similar to: problem running test on a system without /etc/localtime

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2017 May 17
problem running test on a system without /etc/localtime
>>>>> Henrik Bengtsson <henrik.bengtsson at> >>>>> on Tue, 16 May 2017 20:49:02 -0700 writes: > On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 5:35 PM, Kirill Maslinsky <kirill at> wrote: >> Hi all, >> >> A problem with tests while building R. >> >> I'm packaging R for Sisyphus repository
2017 May 17
problem running test on a system without /etc/localtime
On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 5:35 PM, Kirill Maslinsky <kirill at> wrote: > Hi all, > > A problem with tests while building R. > > I'm packaging R for Sisyphus repository and package build environment, > by design, doesn't have /etc/localtime file present. This causes failure > with Sys.timeone during test run: > > [builder at localhost tests]$
2020 Mar 23
Inconsistant result for normalizePath on Windows
Hi all, I saw a quite surprising result in the devel R when using the function *normalizePath*. If the input is a path to a folder, the function returns an absolute path with/without a slash at the end depending on the existence of the folder. I know both results are valid on Windows but this behavior is different than R3.6, I do not know if the change in the devel version is made on purpose.
2014 Sep 07
normalizePath is sometimes very slow for nonexistent UNC paths
I'm having an issue with occasionally slow-running calls to normalizePath. If the path is a non-existent UNC path, then normalizePath sometimes takes 6 or 7 seconds to run, rather than its usual few microseconds. My big problem is that I can't reliably reproduce this across machines. The example below generates one or two slow runs out of 10000 on my Windows machine. I haven't been
2015 Mar 11
normalizePath output depends on existence of directory
Dear all, I'm not sure whether this is intended behaviour or a bug. The path returns from normalizePath is different when the directory doesn't exist. I have included a reproducible example. path <- tempfile() missing.dir <- normalizePath(path, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE) dir.create(path) existing.dir <- normalizePath(path, winslash = "/", mustWork =
2017 Oct 14
Another issue with Sys.timezone
(I reported the test failure mentioned below to R-help but was advised that this list is the right one to address the issue; in the meantime I investigated the matter somewhat more closely, including searching recent R-devel postings, since I haven't been following this list.) Last May there were two reports here of problems with Sys.timezone, one where the zoneinfo directory is in a
2017 Oct 18
Another issue with Sys.timezone
>>>>> Martin Maechler <maechler at> >>>>> on Mon, 16 Oct 2017 19:13:31 +0200 writes: >>>>> Stephen Berman <stephen.berman at> >>>>> on Sun, 15 Oct 2017 01:53:12 +0200 writes: > > (I reported the test failure mentioned below to R-help but was advised > > that this list is
2023 Feb 27
Undocumented change of dirname("C:/") on R-devel on Windows
Hi Tomas, There has been an R CMD check error with xfun and r-devel on Windows for a while: Basically it means that the following would return TRUE before: normalizePath('a/b', mustWork = FALSE) == normalizePath('./a/b', mustWork = FALSE) but it became FALSE at some point in r-devel. I think
2013 Apr 27
path reference problems in R 3.0.0
Hi- I just upgraded R to 3.0.0 from 2.15.1 (which worked fine). When I started trying to install updated versions of the libraries, I saw the following error: > install.packages("lme4") Installing package into 'c:/Docume~1/melissa/R/win-library/3.0' (as 'lib' is unspecified) Warning in install.packages :
2023 Feb 24
Undocumented change of dirname("C:/") on R-devel on Windows
I confirmed the revert fixed my failing test. Thanks! 2023?2?23?(?) 20:12 Hiroaki Yutani <yutani.ini at>: > Thanks for the prompt response, I'll confirm it after the new R-devel > binary is available. > Also, thanks for the detailed explanation. I agree with you in general. > > > "/" in "C:/" is a path separator or not, and whether it is
2011 May 02
Problems with Rterm 2.13.0 - but not RGui
Hi all, I have just installed R 2.13.0 and I am experiencing problems with the terminal, but not the with the GUI interface. I am Windows 7. When running "R" or "Rterm" from a commandline I receive the following: Warning message: In normalizePath(path.expand(path), winslash, mustWork) : path[3]="C:/Programmer/R/R-2.13.0/library": Adgang n?gtet R version 2.13.0
2013 Jul 14
Redirect system2 stdout to a file on windows
According to the manual, the `stdout` argument of the `system2` function can redirect output to a file. This seems to work on unix, however I can't get it to work on windows. The toy example below, no `out.txt` or `err.txt` files are created. I tried sending it to an existing file, or expand the full file path, but with no success: setwd(tempdir()) system2("whoami",
2017 Oct 20
Another issue with Sys.timezone
>>>>> Stephen Berman <stephen.berman at> >>>>> on Thu, 19 Oct 2017 17:12:50 +0200 writes: > On Wed, 18 Oct 2017 18:09:41 +0200 Martin Maechler <maechler at> wrote: >>>>>>> Martin Maechler <maechler at> >>>>>>> on Mon, 16 Oct 2017 19:13:31 +0200
2018 Sep 14
Suggestion: use mustWork = TRUE as the default for system.file
Hello all, Currently, the default behavior for system.file() is to return "" for faulty paths. I've found this behavior to be difficult when debugging, since it passes the empty path onto other functions. I initially wrote in errors myself (with code like `if(path == "") stop(?Path not found?)`), but I now use mustWork=TRUE or fs::path_package(), which errors by default.
2009 Jan 27
Package (PR#13475)
Full_Name: Partho Bhowmick Version: 2.8.1 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( While trying to install package sn (I have tried multiple mirrors), I get the following message trying URL '' Content type 'application/zip' length 320643 bytes (313 Kb) opened URL downloaded 313 Kb
2019 Jan 24
Bug or undocumented behavior in normalizePath() with file system links on windows
Hello, I discovered a bug or undocumented behavior in normalizePath steps to reproduce: execute normalizePath on a folder link on windows. When you are on a non-english windows box, you likely have links in place for windows' default folders, e.g. "C:\Programme" linking to "C:\Program Files" on german windows boxes. Thus executing
2020 Apr 14
Suggestion/opinions: add a `absolute` param to `normalizePath()` to force returning an absolute path
This request stems off a bug report I posted where it was determined the current behaviour is as expected. To recap: when given a real file, normalizePath() always* returns the full absolute path. When given a non-existent file, normalizePath() returns a full path on Windows but it returns the input on other systems*. I'd argue that
2011 Apr 06
R CMD check for 2.13 rc
Hi, I have a couple of new errors in our package when I check it on R 2.13-rc (r55310). The first one that's mystifying me is * checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE Error : object normalizePath is not exported by 'namespace:utils' Error : object normalizePath is not exported by 'namespace:utils' Firstly, it's strange to see NOTE and Error being used
2016 Feb 29
Sys.readlink (on BSD vs Linux)
Hello, sorry for not being clear enough. My problem is represented with the following code, running on OSX: mkdir ~/test ln -s ~/test ~/testlink touch ~/test/foo Rscript -e 'Sys.readlink(c("~/test/foo", "~/testlink/foo")); normalizePath(c("~/test/foo","~/testlink/foo"))' I expected `Sys.readlink` to show the same output as `normalizePath`. Also,
2010 May 10
update.packages fails with directory not found
Windows XP. I have just updated to R 2.11.0 and then run update.packages. In the series of updates, a few will succeed, then I get a failure like package 'mvtnorm' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked package 'party' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked package 'PBSmodelling' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked Error in normalizePath(path) :