similar to: Why doesn't R have a float data type?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "Why doesn't R have a float data type?"

2015 Jun 30
Why doesn't R have a float data type?
My understanding is that R does have a float type, it is just called "double" instead of "float". If you are referring to a single precision floating point type, then R does have the "as.single" function, but that does not really change the way the number is stored, just sets a flag so that the proper conversion is done when passing to the ".C" or
2015 May 13
example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
Thank you Dan but it isn't my tests that are failing (all of them pass without problem) but one of the examples from the inst/examples directory. I did try, however, to start R with the environmental variables as you suggest but it had no effect on my tests. Charles On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Dan Tenenbaum <dtenenba at> wrote: > > > ----- Original Message
2016 May 12
Single-threaded aspect
R Developers, Could someone help explain what it means that R is single threaded? I am trying to understand what is actually going on inside R when users want to parallelize code. For example, using mclapply or foreach (with some backend) somehow allows users to benefit from multiple CPUs. Similarly there is the RcppParallel package for RMatrix/RVector objects. But none of these address the
2016 May 12
Single-threaded aspect
Charles, 1. Perhaps this question is better directed at the R-help or R-pacakge-devel mailinglist. 2. It basically means that R itself can only evaluate one R expression at the time. The parallel package circumvents this by starting multiple R-sessions and dividing workload. Compiled code called by R (such as C++ code through RCpp or C-code through base R's interface) can execute
2015 May 13
example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
Greetings, I am collaborating with developing the bigmemory package and have run in to a strange problem when we run R CMD CHECK. For some reason that isn't clear to us one of the examples crashes stating: Error: memory could not be allocated for instance of type big.matrix You can see the output on the Travis CI page at where the error starts
2016 May 12
Single-threaded aspect
On 12 May 2016 at 13:11, Mark van der Loo wrote: | Charles, | | 1. Perhaps this question is better directed at the R-help or | R-pacakge-devel mailinglist. | | 2. It basically means that R itself can only evaluate one R expression at | the time. | | The parallel package circumvents this by starting multiple R-sessions and | dividing workload. | | Compiled code called by R (such as C++ code
2014 Jun 18
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Add a simple soft-float class
> On 2014 Jun 17, at 21:59, Owen Anderson <resistor at> wrote: > > Hi Duncan, > > Some of these don’t make a lot of sense: Sorry -- I think I was assuming too much knowledge about what I committed as part of the BlockFrequencyInfo rewrite. What's committed there is a class called UnsignedFloat that wraps the following with a bunch of API: template
2013 Mar 02
caret pls model statistics
Greetings, I have been exploring the use of the caret package to conduct some plsda modeling. Previously, I have come across methods that result in a R2 and Q2 for the model. Using the 'iris' data set, I wanted to see if I could accomplish this with the caret package. I use the following code: library(caret) data(iris) #needed to convert to numeric in order to do regression #I
2013 Aug 26
Citing Package Contributing Authors
Greetings, I am familiar with the function cite('packageName') which provides the output generated from the DESCRIPTION file. In most cases this is sufficient but I was wondering if there are contributing authors (in addition to the primary) also listed on the CRAN page. Is there a proper way to account for them or are they generally not listed? Regards, -- Charles Determan
2012 May 25
count number of groups
Hello, Simple question that I am stuck on and can't seem to find an answer in the help files currently. I have a list which contains repeated ID's. I would like to have R count the number of ID's. For example: ID=c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3) Clearly, there are 3 groups. How would I have R give me the summary: ID 3 Many thanks, Charles [[alternative HTML
2012 Oct 26
Merge matrices with different column names
A general question that I have been pursuing for some time but have set aside. When finishing some analysis, I can have multiple matrices that have specific column names. Ideally, I would like to combine these separate matrices for a final output as a csv file. A generic example: Matrix 1 var1A var1B var1C x x x x x
2012 Sep 28
Better way of Grouping?
Hello R users, This is more of a convenience question that I hope others might find useful if there is a better answer. I work with large datasets that requires multiple parsing stages for different analysis. For example, compare group 3 vs. group 4. A more complicated comparison would be time B in group 3 of group L with B in group 4 of group L. I normally subset each group with the
2012 Dec 04
reformatting some data
Hello, I am trying to reformat some data so that it is organized by group in the columns. The data currently looks like this: group X3.Hydroxybutyrate X3.Hydroxyisovalerate ADP 347 4 4e-04 3e-04 5e-04 353 3 5e-04 3e-04 6e-04 359 4 4e-04 3e-04
2013 Mar 07
Multivariate Power Test?
Generic question... I am familiar with generic power calculations in R, however a lot of the data I primarily work with is multivariate. Is there any package/function that you would recommend to conduct such power analysis? Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thank you for your time, Charles [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2014 Jun 20
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Add a scaled number class (was: Add a simple soft-float class)
On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Duncan P. N. Exon Smith < dexonsmith at> wrote: > > > On 2014-Jun-18, at 21:14, Andrew Trick <atrick at> wrote: > > > > Is there any way we have this utility and just not claim that it is for > use with a numerics package? The only claim we’re making is that it is a > useful utility for writing compiler
2014 Jun 18
[LLVMdev] Wrong float value stored in LLVM IR code
Hi everyone, I'm learning how to use LLVM API and JIT engine and I've come across with an issue I haven't been able to figure out. The problem I'm having is that the wrong float is being stored in a float global variable. The code snippet I use to generate the float value is as follow: llvm::Type* type = // initialize with the global variable type; std::string
2006 Mar 31
BigDecimal + Float => Float?
I was just playing around in irb and noticed that while BigDecimal + Integer => BigDecimal, BigDecimal + Float => Float. Is there any reason for this? It seems inconsistent and means you have to check the class of any number you add to a BigDecimal, which looks very un-Ruby-like to me. Ashley
2007 Dec 31
Conditional Float Precision
I''m trying to figure out the best way (and hopefully leanest) to conditionally have precision to a float number. Here''s what I''m doing... I have a float (which has a default precision of 1) so like 250.0 What I want to do is have the precision go to 0 if the value after the . is 0 = so 250.0 would show as 250, but 250.5 would show 250.5. Thoughts? Thanks.
2006 Jul 09
Float -> BigDecimal
So, I''m personally cool with this change (patch from #5454, applied in [4596]), and I''ll make it work for Oracle tomorrow. But just wondering if folks considered the performance impact of the change? From a simple test it seems that BigDecimal math is about twice as slow as using Floats.
2006 Jan 17
Formatting a float with a set number of decimals
Another newbie question: How do i convert a float to a string, rounded to a certain number of decimals? Thanks -- Posted via