similar to: Web site for MacOSX R-devel precompiled version

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Web site for MacOSX R-devel precompiled version"

2016 Sep 29
Web site for MacOSX R-devel precompiled version
> On Sep 29, 2016, at 8:42 AM, Marc Girondot via R-devel <r-devel at> wrote: > > From several years, I used this site to get a precompiled version of macosx R-devol but the most recent version is frozen at the 18/8 build (r 71112). > > Is there an alternative (except than compile myself !) ? > It is the official build - there may
2015 Mar 31
VPATH build of R on MacOSX
I am trying to do VPATH builds of R3.1.3, i.e. binaries built outside the source directory. It works just fine on Linux but on Mac OSX (Mavericks) I get the following trace from make, after a successful configure step. Any insights gratefully received. make is GNU make 3.81 on both systems. bash-3.2$ make make make[1]: Nothing to be done for `R'. make[1]: Nothing to be done for `R'.
2012 Nov 22
Trick to replace NA
Dear members, I have a series of values in a vector and some value are missing and replaced with NA. For example: a <- c(27, 25, NA, NA, 24, 26, 27, NA, 26) I would like to replace the NAs with the value taken from the previous value that is non-NA. The output would be in this case: 27 25 25 25 24 26 27 27 26 Now I do that with a for loop, but I try to eliminate all the loops to gain in
2013 Mar 14
how to change "`Year_Month)201103`" into "Year_Month)201103" using R?
HI, I have the pattern like "`Year_Month)201103`" I want to delete single quotes within double quetes. I want to change it into "Year_Month)201103" , how to do it in r? Thanks a lot. Tammy [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Apr 26
MacOSX package install problem: pkgs quadprog & tseries
I upgraded to R-2.2.1 on two PPC G5 computers today. Further I want to work with the tseries package for the first time. As root with R CMD INSTALL tseries_0.10-0.tar.gz I get the following gcc-3.3 -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -L/usr/local/lib - o arma.o bdstest.o boot.o dsumsl.o garch.o ppsum.o tsutils.o -framework vecLib -L/usr/local/lib/gcc/powerpc-apple-
2012 Mar 18
assign a value to an element
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2006 Mar 24
R for MacOSX - History and command line problems
Hi! I have the following issues using "R for Mac OS X 2.2.1" (from the ppc-.dmg) on a Mac OS X 10.4.5: 1) The command history is never saved (automatically) to .Rhistory. (The file stays empty.) 2) If I save a history to some file via the "Save History" button, and I load it afterwards via "Load History", only the first entry of the saved History appears in
2013 Jan 02
Package check using --as-cran
I use R 2.15.2 on MacosX 10.8.2 I have a problem checking for a package that I want to submit in CRAN. When I check like that, no problem or warning are detected. system("R CMD check '[path]/phenology'") I create the .tar.gz package with that. The file phenology_3.43.tar.gz is generated. I can install the package and it works. system("R CMD build
2015 Feb 05
Rcurl crash in R-devel
Hello, I don't know if the problem originates from R-devel 3.2 or Rcurl itself. I post this message to the R-devel list and to the author of RCurl (duncan at > library("RCurl") Le chargement a n?cessit? le package : bitops > print(sessionInfo()) R Under development (unstable) (2015-02-03 r67717) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit) Running under:
2013 Apr 27
Loading of package RNetCDF fails
Dear Pavel Michna [maintainer of the package] (and copy to R-help Mailing List) When I try to load the package RNetCDF (after install from CRAN) I get this message: > library("RNetCDF", lib.loc="/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.0/Resources/library") Error : .onLoad a ?chou? dans loadNamespace() pour 'RNetCDF', d?tails : appel : NULL erreur : I/O error
2009 Oct 08
external variable by inside-function routines modifications
Dear all, could you please advice whether it is possible somehow to modify an external (from the point of some function view) variable by some function-internal operators. For example > var=1 > foo<-function(var){var=var+1} > foo(var) > var [1] 1 but the goal is to get the var equal to 2 in this specific case. Thanks! -- View this message in context:
2024 May 03
Get a copy of a matrix only for TRUE entries of a matching size boolean matrix?
It's exactly what I was looking for, thanks. I'm replying to the whole list so others can skip this question, to not waste time on it. Bonne fin de journ?e de Montr?al (nous sommes le matin ici) On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 10:30?AM Marc Girondot <marc_grt at> wrote: > Is it what you want ? > mat_letters <- matrix(data=c('A', 'B', 'C',
2014 Oct 01
gsl package on mavericks
hello I maintain the gsl R package, and many users have recently reported that the package does not install from source under macosx 10.9 ("mavericks"). Users typically install the gnu GSL library and are able to compile and run a small "hello world" program which executes some of the Bessel functionality of the library; but under mavericks the configure script (which uses
2015 Jan 13
R CMD build looking for texi2dvi in the wrong place (R-devel)
R CMD build fails with recent R-devel because it is looking for texi2dvi in /usr/local/bin, but on this system, MacTex has installed it in /usr/bin. $ R CMD build IRanges * checking for file 'IRanges/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * preparing 'IRanges': * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * cleaning src * installing the package to build vignettes * creating vignettes ... ERROR
2014 Jun 13
what is the current correct repos structure for mac osx binaries?
Dear R-developers, As part of our package building process, we maintain internal CRAN-like repositories of our packages. This has worked pretty well, but we are running into issues with R 3.1 and OSX mavericks. Specifically, machines with osx mavericks seem to, by default, expect packages to be located under a 'mavericks' sub-directory, but this is not the location reported when
2009 Feb 12
Using nls or nls.lm with a simulation output
We would like to fit parameters using a simulation with stochastic processes as theoretical values. We generate a simple exemple with nls.lm to see the logic and the problem: First without stochasticity (it is a dummy example, the fited value is simple the mean of a set of 10 numbers): #Ten numbers x <- 1:10 #Generate 10 Gaussian random number with mean=3 sd=1 simy <- rnorm(length(x),
2017 Aug 02
Remove attribute from netcdf4 object
Dear all For a model I need to combine several netCDF files into one (which works fine). For better overview I'd like to delete/remove some of the attributes. Is there a simple way doing this? I'm using the package netcdf4, which creates an object of class(nc) = "ncdf4". It seems that for earlier versions of netcdf objects, there was the function{RNetCDF}. But
2011 Sep 10
dgamma in jags within r
I define priors in jags within r using a gamma distribution. I would like to control the shape but I have problems. Any help will be usefull. From help of dgamma ___________________ The Gamma distribution with parameters shape = a and scale = s has density f(x)= 1/(s^a Gamma(a)) x^(a-1) e^-(x/s) and rate=1/scale From jags user manual ____________________ dgamma(r, mu) has a density of
2018 Mar 31
Names of variables needed in newdata for predict.glm
all.vars works fine, EXCEPT, it give a bit too much. I only want the regression variables, but in the following example I also get "k" the variable holding the chosen knots. Any machinery to find only "real" regression variables? cheers, Bendix library( splines ) y <- rnorm(100) x <- rnorm(100) k <- -1:1 ml <- lm( y ~ bs(x,knots=k) ) mg <- glm( y ~
2015 Jun 27
Driver macosx-ups failing on Yosemite
> On Jun 26, 2015, at 9:25 PM, Charles Lepple <clepple at> wrote: > > On Jun 26, 2015, at 8:35 AM, Sundeep Mediratta <smedius at> wrote: > >> OSX Yosemite 10.10.3 >> Nut version 2.6.5 >> Installed via Macports >> Device is Cyberpower CP1000AVRLCD >> Device is visible and is monitored in the OSX control panel >>