similar to: Feature request: mixing `...` (three dots) with other formal arguments in S4 methods

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2014 Nov 27
Feature request: mixing `...` (three dots) with other formal arguments in S4 methods
Hi Gabriel, and thanks for answering. I'm basically just trying to find a way to use the power of `...` in more complex scenarios and I'm well aware that this might not be the best approach ;-) Regarding your actual question: "Are you suggesting methods be dispatched based on the *contents* of ... [...]?" Yes, I guess currently I kind of do - but not on the argument *names*
2014 Nov 28
Feature request: mixing `...` (three dots) with other formal arguments in S4 methods
Well, the benefit lies in the ability to pass along arguments via `...` to more than one recipient that use *identical argument names* and/or when these recipients are not necessarily located on the same calling stack layer. I'm *not* after a *general* change in the way arguments are dispatched/functions are called as I'm actually a big friend of keepings things quite explicit (thus
2014 Nov 28
Feature request: mixing `...` (three dots) with other formal arguments in S4 methods
I think I understand what you're saying now, but I'm still kind of missing the benefit from the approach. As far as I can tell just giving foo formals for the arguments you want it to catch gives you the end result you want, doesn't it? And if the generic has ... in it, you can (if you're very careful) add formals to specific methods that would capture arguments not meant for
2014 Nov 27
Feature request: mixing `...` (three dots) with other formal arguments in S4 methods
Janko, I'm not entirely sure I understand your proposal. Are you suggesting methods be dispatched based on the *contents* of ... (ie which arguments are in there)? This seems like it would be pretty different from how dispatch behaves now, which is entirely class based. Even the dispatching based on ... via dots methods is class based, having nothing to do AFAIK with the argument names. From
2010 Nov 21
reference classes: question on inheritance
Dear list, I have a reference class which should act as a "generic" superclass for other classes. I've read the respective section at ?setRefClass and put the name of the superclass to the 'contains' argument of an example subclass (see class defs below). Classnames are set in a way that shouldn't result in collation issues (virtual def sourced before superclass def
2011 Jun 03
Bug or feature: using "ANY" as a generic field class (was: '[R] Is there a (virtual) class that all R objects inherit from?)
Dear list, I was wondering if you could help me out in clarifying something: Is it possible to use class "ANY" in slots/fields of formal classes if you a) do not want to restrict valid classes of that field and b) if you are making explicit use of class inheritance? It seems to work in simple scenarios but produces errors when class inheritance comes into play. So I was
2011 May 27
Reference Classes/S4 Classes: can method dispatch check superclasses BEFORE resorting to method for "ANY"?
Dear list, is it possible that method dispatch checks for superclasses/virtual classes before checking "ANY"? I'd like to build a generic initialization method for all my Reference Class (say "MyDataFrame") objects by having them inherit from class, say "MyRefClassVirtual" (which would have to be a virtual S4 class; there are no virtual Reference Classes,
2010 Aug 17
Problems building own package (Error: "package has been build before R-2.10.0")
Dear List, I’m doing my first baby steps towards developing own R Packages and ran into the following problem: R CMD check mypackage works fine (no errors, no warnings) R CMD build mypackage works fine (no errors, no warnings) R CMD INSTALL –library=”C:\R\R-2.11.1\library” “something\mypackage\mypackage_1.0.tar.gz” works fine (no errors, no warnings) However, when I try loading the
2010 Aug 17
Problems building own package (Error: "package has been build before R-2.10.0")
Dear List, I’m doing my first baby steps towards developing own R Packages and ran into the following problem: R CMD check mypackage works fine (no errors, no warnings) R CMD build mypackage works fine (no errors, no warnings) R CMD INSTALL –library=”C:\R\R-2.11.1\library” “something\mypackage\mypackage_1.0.tar.gz” works fine (no errors, no warnings) However, when I try loading the
2014 Dec 15
Significant memory leak when using XML on Windows
Thanks a lot for answering. Before I get into it, please note that everything below bears the big capture "Thanks for trying to help me at all". 1) Yeah, those examples - quite hard to satisfy everyone's needs ;-) While the one side complained that my past examples regarding this issue were not informative enough, others didn't like the more elaborated version (as seems to be
2009 Aug 21
Function "nsl()" missing in package utils
Dear list, today I stumbled across the function ?nsl()? for the first time in order to perform a hostname lookup. According to the R Reference Index (Version 2.9.1, page 1522), the function should be part of the "utils" package. However, I cannot find it in the utils package of my installation(s). I've tried the R-versions 2.8.1, 2.9.0 and 2.9.1. I'd be very thankful if
2014 Dec 11
Significant memory leak when using XML on Windows
Dear list, I'm sorry to keep coming back with this time and time again, but this bug is still not fixed even though the root cause of the issue has been around for 2-3 years now. And as the number of packages that depend on XML grows, I thought maybe this deserves some wider attention. I did my best to make reproduction of the issue as easy as possible:
2010 Sep 03
Stats not loaded? Method for as.ts() results in error
Dear list, I've got the following problem: In a package I'm trying to build, there exists a method for the function "as.ts()". When checking the package, R always throws the error that it cannot find a function called "as.ts". To me it seems that the package "stats" (home of "as.ts()") is not loaded during the checking process even though
2010 Oct 14
Including data in packages
Dear List, I would like to include a couple of objects in a package I am developing and I don't really get it yet. The objects should be available after package load as some functions depend on it. I tried the following: 1) Bundling all objects that I need in the file '/R/sysdata.rda' as described in the "Writing R Extensions" manual on page 7 2)
2011 Jul 07
Simple inheritance check fails (integer from numeric)
Dear list, In a function, I don't care if my input has class 'integer' or 'numeric', so I wanted to use 'inherits()' to control for that. However, this function tells me that an actual object of class 'integer' does not inherit from class 'numeric'. The class def of 'integer' does state 'numeric' as one of the superclasses. Isn't
2010 Nov 04
Roxygen: @example tag does not work for me
Dear list, somehow I can't get the Roxygen tag "@example" to work for me. My "Roxygen-Header" of a script containing, say, a function looks like this: #' My header #' #' My description #' #' @param a Blabla. #' @param b Blabla. #' @return \code{TRUE}. #' @callGraphPrimitives #' @references #'
2010 Nov 17
Reference classes: accessor functions via 'getRefClass(...)$accessors(...)'
Hi there, I''d like to choose between an "static" and "dynamic" access of a reference class field, say ''a''. myObj <- getRefClass("Blabla")$new() Static: myObj$a Dynamic: myObj$a.get() where the function retrieves the data from a database (or some other location), stores it to a buffer and
2011 Feb 16
Avoiding name clashes: opinion on best practice naming conventions
Dear List, I'm trying to figure out some best practice way with respect to the naming conventions when building own packages. I'd like to minimize the risk of choosing function names that might interfere with those of other packages (both available ones and those yet to come). I came up with following alternatives 1. Prefixing the actual names (e.g. myPkgfoo() instead of foo()): pretty
2010 Sep 17
How to set up an own package repository
Dear List, I'd like to set up a package repository so I can use install.packages() on it for home-grown packages. I set up an AMPP infrastructure on a windows box already, but I'm pretty lost with respect to what to do next as I didn't do any web-programming/admin yet. Could anyone recommend some r-specific tutorials or has a couple of suggestions for me? I've had a look at the
2012 Jun 18
S4 Reference Classes: declaring public and private methods
Dear list, is there a way to declare public and private methods in S4 Reference Classes? If not, are there plans to add such a feature? You'll find a small code example of what I mean at Stackoverflow: Thanks a lot, Janko Thyson