similar to: creating a long list puts R in a state where many things stop working

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 140 matches similar to: "creating a long list puts R in a state where many things stop working"

2019 Feb 26
Intermittent crashes with inset `[<-` command
The following code crashes after about 300 iterations on my?x86_64-w64-mingw32?machine on R 3.5.2 --vanilla.?? Others have duplicated this (see? necessary), but I don't know how machine/OS-dependent it may be.?? If it doesn't crash for you, please try increasing the length of the x vector. Substituting the commented-out line for the one
2019 Feb 27
Intermittent crashes with inset `[<-` command
Valgrind (without gctorture) reports memory misuse: % R --debugger=valgrind --debugger-args="--leak-check=full --num-callers=18" ... > x <- 1:200000 > y <- rep(letters[1:5], length(x) / 5L) > for (i in 1:1000) { + # x[y == 'a'] <- x[y == 'b'] + x <- `[<-`(x, y == 'a', x[y == 'b']) + cat(i, '') + } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2018 Mar 29
Possible `substr` bug in UTF-8 Corner Case
I think there is a memory bug in `substr` that is triggered by a UTF-8 corner case: an incomplete UTF-8 byte sequence at the end of a string.? With a valgrind level 2 instrumented build of R-devel I get: > string <- "abc\xEE"??? # \xEE indicates the start of a 3 byte UTF-8 sequence > Encoding(string) <- "UTF-8" > substr(string, 1, 10) ==15375== Invalid read of
2024 Feb 07
Difficult debug
?I've hit a roadblock debugging a new update to the survival package.?? I do debugging in a developement envinment, i.e. I don't create and load a package but rather? source all the .R files and dyn.load an .so file, which makes things a bit easier. ? Running with R -d "valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full" one of my test files crashes in simple R code a dozen lines
2015 Feb 05
Invalid read of size 8
Hi, I have a R program that call a C function. I define a vector of pointer as int nLC=3; int pownLC = nLC*nLC double *MatCovExtra[nT+1]; for(k=0;k<K+1;k++) { MatCovExtra[k] = (double*)R_alloc(pownLC, sizeof(double)); } where nT>K. Then i put some values on the vector associated with the pointer: for(k=0;k<K+1;k++) { for(i=0;i<nLC;i++)
2017 Oct 06
SIGSEGV during startup
Hi, This problem started as of r73472 ("Merged in the rest of the basic ALTREP framework."); I tested r73471 and it did not exist. I'm building R devel on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (64-bit), with the following flags: CC="gcc -std=gnu99 -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer" CFLAGS="-fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -O2 -Wall -pedantic -mtune=native" and using
2024 Feb 07
Difficult debug
I haven't done any R memory debugging lately, but at shows how I used to have gdb break where valgrind finds a problem so you could examine the details. Also, running your code after running gctorture(TRUE) can help track down memory problems. -Bill On Wed, Feb 7, 2024 at 12:03?PM Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D.
2008 Oct 23
[LLVMdev] Helping the optimizer along (__assume)
Mike Stump wrote: > On Oct 22, 2008, at 3:28 PM, Paul Biggar wrote: > >> As part of our PHP compiler (, it would be great to be >> able to annotate our generated C code with, for example, (var != >> NULL), or (var->type == STRING), and have that information passed >> around (esp interprocedurally at link-time) by the LLVM optimizers. >>
2008 Oct 22
[LLVMdev] Helping the optimizer along (__assume)
On Oct 22, 2008, at 3:28 PM, Paul Biggar wrote: > As part of our PHP compiler (, it would be great to be > able to annotate our generated C code with, for example, (var != > NULL), or (var->type == STRING), and have that information passed > around (esp interprocedurally at link-time) by the LLVM optimizers. For some odd reason I was thinking this was going to be
2019 Feb 27
Intermittent crashes with inset `[<-` command
On an azure centos VM, I can reproduce this bug which reports either: *** caught segfault *** address 0x70000006a, cause 'memory not mapped' (crash) Or incompatible types (from builtin to integer) in subassignment type fix (no crash) Like Gabriel, I could not reproduce the bug on a mac laptop. Both R versions 3.5.1. Travers On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 9:08 AM William Dunlap via R-devel
