similar to: Imports problem

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2015 Feb 16
Imports problem
On 16/02/2015 8:20 AM, Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. wrote: > >> > I'm testing out a new version of coxme and R CMD check fails with "could not find function >> > ranef" (or random.effects or fixef, or anything from nlme). The NAMESPACE file has the >> > line below >> >> > importFrom(nlme, ranef, random.effects, fixef,
2015 Feb 16
Imports problem
>>>>> Therneau, Terry M , Ph D <therneau at> >>>>> on Sun, 15 Feb 2015 17:31:00 -0600 writes: > I'm testing out a new version of coxme and R CMD check fails with "could not find function > ranef" (or random.effects or fixef, or anything from nlme). The NAMESPACE file has the > line below >
2015 Feb 15
Imports problem
I'm testing out a new version of coxme and R CMD check fails with "could not find function ranef" (or random.effects or fixef, or anything from nlme). The NAMESPACE file has the line below importFrom(nlme, ranef, random.effects, fixef, fixed.effects, VarCorr) and nlme is declared in the DESCRIPTION file as an import. I feel that I must be staring at some obvious (but
2011 Dec 30
New version of coxme / lmekin
Version 2.2 of coxme has been posted to CRAN, Windows versions and mirrors should appear in due course. This is a major update with three features of note: 1. A non-upwardly compatable change: Extractor functions: beta= fixed effects, b=random effects nlme lme4 coxme <2.2 coxme 2.2 lmekin 2.2 ------------------------------------------------------ beta
2015 Mar 02
clarification on import/depends for a method
User of the coxme library (mixed effects Cox models) are instructed to use ranef(), fixed(), VarCorr(), etc to retrieve bits out of a fitted model; it purposely uses the same methods as nlme and/or lmer. The current behavior is to "depend" on nlme. If I defined the methods myself in coxme, then someone who had both nlme and coxme loaded will suffer from "last loaded wins",
2010 Mar 19
(no subject)
The change has also been made to coxme. I'm in the midst of another fix (should be done by tomorrow) and will get posted to Rforge as soon as that's done. Terry On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 6:26 AM, Dieter Menne <dieter.menne at> wrote: > I am trying to use nlme and coxme in one Sweave document. I have read the > thread in r-devel on the subject, > >
2010 Mar 05
Defining a method in two packages
The coxme package has a ranef() method, as does lme4. I'm having trouble getting them to play together, as shown below. (The particular model in the example isn't defensible, but uses a standard data set.) The problem is that most of the time only one of lme4 or coxme will be loaded, so each needs to define the basic ranef function as well as a method for it. But when loaded together
2011 Mar 23
import question
I have been struggling all day to import a particular function/method combination (ranef(), which extracts the random effects from a mixed model fit) from the nlme package into another package ... so far without success. The NAMESPACE for nlme contains the following lines: export(..., ranef, ...) S3method(ranef, lme) ranef is defined as a standard S3 generic, function (object, ...)
2013 Sep 12
Importing packages in Depend
Hi, I am currently preparing a new version of my package papeR. When I run R CMD check using the development version of R I get the following note: Package in Depends field not imported from: ?nlme?, ?lme4?, ?survival? These packages needs to imported from for the case when this namespace is loaded but not attached. I now have problems to fix this issue. It is easy to get rid of two of the
2006 Oct 08
Simulate p-value in lme4
Dear r-helpers, Spencer Graves and Manual Morales proposed the following methods to simulate p-values in lme4: ************preliminary************ require(lme4) require(MASS) summary(glm(y ~ lbase*trt + lage + V4, family = poisson, data = epil), cor = FALSE) epil2 <- epil[epil$period == 1, ] epil2["period"] <- rep(0, 59); epil2["y"] <- epil2["base"]
2006 Sep 07
Matrix package in R-2.4.0alpha
In a newly downloaded version (today) of R-2-4-0alpha, with all packages from CRAN also installed today, I get: > library(Matrix) Erro en loadNamespace(package, c(which.lib.loc, lib.loc), keep.source = keep.source) : in 'Matrix' methods specified for export, but none defined: BIC, anova, coef, confint, deviance, fitted, fixef, formula, head, lmer, logLik, mcmcsamp, plot,
2015 Mar 02
Import data set from another package?
I've moved nlme from Depends to Imports in my coxme package. However, a few of the examples for lmekin use one of the data sets from nlme. This is on purpose, to show how the results are the same and how they differ. If I use data(nlme::ergoStool) the data is not found, data(nlme:::ergoStool) does no better. If I add importFrom(nlme, "ergoStool") the error message is that
2006 Dec 10
lmer, gamma family, log link: interpreting random effects
Dear all, I'm curious about how to interpret the results of the following code. The first model is directly from the help page of lmer; the second is the same model but using the Gamma family with log link. The fixed effects make sense, because y = 251.40510 + 10.46729 * Days is about the same as log(y) = 5.53613298 + 0.03502057 * Days but the random effects seem quite
2007 Oct 08
Residuals for binomial lmer fits
Dear all, I would like to use the residuals in a general linear mixed effect model to diagnose model fit. I know that the resid function has been implemented for linear mixed models but not yet for general linear mixed effects. Is there a way to get them out of lmer fit objects? I tried searching the r-help archive and found nothing. I tried and failed to replicate what (I guessed would be
2010 Jan 18
Problem extracting from mer objects
I am having a problem extracting from "mer" objects.    I have constructed my problem using existing datasets.   Using the following commands:   require(lme4) fm1 <- lmer(Yield ~ 1 + (1 | Batch), Dyestuff) fixef(fm1) I get the following error message: "Error in UseMethod("fixef") : no applicable method for "fixef""   I know that "fixef" is in
2013 Apr 30
Mixed Modeling in lme4
Hi All, I am trying to shift from running mixed models in SAS using PROC MIXED to using lme4 package in R. In trying to match the coefficients of R output to that of SAS output, I came across this problem. The dataset I am using is this one: If I run the following code: proc mixed data=rc
2007 Aug 13
R^2 for multilevel models
Hi there, In multiple regression one way to view R^2 is as (the square of) the correlation between original y's and the estimated y's. Suppose you fit a multilevel model with random intercept for each cluster. Would it be valid to compute an R^2 by using fixed effects plus the group intercepts to reduce the residuals? I suspect this has been done and, given its absence from the lmer
2012 Feb 03
coxme with frailty--variance of random effect?
Dear all, This probably stems from my lack of understanding of the model, but I do not understand the variance of the random effect reported in coxme. Consider the following toy example: #------------------------------- BEGINNING OF CODE ------------------------------------------------ library(survival) library(coxme) #--- Generate toy data: d <- data.frame(id = c(1:100), #
2011 Apr 15
no solution yet, please help: extract p-value from mixed model in kinship package
I am making the question clear. Please help. > Dear R experts > > I was using kinship package to fit mixed model with kinship matrix. > The package looks like lme4, but I could find a way to extract p-value > out of it. I need to extract is as I need to analyse large number of > variables (> 10000). > > Please help me: > > require(kinship) > > #Generating
2011 Feb 19
lmer, MCMCsamp and ranef samples?
I really hope sombody could help me with the following, I'm having problems accessing the random effect samples following the example on MCMCsamp: (fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject), sleepstudy)) set.seed(101); samp0 <- mcmcsamp(fm1, n = 1000, saveb=TRUE) str(samp0) Formal class 'merMCMC' [package "lme4"] with 9 slots ..@ Gp :