similar to: potential bug in simulate.lm when gaussian(link != "identity")

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "potential bug in simulate.lm when gaussian(link != "identity")"

2017 May 09
Bug simulate.lm() --> needs credential to report it
Dear R developers, I did not get any reply concerning my email from last week concerning the bug I found in stats::simulate.lm(). The bug shows up when called upon a GLM with family gaussian(). I am confident it is a genuine bug related to a mix-up between weights and prior weights that only impacts the gaussian family (other families have their own simulate functions defined elsewhere). I
2019 May 27
"if" function in pure R?
Thanks a lot Jiefei, I had thought of defining a binary operator (inspired by pipes) or simply using an additional condition in the if() calls [e.g. if(foo & fn(bar)) doSomeThing; with fn(bar) returning a logical], but both are workaround that I do not find as elegant as a proper control-flow construct. Thus two questions remain: - is it possible to create a control-flow construct in pure R?
2019 May 26
"if" function in pure R?
Hi all, Could anyone refer to me to a good source to learn how to program a simple control-flow construct* in R, or provide me with a simple example? Control-flow constructs are programmed as primitives, but I would like to be able to do that (if possible) in pure R. The general context is that those functions are a mystery to me. The motivating example is that I would like to create a function
2016 Sep 05
mget call can trigger C stack usage error
Hi all, not sure if you will call this a bug or something else but the following silly call trigger a low level error: foo <- list(x=1) class(foo) <- "new" <- function(x, ...) print(mget(names(formals()))) foo > Error: C stack usage 7969412 is too close to the limit -- Alexandre Courtiol *"Science is
2019 May 27
"if" function in pure R?
Hi Alexandre, I'm not an R expert so this is only my personal thought: I don't think you can achieve what you want exactly. A possible solution would be defining a binary operator %*%, where you can replace the asterisk with any function name you want. The function %*% is special since it has two arguments, left operand and right operand respectively. You then can call the `substitute`
2020 Nov 01
vignettes present in 2 folders or won't work
Dear all, I am struggling with an issue related to static vignettes: they work, but only when present in double in the tarball -- in the folder inst/doc and vignettes; see below for details. Details: I am pre-compiling heavy vignettes thanks to the vignette builder R.rsp. So basically, I have PDF files which I want the package to use as Vignettes. For this, I have the following in my
2020 Nov 01
vignettes present in 2 folders or won't work
Noted Duncan and TRUE... I cannot do more immediately unfortunately, that is always the issue of asking a last minute panic attack question before teaching a course involving the package... I do have /doc in my .Rbuildignore for reasons I can no longer remember... I will dig and create a MRE/reprex. The students will download heavy packages, but they probably won't notice. *Apologies* In the
2005 Oct 21
finite mixture model (2-component gaussian): plotting component gaussian components?
Dear Knowledgeable R Community Members, Please excuse my ignorance, I apologize in advance if this is an easy question, but I am a bit stumped and could use a little guidance. I have a finite mixture modeling problem -- for example, a 2-component gaussian mixture -- where the components have a large overlap, and I am trying to use the "mclust" package to solve this problem. I need
2011 Feb 08
Simulation of Multivariate Fractional Gaussian Noise and Fractional Brownian Motion
Dear R Helpers, I have searched for any R package or code for simulating multivariate fractional Brownian motion (mFBM) or multivariate fractional Gaussian noise (mFGN) when a covariance matrix are given. Unfortunately, I could not find such a package or code. Can you suggest any solution for multivariate FBM and FGN simulation? Thank you for your help. Best Regards, Ryan ----- Wonsang You
2011 Feb 23
Which glm "familiy" to choose with a skewed distribution of residuals, gaussian?
[This email is either empty or too large to be displayed at this time]
2008 Jun 12
using MCLUST package to estimate a poisson-gaussian process
Hi All, I am using em() function to estimate a poisson-gaussian process from a univariate one dimension time series, but not sure how to do. In the help manual, it specify that in "pro" of the argument "parameter", if the model includes a Poisson term for noise, there should be one more mixing proportion than the number of Gaussian components. But in the example, the parameter
2010 Apr 14
Gaussian Quadrature Numerical Integration In R
Hi All, I am trying to use A Gaussian quadrature over the interval (-infty,infty) with weighting function W(x)=exp(-(x-mu)^2/sigma) to estimate an integral. Is there a way to do it in R? Is there a function already implemented which uses such weighting function. I have been searching in the statmode package and I found the function "gauss.quad(100, kind="hermite")" which uses
2004 Oct 21
inverse gaussian distribution of frailty variable
Hello, I'm Emanuela, I'm implemented a survival analysis and I'm trying to use a frailty model with inverse gaussian distribution, but I'm not able to find the right code, because it seems to be only a gamma and a gaussian distribution. Is there also the inverse gaussian distribution? Thanks a lot Emanuela Rossi
2011 Dec 07
How to fit the log Gaussian Cox process model
Hi, As far as I know, there exist some programs via the function INLA, but I'm so curious if there is a specific function directly used to fit the log Gaussian Cox process model and predict the latent Gaussian field. That is, if I have a data points, then I input it in the function and don't need to revise the program. Thanks for your help. Joseph -- View this message in context:
2012 Nov 20
double gaussian with mixdist: what's wrong?
Dear all, I am trying to fit a double gaussian to some data using the mixdist package: --- begin code --- ? library(mixdist) ? time <- seq(673,723) ??counts <- c(3,12,8,12,18,24,39,48,64,88,101,132,198,253,331,419,563,781,1134,1423,1842,2505,374,6099,9343,13009, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?15097,13712,9969,6785,4742,3626,3794,4737,5494,5656,4806,3474,2165,1290,799,431,213,137,66,57,41,35,27,27,27) ?
2003 Sep 26
Gaussian mixture models, modelNames: EEV, VEV mclust2002
Hello, I am using the parameterized EM- Algorithm in clustering context. I use generated datasets, containing 5000 points in 20 dimensions with 5 clusters. The following poses a problem for me: emEst<-me(modelName="EEV",data=data[,1:numDimensions],z=unmap(x)) emEst<-me(modelName="VEV",data=data[,1:numDimensions],z=unmap(x)) coordProj(main="Model
2003 Jun 25
1D and 2D gaussian fittings
Dear colleague, I am interested by tools allowing fitting a gaussian curve (or surface) to a distribution of the kind y = f(x) ( or z = g(x,y).) both Fortran and C languages would be usefull. What kind of routines could you suggest? What are the adresses from which they can be downloaded? with many thanks and best regards, Jean Guibert --
2011 Feb 07
tri-cube and gaussian weights in loess
>From what I understand, loess in R uses the standard tri-cube function. SAS/INSIGHT offers loess with Gaussian weights. Is there a function in R that does the same? Also, can anyone offer any references comparing properties between tri-cube and Gaussian weights in LOESS? Thanks. - Andr? -- View this message in context:
2018 Apr 16
Inverse Gaussian distribution not working in glm funciton
Hello everybody, I have encountered a problem with the inverse Gaussian distribution. It is very likely that it will not work regardless of the data input. I have programmed this regression and it works fine no matter which distribution the response comes from. If you run this example (first tried and already got the error) set.seed(1234) y = abs( rnorm(150) ) glm( y ~ ., iris, family =
2002 Oct 22
Gaussian Mixture Models
Hey, Dose R include some package for Gaussian Mixture Model data generation and parameters estimation? Now I want to assign lots of multivariate data into a GMM model. So just wondering if given sample data, can we use some functions to estimate the compoents' density function. Thanks for your support. Fred -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-