2008 Oct 22
[LLVMdev] Helping the optimizer along (__assume)
Hi, I'm interested in whether or not there is a way of providing source-level annotations to help LLVM with optimizations, similar to VisualC++'s __assume facility ( As part of our PHP compiler (, it would be great to be able to annotate our generated C code with, for example, (var != NULL), or (var->type ==
2017 Jun 02
sum() returns NA on a long *logical* vector when nb of TRUE values exceeds 2^31
Hi, I have a long numeric vector 'xx' and I want to use sum() to count the number of elements that satisfy some criteria like non-zero values or values lower than a certain threshold etc... The problem is: sum() returns an NA (with a warning) if the count is greater than 2^31. For example: > xx <- runif(3e9) > sum(xx < 0.9) [1] NA Warning message: In sum(xx
2013 Apr 23
about the 'length' arg of vector()
Hi, In the man page for vector(): length: A non-negative integer specifying the desired length. Double values will be coerced to integer: supplying an argument of length other than one is an error. Since long vectors are supported, it doesn't seem to be true anymore that "double values will be coerced to integer": > bigraw <-
2007 Aug 27
fix for broken largefile seek() on 32-bit linux (PR#9883)
Full_Name: John Brzustowski Version: R-devel-trunk, R-2.4.0 OS: linux Submission from: (NULL) ( DESCRIPTION seek() on files larger than 2 gigabytes fails for large values of "where" on i386 linux 2.6.13 (and presumably other 32-bit unix-like platforms). e.g.: > f<-file("3gigabytefile.dat", "rb") > seek(f, 3e9, "start",
2018 Jan 25
sum() returns NA on a long *logical* vector when nb of TRUE values exceeds 2^31
Just following up on this old thread since matrixStats 0.53.0 is now out, which supports this use case: > x <- rep(TRUE, times = 2^31) > y <- sum(x) > y [1] NA Warning message: In sum(x) : integer overflow - use sum(as.numeric(.)) > y <- matrixStats::sum2(x, mode = "double") > y [1] 2147483648 > str(y) num 2.15e+09 No coercion is taking place, so the
2018 Mar 29
Possible `substr` bug in UTF-8 Corner Case
Thanks, fixed in R-devel (by checking validity of UTF-8 strings for substr/substring). Tomas On 03/29/2018 03:53 AM, brodie gaslam via R-devel wrote: > I think there is a memory bug in `substr` that is triggered by a UTF-8 corner case: an incomplete UTF-8 byte sequence at the end of a string.? With a valgrind level 2 instrumented build of R-devel I get: > >> string <-
2017 Jun 07
sum() returns NA on a long *logical* vector when nb of TRUE values exceeds 2^31
>>>>> Martin Maechler <maechler at> >>>>> on Tue, 6 Jun 2017 09:45:44 +0200 writes: >>>>> Herv? Pag?s <hpages at> >>>>> on Fri, 2 Jun 2017 04:05:15 -0700 writes: >> Hi, I have a long numeric vector 'xx' and I want to use >> sum() to count the number of
2016 Mar 23
Clang/LLVM producing incomplete & erroneous debug information
Hi everyone, I'm trying to get debug information for a C/pthreads application, but it seems like clang/LLVM are producing limited & erroneous debugging information. I've attached a simple test example to reproduce the problem -- I'm using clang/LLVM 3.7.1 built from source on Ubuntu 14.04. I compile the attached file with: $ clang -O1 -g test.c -lpthread If I run: $ readelf
2007 May 24
Calculation of ratio distribution properties
Hi all, Looking to calculate the expected mean and variance of a ratio distribution where the source distributions are gaussian with known parameters and sample values are correlated. I see (from wikipedia: Ratio_distribution#Gaussian_ratio_distribution) that this calculation is quite involved, so I'm hoping that someone has already coded a function to
2018 Jan 30
sum() returns NA on a long *logical* vector when nb of TRUE values exceeds 2^31
Hi Martin, Henrik, Thanks for the follow up. @Martin: I vote for 2) without *any* hesitation :-) (and uniformity could be restored at some point in the future by having prod(), rowSums(), colSums(), and others align with the behavior of length() and sum()) Cheers, H. On 01/27/2018 03:06 AM, Martin Maechler wrote: >>>>>> Henrik Bengtsson <henrik.bengtsson at>