.9.2 . They all does not work. The operation system is
2012 Aug 24
include dll in R-package
Hi, We have several projects in the center done by researchers over years in Fortran, there are copy right issues etc to prevent us from giving away the source codes, but a lot of social scientist are interested to use the program. We tried to use dlls to make plugins (available in our website) in various statistics platforms (SAS, STATA and R) to make it available to general public. We used
2016 Mar 24
summary( prcomp(*, tol = .) ) -- and 'rank.'
Following from the R-help thread of March 22 on "Memory usage in prcomp", I've started looking into adding an optional 'rank.' argument to prcomp allowing to more efficiently get only a few PCs instead of the full p PCs, say when p = 1000 and you know you only want 5 PCs. ( As it was mentioned, we already
2006 Mar 17
collation order
The following caused a hard-to-diagnose problem for a user of the survey package. Presumably this is a strange Unicode thing, but is there a convenient reference for how the collation order is determined? I am surprised that adding the same character to the end of two strings of the same length can change the sorting order. in en_US.utf8 locale > "1//"<"10/" [1]
2017 Jun 17
suggestion to fix packageDescription() for Windows users
Hi Duncan, Thanks for your reply. Yes, it does seem to be specific to the CTYPE setting to Chinese on Windows. If I set it to English using Sys.setlocale() there is no problem, then back to Chinese and the authors disappear: Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL","English") citation("readr") #' To cite package ?readr? in publications use: #' #' Hadley Wickham, Jim
2015 Aug 14
Why not pthreads on Windows in 'parallel' package?
On Windows there are a few 'pthreads' implementation, e.g. pthreads-w32 and winpthreads []. We're thinking of giving them a try for the matrixStats package, and basic tests indicates it works, but since Windows pthreads are not used by core R (or?) I've got a little bit worried that we will face overwhelming
2011 May 26
Samba performance
Hi everyone, I'm trying to use samba in a small video post production house but we are not getting the performance we expected. Our setup: - CenOS 5.6 x86-64 - samba.x86_64 (3.0.33-3.29.el5_6.2 and 3.6.0rc1) - Intel based server (One 4 core Xeon E5620 @ 2.40GHz, 8 GB RAM) - 4 Intel Gigagit ethernet NIC ports with 802.3ad bonding connected to a switch configured tu use 802.3ad - 8 2TB 7.2