similar to: "plot.ts" doesn't respect the value of "pch" (+ blocked from Bugzilla signups)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: ""plot.ts" doesn't respect the value of "pch" (+ blocked from Bugzilla signups)"

2016 Aug 25
"plot.ts" doesn't respect the value of "pch" (+ blocked from Bugzilla signups)
I've had a chance to read the source more thoroughly. The chain of events is as follows: 1. Local function `plotts()` is defined with argument `cex` that defaults to `par("cex")` 2. `...` is passed to `plotts()`. If "cex" is an element in `...`, inside `plotts()` the variable `cex` is assigned thereby (overriding the default arg). Importantly, this means that the
2016 Aug 26
"plot.ts" doesn't respect the value of "pch" (+ blocked from Bugzilla signups)
>>>>> Gregory Werbin <greg.werbin at> >>>>> on Thu, 25 Aug 2016 15:21:05 -0400 writes: > I've had a chance to read the source more thoroughly. The chain of > events is as follows: > 1. Local function `plotts()` is defined with argument `cex` that > defaults to `par("cex")` > 2. `...` is
2016 Aug 25
"plot.ts" doesn't respect the value of "pch" (+ blocked from Bugzilla signups)
> On Aug 24, 2016, at 5:59 PM, Gregory Werbin <greg.werbin at> wrote: > > I did a search on Bugzilla for "plot.ts" and didn't find anything on this issue. I tried to sign up for Bugzilla to report it, but my e-mail address didn't pass your "syntax checking" for a legal e-mail address. > > The bug is easily reproducible on my
2008 Nov 21
cex.lab etc. ignored in plot.ts for multiple plots (PR#13315)
Full_Name: Yan Wong Version: 2.8.0 OS: Mac OS X 10.4 Submission from: (NULL) ( When plotting multiple time series in a single plot, via plot.ts(plot.type="multiple"), the cex.lab, col.lab, and font.lab arguments are ignored > plot(ts(data.frame(a=1:10, b=1:10)), plot.type="single", cex.lab=0.5, col.lab="red") #tiny red axis labels >
2007 Feb 06
A question regarding cex and pch="." in lattice
Hello, I'm using lattice and opened an X11 device with the following call X11(width=5,height=5,pointsize=1) I then ran the following code library(lattice) x<-rnorm(30,sd=2) y<-runif(30) xyplot(y~x,pch=".",col="black",cex=1) If i remove "cex=1", not all the points are plotted. From ?X11, i read,"pch='.' with cex=1 corresponds to a
2007 Oct 01
how to plot a graph with different pch
I am trying to plot a graph but the points on the graph should be different symbols and colors. It should represent what is in the legend. I tried using the points command but this does not work. Is there another command in R that would allow me to use different symbols and colors for the points? Thank you kindly. data(mtcars) plot(mtcars$wt,mtcars$mpg,xlab= "Weight(lbs/1000)",
2002 Dec 12
lattice/points and pch="c" inconsistencies
Hi, The current lattice/grid packages seem to position character plotting symbols (e.g., ".") differently than the base function points. The following shows what I mean: ## plain old points() positions the pch="." right at y = c(0,1), ## and thus abline(h = c(0,1)) completely hides the points "." ## (provided the output device has enough resolution, like
1999 Dec 26
coredump with plot(x,y,pch="+",cex=2.2) (PR#389)
Core dumped when plot() is used with pch="c" & cex > 2, e.g., plot(1,1, pch="+", cex=2.2) Thank you and best wishes for 2000! Rashid Nassar --please do not edit the information below-- Version: platform = i586-unknown-linux arch = i586 os = linux system = i586, linux status = major = 0 minor = 90.1 year = 1999 month = December day = 15 language = R
2009 Sep 23
stripchart with pch %in% 21:25 with bg
Dear all, consider: ### x <- round(rnorm(50)) stripchart(x, pch = 21, col = "black", bg = "pink", method = "jitter") points(0.5, 1, pch = 21, col = "black", bg = "pink", cex = 2) ### Under R 2.9.0 the points produced by stripchart are not colored, while points() gives the desidered output (magnified here by cex). I found a simple workaround
2004 May 12
points(*, pch=NA) does *not* not draw the point (PR#6876)
We say in ?points that 'pch' (among others) can be set to NA for omitting a point. While this works in cases where there's at least one point left to draw, it fails in a simple case like this : > plot(1, pch = NA) Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, pch = pch, col = col, bg = bg, : invalid plotting symbol Both in R-patched or R-devel. A simple workaround {hinting
