similar to: [R-pkg-devel] Guidelines for S3 regression models

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "[R-pkg-devel] Guidelines for S3 regression models"

2011 Jul 21
Error: bad index in plotmo functions for MARS model (package earth)
Hello all useRs, I am tring make a simple surface plot ( 2 by 2 terms of a MARS model (with earth package) but I get the follow error message: > plotmo( mars ) Error: bad index (missing column in x?) I don't no how to workround this... :-( I thanks in advanced by some help! Thanks. Cleber ############### > > ### example code: > library( earth ) > data( gasoline,
2006 Apr 17
using betareg: problems with anova and predict
Dear R-helpers: We have had fun using betareg to fit models with proportions as dependent variables. However, in the analysis of these models we found some wrinkles and don't know where is the best place to start looking for a fix. The problems we see (so far) are that 1. predict ignores newdata 2. anova does not work Here is the small working example: ---------------------------- x
2011 Sep 01
betareg question - keeping the mean fixed?
Hello, I have a dataset with proportions that vary around a fixed mean, is it possible to use betareg to look at variance in the dispersion parameter while keeping the mean fixed? I am very new to R but have tried the following: svec<-c(qlogis(mean(data1$scaled)),0,0,0) f<-betareg(scaled~-1 | expt_label + grouped_hpi, data=data1, link.phi="log",
2009 Feb 13
need help with errors in betareg analysis
Hi I'm trying to fit a model in betareg and I'm getting errors, but have no idea what they mean or how to solve them. Does anyone have experience with this? > model <- betareg(ACT ~ ST*SoilT, data = actDL_F) Warning messages: 1: In sqrt(W) : NaNs produced 2: In sqrt(W) : NaNs produced 3: In sqrt(1 + phihat) : NaNs produced data summaries don't give any na's or problems I
2011 Jun 24
Error using betareg
Dear all, I get an error using betrag on this data set : I run it like this regression f2.1=betareg(Y~X1+X2,data=dump) summary(f2.1) I get : Call: betareg(formula = Y ~ X1 + X2, data = dump) Standardized weighted residuals 2: Error in quantile.default(x$residuals) : missing values and NaN's not allowed if 'na.rm' is FALSE In addition:
2007 Jan 18
The math underlying the `betareg' package?
Folks, The betareg package appears to be polished and works well. But I would like to look at the exact formulas for the underlying model being estimated, the likelihood function, etc. E.g. if one has to compute \frac{\partial E(y)}{\partial x_i}, this requires careful calculations through these formulas. I read "Regression analysis of variates observed on (0,1): percentages, proportions and
2013 Sep 18
dbeta may hang R session for very large values of the shape parameters
Dear all, we received a bug report for betareg, that in some cases the optim call in would hang the R session and the command cannot be interrupted by Ctrl-C? We narrowed down the problem to the dbeta function which is used for the log likelihood evaluation in Particularly, the following command hangs the R session to a 100% CPU usage in all systems we tried it (OS X
2011 Mar 12
betareg help
Dear R users, I'm trying to do betareg on my dataset. Dependent variable is not normally distributed and is proportion (of condom use (0,1)). But I'm having problems: gyl<-betareg(cond ~ alcoh + drug, data=results) Error in optim(par = start, fn = loglikfun, gr = gradfun, method = method, : initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite Why is R returning me error in optim()? What
2008 Oct 25
0 ^ NaN == Inf, why?
In R, 0 ^ NaN yields Inf. I would have expected NaN or perhaps 0. Is this behaviour intended? >sessionInfo() R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils
2011 Jul 29
help with plot.rpart
? data=read.table("", , sep=",", header = TRUE) ? library(rpart) ? fit=rpart (MV~ CRIM+ZN+INDUS+CHAS+NOX+RM+AGE+DIS+RAD+TAX+ PT+B+LSTAT) Please: Show me the tree. Mark -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [R] help with rpart From: "Stephen Milborrow" <[1]milbo at>
2008 Oct 25
R echoes integer literals incorrectly, under certain conditions (PR#13204)
Full_Name: Stephen Milborrow Version: R 2.8.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( Under certain conditions, R 2.8.0 incorrectly echoes integer literals without the "L" suffix. R 2.7.2 is ok. To reproduce, create two files as follows: a.R containing: source("b.R", echo=TRUE) b.R containing: x <- 1L Now execute: Rterm --vanilla --silent <a.R This
2011 Nov 29
Hi, what's mean "/" in command: betareg(inf~Grupo/Sexo, data=dados) it's a effect nested? -------------------------------------- Silvano Cesar da Costa Departamento de Estat?stica Universidade Estadual de Londrina Fone: 3371-4346
2007 Aug 29
Modifying R_CheckStack for a speed increase
Greetings R developers, R will run a little faster when executing "pure R" code if the function R_CheckStack() is modified. With the modification, the following code for example runs 15% faster (compared to a virgin R-2.5.1 on my Windows XP machine): N = 1e7 foo <- function(x) { for (i in 1:N) x <- x + 1 x }
2010 Jan 12
Problems with betareg()
Hi, In using the betareg package, I encounter the following error message: Error in lm.wfit(x, linkfun(y), weights, offset = offset) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 4) Any help will be most appreciated. Thanks in advance. Alex
2011 Mar 13
Problem implementing 'waldtest' when using 'mlogit' package
Hi all, I have been working through the examples in one of the vignettes associated with the 'mlogit' package, 'Kenneth Train's exercises using the mlogit package for R.' In spite of using the code unchanged, as well as the data used in the examples, I have been unable to run a Wald test to test two models. Specifically, I have run the following command, where mc and mi2 are
2007 Mar 26
Problem in loading all packages all at once
Hi All Please see the Rprofile file which i have modified as follows and after that when I start R then I see that R says to me "TRUE" for all the packages implying that all loaded at once. But when i try to use commands as simple as help("lm"), it doesnt work nor any of the menu "Packages" is not working. Although the regression using lm ( Y ~ X ) is working
2005 Apr 28
update: lmtest 0.9-10
Dear useRs, a new version of the lmtest package is available from CRAN. Thanks to Giovanni Millo who provided the initial versions of several new functions (and many helpful discussions), there is new functionality for the comparison of nested and non-nested linear models. For non-nested model comparisons, the Cox test, encompassing test and J test are now available. For nested model
2005 Apr 28
update: lmtest 0.9-10
Dear useRs, a new version of the lmtest package is available from CRAN. Thanks to Giovanni Millo who provided the initial versions of several new functions (and many helpful discussions), there is new functionality for the comparison of nested and non-nested linear models. For non-nested model comparisons, the Cox test, encompassing test and J test are now available. For nested model
2012 Apr 26
variable dispersion in glm models
Hello, I am currently working with the betareg package, which allows the fitting of a variable dispersion beta regression model (Simas et al. 2010, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis). I was wondering whether there is any package in R that allows me to fit variable dispersion parameters in the standard logistic regression model, that is to make the dispersion parameter contingent upon
2007 Apr 09
Modified Sims test
Does anyone know of a package that includes the Modified Sims test [Gewerke, 1983, Sims, 1972]? This test is used in econometrics and is a kind of alternative to the Granger test [Granger, 1969], which is in the package lmtest. Thanks in advance, chris Refernces: Gewerke, J., R. Meese, and W. Dent (1983), "Comparing Alternative Tests of Causality in Temporal Systems: Analytic Results and