similar to: installing tkrplot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "installing tkrplot"

2018 Sep 22
installing tkrplot
All of a sudden, I had the brilliant idea to google and the command below solved the problem. My apologies for noise. sudo apt-get install tk-dev On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 8:06 PM Mark Leeds <markleeds2 at> wrote: > Hi All: At the bottom of this email is my sessionInfo and below that > there is a command > that shows that tcltk is installed and working. My problem is
2011 Nov 30
Problem installing the package tkrplot
Hello people. My problem is that when I try to install the package tkrplot, I got the next problem: > install.packages("tkrplot") Installing package(s) into ?/home/marcos/R/i686-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.13? (as ?lib? is unspecified) probando la URL '' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 39037 bytes
2011 Nov 06
tkrplot does not install
Hi all I am running R 2.14.0 on Linux Mint 11 and want to use TeachingDemos but cannot update tkrplot. This is what happens: ############### In order to run * installing *source* package ?tkrplot? ... configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating src/Makevars ** libs gcc -std=gnu99 -I/usr/share/R/include -I/usr/include/tcl8.5 -I/usr/include/tcl8.5 -fpic -O3 -pipe -g -c
2012 Jun 09
Error when attempting to install tkrplot
I am getting following error when attempting to install the tkrplot package. ... gcc -std=gnu99 -I/usr/share/R/include -DNDEBUG -I/usr/include/tcl8.5 -I/usr/include/tcl8.5 -fpic -O3 -pipe -g -c tcltkimg.c -o tcltkimg.o tcltkimg.c:2:16: fatal error: tk.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. make: *** [tcltkimg.o] Error 1 ERROR: compilation failed for package ?tkrplot? *
2006 Jun 26
Some tcltk-related packages not loading (OS X)
Dear r helpers, In my exploration of the tcltk facilities of R I've had some success but some failures, and wonder if someone could point me to a solution. To begin: ****************************************************** > sessionInfo() Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01) powerpc-apple-darwin8.6.0 attached base packages: [1] "tcltk" "methods" "stats"
2012 May 14
phyloclim could not be installed in linux - problems on tkrplot dependence
Dear R-helpers, Christoph (author of phyloclim) and Luke (author of tkrplot), I would like to get your helps on installing of phyloclim in Ubuntu linux. It seems a package named 'tkrplot' could not be installed at firstly, then packages depends on it could not be installed latter. As I have tested, installation of phyloclim works smoothly in Mac. I attempted to install these packages in
2011 Aug 14
Problem installing R Commander plugin...
Hi ho folks: I'm running the indicated version of R on Hardy Heron Ubuntu. (Yes, I am quite aware that it is considered old news but then I don't run the "latest and greatest" computer gear. I've tried both Gnome and KDE editions of Ubuntu Lynx and even a current run of Fedora. I find Heron simply works better on my machine.) When I try to install RcmdrPlugin.PT most of
2012 Mar 05
installing package tkrplot
package tkrplot worked, but has broken while installing from R 2.11 to 2.14.2. it does not want to be installed anymore on a linux debian squeeze 64 system. have tried: - installing from source R: CMD INSTALL tkrplot_0.0-23.tar.gz - via synaptic: package r-cran-tkrplot - via terminal: sudo apt-get install r-cran-tkrplot - in R: install.packages('tkrplot',dependencies=TRUE) in all cases
2007 Jan 19
Problem with loading tkrplot
I asked the maintainer and he indicated that it might be a dll problem. Has anyone see this problem? I had installed the latest copy of tkrplot. I was trying to use teachingDemos when I first got the error. On 1/18/07, Luke Tierney <> wrote: > Looks like tcl can't find the dll or something along those lines. As > this is windows you'll have to ask
2011 May 04
tkrplot not working in R 2.13.0