2012 May 09
plot betadisper, change of pch
Hello! After performing an analysis with betadisper, package vegan I would like to plot the results - so far, so good. But I would also like to "tune" a little bit the plotting characters, as '+' and 'x' are a little to similar... My (boiled down) code: [See session info at the bottom of the mail, vegan is vegan_2.0-3] mod <- betadisper(mydata, mygroups,
2002 Apr 18
Changing tick mark labels
Hello, Can anyone help me out with this problem? After performing logistic regressions and testing the significance with likelihood ratios, I have plotted the results using "termplot". I am wondering, how to get the names of my variables to appear on the x-axis rather than ascending numbers? I have used: termplot(fm, se=T, axes=FALSE,"black") axis(1, 1:4,
2007 Sep 20
help with making a function of scatter plot with multiple variables
Dear list, I have done a scatter plot of multiple variables in the same graph, with different col and pch. I managed to do it with the following code but not know how to make a function of these so that next time if I want to do similar graph but with new variables, I dont have to copy the code and then change the old variables with the new ones but just call a function with the new
2008 Sep 24
Changing a plot
Hello list, I've been working on this problem for a while and I haven't been able to come up with a solution. I have a couple of functions that plot a bunch of data, then a single point on top of it. What I want is to be able to change the plot of the point without replotting all the data. Consider the following example: x = rnorm(100,1,0.5) y = rnorm(100,1,0.5) plot(x,y,pch=16)
2002 Nov 07
negative and positive values in diff. colors
Hi R-users, I have a set of elevation residuals as geodata points. I would like to display them in the following way: -negative values using pch=20 (filled circle) -positive values using pch=1 (empty circle) while using the cex.max=5, cex.min=0.1 for points() to represent the residuals value. Basically I would like to distinguish neagtive and positive values at my map. How to do this. Thanks
2008 Oct 17
Using key.opts in Ecdf/labcurve (Hmisc package)
I'm presumably missing something very obvious, but how does one use the key.opts argument in labcurve (via Ecdf)? In this example, I want the key to be big and have a blue background, but it isn't and doesn't. ch <- rnorm(1000, 200, 40) sex <- factor(sample(c('female','male'), 1000, TRUE)) Ecdf(~ch, group=sex, label.curves=list(keys=c("f",
2010 Jul 18
package "plotrix"
I installed package plotrix because reading its vignette it looks like it can help me solve a "legend" problem. The package instaleed correctly on my Mac OS/X 10.5.8 But I cannot reproduce the examples centered on function "lgendg". > library(plotrix) > plot(0.5,0.5,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),type="n", + main="Test of grouped legend function") >
2007 Jan 07
different points and lines on the same plot
Dear all, I have following data called "paitent" day patient1 patient4 patient5 patient6 0 -0.27842688 -0.04080808 -0.41948398 -0.04508318 56 -0.22275425 -0.01767067 -0.30977249 -0.03168185 112 -0.08217659 -0.26209243 -0.29141451 -0.09876170 252 0.08044537 -0.26701769 0.05727087 -0.09663701 where each patient have response values at four time points. I want to
2012 Dec 17
How to get transparent colors to sum to complete opacity?
Dear List, I want to use transparency in R to represent downweighting of observations based on clusters (repeated observations in a dataset). Some clusters will have identical covariate values in a parameter space -- in the 2D x,y case, these represent a bunch of semi-tranparent dots in the same place. I'd like these overlapping dots to be completely opaque. In other cases, the
2011 Jan 27
How to xyplot without borders
Hello I have the following data.frame and xyplot. I need this plot without the borders. Does anybody know how to get this xyplot without borders o with white borders? Thank's in advance Juan Hernández my.label <- data.frame(quantil=rep(20,8), my.factor=factor(c('FA','FB','FC','FD','FE','FG','FH','FI'))) library(lattice)