Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "declaring dependencies of shiny app in inst/"
2015 Aug 26
declaring dependencies of shiny app in inst/
Hi there
thanks for the answer.
>> But are their better ways / best practices?
>You'll have to ask questions like these on a Shiny forum.
Done. New thread there: https://goo.gl/17hsAa
>> On a related topic: are there plans of formally incorporating shiny apps in the structure of a R package, so that the checks will run through the code of the apps as well?
> No, but it
2010 Feb 18
Sweave in PNG: driver online
Dear R addicts,
Back in 2006, I posted the proposition for a tweak of the Sweave driver so that PNG figures can be produced instead of eps/pdf :
The amount of code modified is tiny (it was designed to induce minimal changes to the official code), but so far the driver seems to have been useful to a number of users. From 2006 on,
2010 Feb 18
Sweave in PNG: driver online
Dear R addicts,
Back in 2006, I posted the proposition for a tweak of the Sweave driver so that PNG figures can be produced instead of eps/pdf :
The amount of code modified is tiny (it was designed to induce minimal changes to the official code), but so far the driver seems to have been useful to a number of users. From 2006 on,
2013 Jun 05
conflicting imports despite using importFrom in NAMESPACE
Dear all,
It is my understanding that using 'importFrom' in the NAMESPACE of a package allows to avoid conflicts between different packages defining objects with identical names. However, I can still see conflicts while loading the package using 'library'.
Here is a toy example, with a package 'foo' importing 'as.igraph' from the igraph package, and 'nj'
2010 May 21
S4 method defined but not used
Dear R developers,
I am having a slightly weird issue with a S4 method defined in my package adegenet 1.2-4, with R 2.11.0. As far as I know, the problem is new, and the code implementing the method has not changed for more than a year and worked well so far.
The problem is the following. I define, in the package, a method "[" for the S4 class 'genind'. The method's
2017 Sep 21
Add wrapper to Shiny in R package
Dear List,
I'm trying to add a function that calls a Shiny App in my R package. The
issue is that within my function, I'm creating objects that I'd like to
pass to the app. For instance, from the example below, I'm getting
"Error: object
'xs' not found". How can I pass "xs" explicitly to shinyApp()?
*Under R directory:*
myApp <- function(x, ...) {
2017 Sep 21
Add wrapper to Shiny in R package
Thank you Thierry. I'm trying to following your suggestion in the example
below, but getting:
Error in get("xs", envir = my.env) : object 'my.env' not found.
myApp <- function(x, ...) {
xs <- scale(x)
my.env <- new.env()
assign("xs", xs, envir = my.env)
app = shinyApp(
ui =
2017 Sep 21
Add wrapper to Shiny in R package
Dear Axel,
I've used environment for such problems.
assign("xs", xs, envir = my.env) in the myApp function
get("xs", envir = my.env) in the server function
Best regards,
ir. Thierry Onkelinx
Statisticus/ Statiscian
Vlaamse Overheid / Government of Flanders
Team Biometrie &
2017 Sep 17
Shiny App inside R Package
Dear List,
I have a wrapper function that creates a Shiny App, as illustrated below.
I'd like to include the function myApp() inside a package. I'd appreciate
your guidance here, as I could not find good instructions on this online.
myApp <- function(x) {
ui = fluidPage(
2018 Mar 04
problema con shiny
Carlos el código es el ejemplo de shiny:
# This is a Shiny web application. You can run the application by clicking
# the 'Run App' button above.
# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
# http://shiny.rstudio.com/
#setwd("C:/curso 2017-18/curso R/shiny/prueba1")
# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <-
2018 Mar 05
problema con shiny
Hola Miguel-Ángel esa instrucción la he puesto para que no me haga el
break y se reinicie RStudio. Si quito esa instrucción y hago que se pase
la salida al wiewer panel de Rstudio me aparece el mismo error pero
además se aborta la sesión de RStudio y con la instrucción lo que cambia
es que no aborta la sesión.
Muchas gracias,
El 05/03/2018 a las 8:49, miguel.angel.rodriguez.muinos en
2018 Mar 05
problema con shiny
De acuerdo Carlos pero en mi ordenador no funciona y me da el error que he comentado.
Muchas gracias por tu colaboración.
El 04/03/2018 a las 20:09, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta escribió:
Corre perfectamente en mi máquina si borro la última línea (print(environment(show))).
Simplemente, he creado un directorio vacío (/tmp/prueba), he copiado el código (menos esa última línea) en el
2018 Mar 05
problema con shiny
Muchas gracias Miguel-Ángel por tus explicaciones, pero empezando por el
final digo reinicia pero en realidad es que se aborta el proceso.
Independiente de la instrucción print la cuestión es que el programa en
mi ordenador aborta siempre de forma independiente que lo haga en wiewer
externa, interna o "medio-pensionista". Sin embargo en otro ordenador
que tengo con windows 10 y R de 32
2018 Feb 23
Mapedit::selectMap in shiny map.
I would like to select polygons from an existing spatial polygon data set
interactively in a shiny leaflet map.
The process is straightforward in leaflet/ mapedit, however I need to
include the procedure in a shiny app map interface. I cannot work out how
to incorporate the selectMap() in the shiny app. An error is returned:
Here is some toy code showing the code in using leaflet locally:
2018 Mar 05
problema con shiny
Muchas gracias Miguel-Ángel he probado la opción de la consola de R y
sigue el problema, en este caso intenta mostrar en la pantalla del
navegador la salida del programa pero se cierra R, supongo por tanto que
se aborta el proceso.
El 05/03/2018 a las 13:23, miguel.angel.rodriguez.muinos en sergas.es escribió:
> Y si lo haces desde fuera de RStudio?
> Es decir, desde
2007 Aug 27
Monmonier algorithm
Here is a late answer, but an answer nonetheless to the question I asked
almost one year ago on this list:
> On Wed, 29 Mar 2006, Thibaut Jombart wrote:
>> Hello list,
/>> /
/>> does anyone know if Monmonier algorithm is available in R? I've
checked /
/>> several spatial
2006 Mar 29
Monmonier algorithm
Hello list,
does anyone know if Monmonier algorithm is available in R? I've checked
several spatial libraries, but I didn't find anything related to it.
However, there is a huge documentation and I may have missed it.
Before coding it, I'd like to be sure it doesn't already exist.
Thibaut Jombart.
2006 Mar 24
Sweaving in png
Hello list,
despite I already posted a mail on this topic on R help, I guess this place may be more appropriate.
I'll make it shorter this time. Sorry for posting twice.
I found that using pixmap pictures in a Sweave document was sometimes almost impossible, due to the huge size of the pdf pictures produced.
The first solution I found was to save pictures in png, when too heavy in pdf.
2013 Jul 22
fail to install shiny package in R 3.0.1 on Ubuntu
Hello there,
I have been used shiny package on Windows without any problem. Recently I
switched to Linux OS(Ubuntu 12.04), and installed the latest R version
3.0.1. But I couldn't install "shiny" for some reasons. Here are the error
** preparing package for lazy loading
Error : package ‘codetools’ was built before R 3.0.0: please re-install it
Error : unable to load R
2016 Jun 22
Estoy trabajando generando mapas a partir de un conjunto de datos.
No puedo encontrar la forma de manipular el tamaño de los mapas.
He buscado en páginas de Shiny y no pude encontrar una solución
¿Alguien me puede orientar?
No he puesto una imagen para no recargar el servidor de correo.
Saludos y gracias
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