The tkrplot package is not working in version 2.13.0 for windows. I contacted the maintainer who unfortunately does not have easy access to a windows computer and says that it is working on the other platforms. I traced the problem down to the line in the .First.lib function: .Tcl(paste("load", file, "Rplot")) With file being "C:/Program
2002 Oct 12
The package tkrplot now works in OS X (Jaguar). The core of the problem is that the load function in tcl does not accept bundles, but needs dynamic libraries (I verfied this using the native version of tclsh and Wish). But the config files in the tkrplot package (as in all packages) build bundles, not libraries. Thus I said in the src directorry of the tkrplot package gcc -dynamiclib
2009 May 17
package for /usr/lib64/R/library/tkrplot/libs/
Hi, 'revdep-rebuild' under GENTOO shows me that /usr/lib64/R/library/tkrplot/libs/, which was installed at April 24th, is broken. 'ldd /usr/lib64/R/library/tkrplot/libs/' shows me that needs and, which is no more installed since the installation of tcl,tk-8.5.7, which has happened at april 26th. But revdep-rebuild can't
2005 Aug 13
Broken tkrplot on Mac OS X
Dear all-- I have been trying to get the tkrplot package to work in order to use the bioconductor package genArise. I am trying to build it on a Mac running OS 10.4.1 with R 2.1.1. Following a stanadard install from R here the error I get when I try to load tkrplot > library(tkrplot) Loading required package: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done Error in
2003 Nov 06
how to install tkrplot?
Hello, my question is on as installing tkrplot, i want to charge it but appears "first.lib Failed" therefore says that not exist the tkrplot.dll and I download the and i unzip him and the file is in the path c: \R\1071\library\libs\tkrplot.dll, that should do so that find the. dll? Thanks Ruben
2003 May 22
Tkrplot works not
Hi, I've spent some time in programming R - tcl/tk. Today I've updated my R version from 1.6.2 to 1.7.0. My programm stops now with two error-messages: (How could it be, two errors? The command "stop" produces an error but does really stop the programm after it, isn't it?) > Loading required package: tcltk > Error in structure(.External("dotTcl", ...,
2010 Feb 03
Installation woes for rattle (and other packages)
Yesterday I wanted to try rattle on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty. I had (and still have) it running (though it complains on startup a bit -- I'll look into that later) on a different bootup on the same machine with 8.04 Hardy. I got an error that libglade cannot be found, and various attempts to get glade support failed. I removed and reinstalled R -- same problem. To avoid the issue of local setup
2011 Jun 03
tkrplot Newbie
Hello, I am trying to write a tcltk based program that plots/manipulates xts/xoo time series objects. I have the code I used from ## : ## require(quantmod) require(tcltk) library(tkrplot) Sys.setenv(TZ="GMT") getSymbols("^GSPC", from = "1960-01-01") Myhscale <- 2.5 # Horizontal scaling
2013 Mar 18
Windows R-3.0.0 and Tcl/tkrplot issue
Greetings R Developers, I've been testing the alpha release of R-3.0.0 and I noticed that the plotting functionality in package tkrplot was not working correctly. Further diagnosis found the issue to be related to the command '.Tcl("image create Rplot plotname")' from package "tkrplot". The following example is taken from here:
2003 Sep 12
win.metafile, devga, tkrplot in R 1.8.0
Hi, I just downloaded rw1080dev.exe 09-Sep-2003 07:42 21.6M from and tried using tkrplot on Windows 2000. .First.lib failed to load the dll: .Tcl(paste("load", file, "Rplot")) appeared to be mixing up double-backslashes and forward slashes: [tcl] couldn't load library "C:w1080devlibrary
2010 Jun 12
sharing experience - installing R Spatial Views
Hi Guys, I would like to share my experience when installing the Spatial views packages for R. I could not install 32 packages which are parts of the Spatial views, and I use google-search and search to solve ALL those problems for about 2 days. I hope maybe somebody would benefit from my experience. I admitted that I do not have excellent programming skills at all. So, perhaps some of